420 Publications
Bytes and Rights: Civil society’s role in digital inclusion
Civil society actors play a crucial part in bridging the digital divide. Their work on the multifaceted needs of at-risk groups should not be overlooked. How are NGOs across the Nordic-Baltic Region working to include their target groups? What hurdles do they face and how can we all – from policymakers to society at large – bolster their efforts going forward? To promote equal access to digitalised society, this publication explores the unique challenges and triumphs of NGOs aiding diverse groups. As part of Nordregio’s research project titled “Digital Inclusion in Action”, this Storymap highlights the important role of civil society actors in combating digital exclusion in the Nordic and Baltic region. The results showed that civil society actors in the Nordic and Baltic countries use a diverse range of approaches and tools to address needs and challenges – ranging from skills development, technological development, and lobbying. The data collection for this publication involved mapping of stakeholders, as well as a survey, conducted in spring 2023, targeting 314 civil society actors across the Nordic and Baltic region. Of the 74 responses received, 93% indicated their user group was at risk of digital exclusion, and 83% were actively providing assistance to those at risk. Following the survey, 25 interviews were conducted between October 2023 and February 2024 with representatives from Nordic and Baltic NGOs. Seventeen of the interviewed NGOs are presented in the final Storymap.
- 2024 September
- Storymap
- Baltic Sea Region
- Nordic Region
- Digitalisation
- Governance
The value of social sustainability in Nordic Tourism Policy
Measuring sustainable tourism doesn’t just mean looking at the natural environment. Travel destinations have to be livable and functional for the permanent residents who help make them so attractive in the first place. This report examines the integration of social sustainability within the national tourism policies of the Nordic countries, focusing on how these policies address the social dimensions of sustainable tourism. As tourism continues to grow in the Nordic region, the economic benefits of tourism have to be balanced with the environmental and social impacts, to ensure the well-being of local communities and the preservation of cultural heritage. Tourism plays a crucial role in the development of the Nordic region, offering significant opportunities for growth and job creation. However, the rapid expansion of the tourism industry has also brought challenges such as overtourism, environmental degradation, and social disruptions. The project this report belongs to, aims to explore how the Nordic countries are addressing these challenges by integrating social sustainability into their tourism policies. The concept of socially sustainable tourism encompasses various aspects, including community engagement, cultural preservation, social equity, and the well-being of local populations. By examining the national tourism policies of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Greenland, the Faroe Islands, and Åland, this report seeks to identify common themes and specific strategies employed by these countries to promote socially sustainable tourism. The analysis is based on a comprehensive literature review, policy review, and case studies, providing a holistic understanding of the current state of social sustainability in Nordic tourism. The findings highlight the importance of community involvement in tourism planning and development, the need for equitable distribution of tourism benefits, and the role of cultural preservation in maintaining the unique identity of the Nordic region. This report serves as a foundational document for further research on the more…
- 2024 August
- Report
- Nordic Region
- Rural development
- Tourism
The Nordic View on Sustainability – Learnings from the Local Level
