Agenda 2030: Workshops & matchmaking for Nordic municipalities in Stockholm

Agenda 2030 for municipalities: Welcome to Nordic matchmaking in Stockholm!

We welcome Nordic municipalities to Stockholm 13-14 October to make this the decade of action! Whether you are just getting started or already well on the way with SDG implementation – join us for this two-day event of practical workshops, networking, and matchmaking activities. The aim is to take your SDG work to the next level through peer-to-peer learning!

When: Thursday-Friday 13-14 October, 2022 (lunch to lunch)
Where: Stockholm, Nordregio's premises
Whom: Representatives from municipalities and regions working with Agenda 2030
Price: Free of charge. Travel reimbursements are available for participation in matchmaking activities.
Organizers: Nordregio, in collaboration with SKR/ Glokala Sverige, KS, KL, Kuntaliitto and Samband



13 October workshops: No PowerPoint marathons but hands-on workshops – bring your laptops! Based on our summer survey, the topics will include: governance and steering, citizen and other stakeholder engagement, indicators and monitoring, climate policies and the SDGs. There is still room for more ideas so let us know in the registration form. The workshops will be followed by social events in the evening, including dinner and inspirational talks.

14 October matchmaking: On the second day, we will continue with in-depth matchmaking activities; This is a unique opportunity for municipalities to build relationships with other Nordic municipalities and enable mutual learning and collaboration.

Register for the workshops and matchmaking session by the 26th of September via the link below. There is a limited number of places available, so the “first come – first served” principle applies. Nordregio confirms all registrations within a few days. 

If you are not able to join us 13-14 October, but interested in the matchmaking activities which will continue in 2023, please fill in the registration form and tick the suitable box. You may still be able to join the process. 




Why join the matchmaking?

Each municipality is different and there is no one solution that fits all. These matchmaking activities are meant to adjust solutions to unique local contexts and provide support for participants.

Have you developed a strategy, a specific approach, or tool to work with the SDGs and would like to share this with other municipalities? As a mentor, you can pass on your valuable experiences and help others to speed up their sustainability work and make your expertise known!

Are you looking for guidance and support to develop or start local Agenda 2030 implementation? As an apprentice, you will shorten your learning curve and get answers and tools to help in your daily work.

The matchmaking event on October 14th will kick off a series of facilitated peer-to-peer sessions planned for 2023. The pairs and small groups formed during the event, will continue their learning process through 3 more sessions.

  • Matchmaking session 1 (14 October, Stockholm): Framing the challenges and need for support – creating a roadmap with milestones for the joint learning process. 
  • Matchmaking sessions 2-3 (Winter + Spring 2023, digital): Collaboration continues – learning and adjusting tested tools and approaches, follow-up on the milestones and identifying challenges and progress 
  • Matchmaking session 4 (Fall 2023, TBD): Follow-up and possibly re-evaluating the milestones. (If the municipalities find it beneficial to meet in-person they may apply for additional travel grants)

The programme will be updated during September.

This is event is part of Nordregio's Localizing Agenda 2030 knowledge exchange activities funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers, in line with the Nordic “Our Vision 2030”. The vision aims at making the Nordic region the most integrated and sustainable in the world by 2030. More of our Agenda 2030 work here:

For questions, please contact:
Åsa Ström Hildestrand, project manager