This Nordic Voluntary Subnational Review (VSR) is the first cross-national report of its kind in the world. It has been developed as a joint venture by the Nordic Associations of Local and Regional Governments (LRGAs) and Nordregio. The aim of the report is to highlight how the Nordic municipalities and regional authorities have localised the Sustainable Development Goals – progress made, as well as obstacles they have met in their work. Through the report and a toolbox, we want to share learnings and tested methods with local and regional authorities globally. Development happens locally. At least 105 of the 169 SDG targets depend on active engagement from local and regional authorities. The 2030 Agenda can serve as a tool to pinpoint sustainability challenges and track progress holistically, fostering collaboration among citizens, businesses, and civil society. Nordic welfare states, known for their autonomy at the municipal and regional level, have long served as a global benchmark for systematically addressing sustainability challenges. This Nordic VSR is based on surveys sent to Nordic municipalities, complemented by interviews with representatives from the LRGAs regarding the strengths and weaknesses of national support to the local level, as well as the role of LRGAs in building competence and promoting municipal cooperation. The report also includes subchapters on methods for meaningful citizen engagement by The Nordic Youth Network for Sustainable Development and the Nordic Civil Society Network. The report’s official launch took place as a side event at the UN High-Level Political Forum. See a recording of it here. Five highlights from the report Nordic Toolbox An important complement to the Nordic VSR is the Nordic Toolbox: an interactive, online map of Nordic municipalities showcasing transferable methods and initiatives for implementing the SDGs. The Nordic Toolbox offers a diverse collection of examples and tools that you can filter by SDG or by…
- 2024 July
- Report
- Nordic Region
- Governance
- Sustainable development
Fiscal policy in uncertain times: Nordic Economic Policy Review 2024
This edition of the Nordic Economic Policy Review consists of five papers that provide a rich perspective on fiscal stabilisation in Nordic countries, highlighting different challenges in managing the national economies. Of particular interest in terms of automatic stabilisers and fiscal stabilisation is the potential time and state-dependency of fiscal multipliers. The papers also discuss the key lessons for fiscal policy from the Global Financial Crisis, the COVID-19 pandemic and the Russian invasion of Ukraine. One topical issue relates to spending limits used and their potential effects on, in particular, constraining the efficacy of fiscal stabilisation, as well as their role in explaining any observed differences in the fiscal multipliers across spending items and tax instruments.
- 2024 June
- Report
- Nordic Region
- Finance
Economic Policy beyond the Pandemic in the Nordic countries
This comprehensive report delves into the economic policy responses of the Nordic countries amidst the tumultuous period marked by the COVID-19 pandemic, the subsequent recovery phase, the energy crisis, and inflation spanning from 2020 to 2023. It provides a critical examination of the macroeconomic strategies employed during these challenging times, highlighting the lessons learned and the effectiveness of different policies. The report raises pivotal questions regarding the outcomes of these policies, their impact on the Nordic economies, and the lessons that these countries can glean from each other’s experiences. Key Findings and Highlights: Overall the report underscores the importance of policy adaptability, advocating for economic policies that can swiftly respond to unforeseen crises without compromising long-term fiscal sustainability. It calls for targeted support measures that aid vulnerable households and firms during economic downturns without impeding structural adjustments. Furthermore, it emphasizes the necessity for adequate resources towards active labour market policies, including vocational training and subsidized employment. Facing intricate trade-offs between maintaining robust economic policy frameworks and adapting to new challenges, the Nordic countries stand at a crossroads. The report advocates for a vibrant exchange of policy insights and impacts, stressing the need for adaptable, targeted, and well-resourced economic policies. This report is essential reading for policymakers, economists, and anyone interested in the complexities of economic policy-making in the face of multiple crises. It offers a thorough analysis of the Nordic experience, providing valuable lessons for both the region and beyond.
- 2024 April
- Report
- Nordic Region
- Finance
SiEUGreen White Paper with best practices
This report explores the potential of Urban Agriculture (UA) to enhance food security, improve resource efficiency, and promote smart, resilient, and circular cities. The discussion is framed within the scope of the Horizon 2020 project ‘Sino-European Innovative Green and Smart Cities’ (SiEUGreen) which explored different pathways to turn waste into resources for growing food in cities through the combination of different technologies. These technologies were tested in five showcases: Campus Ås, in Ås, Norway; World Gardens and Brabrand Fællesgartneriet community gardens in Aarhus, Denmark; Turunçlu greenhouse in Atakya, Turkey; Sanyuan Farm, in Beijing, and Futiancangjun residential area in Changsha, China. The insights and knowledge gained with these showcases were the basis to discuss the barriers and drivers of UA in the transition to more sustainable and resilient circular cities, across five aspects (1) environmental, (2) technological, (3) economic, (4) social and cultural and (5) regulatory and institutional issues. The results suggest that city food provision and UA systems can be designed considering circular economy regenerative cycles, but it is important to promote local research that can highlight policy solutions to address context-related barriers and limitations. Among the main lessons learned across the different aspects, we highlight:
- 2024 March
- Report
- Global
- Urban planning
From Vision to Practice – Insights from Nordic-Baltic 5G applications across sectors
This report builds on the findings of the Nordic-Baltic 5G Monitoring Tool (N-B 5G MT) project ‘Analytical Report’, which focused on mapping 5G activities in the Nordic-Baltic region and analysing their roll-out status. In this follow-up report, we delve deeper into actual 5G applications across different verticals (i.e. sectors), including healthcare, transportation/mobility, industry and media/broadcasting. The Nordic-Baltic region faces knowledge gaps in understanding 5G’s full economic impact, despite its role as both a service and an enabler. While there’s notable activity in sectors like transport, smart cities, and health, most 5G projects are still in the early stages, and the business case for widespread 5G deployment is not yet clear. This report examines how various sectors address these challenges and what can be learned from their experiences in advancing 5G development. The report identifies challenges in each sector, such as funding constraints in healthcare, technical hurdles in transportation, market immaturity in industry, and infrastructure investment needs in media, highlighting the complex landscape of 5G deployment. The project’s key findings point to a number of cross-cutting challenges that require comprehensive attention and solutions: Overall, the report emphasises the need for a systemic approach to addressing these challenges. This includes clarifying the business value of 5G; fostering ecosystems for collaboration; and ensuring that policy and regulatory frameworks support the innovative, equitable deployment of 5G technology. Overcoming these hurdles will require concerted efforts from all stakeholders, including governments, industry and the wider community. Only then will the transformative potential of 5G for society be fully realised.
- 2024 March
- Report
- Baltic Sea Region
- Nordic Region
- Digitalisation
- Governance
Towards a grid-based Nordic territorial typology
This report presents the grid-based Nordic urban–rural typology, a tool for studying spatial phenomena across Nordic territories. Through seven different typology classes based on different degrees of urbanity and rurality, the typology helps to provide a more nuanced and fine-grained understanding of territorial differences across the Nordic countries. The report show that the Nordic countries are predominantly rural when considering how their land areas are classified. However, settlement is unevenly distributed in all Nordic countries, with the majority of people living in urban areas. The analysis shows that urbanisation has been a general trend the past couple of decades, with peri-urban areas growing too. Rural areas have faced depopulation in general, apart from rural areas in the vicinity of cities, which have become more attractive. The Nordic urban-rural typology and more fine-grained data can help reveal territorial differences that cannot be observed with more general statistics and data. This grid-based typology shows that many municipalities are at the same time both urban, intermediate, and rural, and in many cases these different categories seem to be undergoing quite different types of development.
- 2024 March
- Report
- Nordic Region
- Rural development
- Urban planning
Svensk-norskt samarbete: viktiga utmaningar och framtida möjligheter
Denna rapport, beställd av Region Värmland, analyserar gränshinder inom den statliga regionalpolitiken mellan Sverige och Norge, med målet att belysa integrationen av gränsperspektivet och diskutera utmaningar samt möjligheter för gränsöverskridande samarbete. Gränsen mellan Sverige och Norge beskrivs som “mjuk” med omfattande flöden, där historien av samarbete erbjuder betydande potential. Starka sociala band och ‘den mjuka gränsen’ främjar arbetskraftens rörlighet och affärssamarbeten, vilket bidrar till ökad konkurrenskraft och större marknader. Rapporten identifierar även gränshinder som påverkar individer, pendlare, och företag i gränsområdet. Den betonar vikten av dialog och samverkan för att ta tillvara möjligheter och hitta lösningar på gemensamma utmaningar. Rapporten framhåller att den regionala politiken i båda länderna ger regionerna ansvar för utveckling, men pekar på skillnader i hur gränsöverskridande aspekter hanteras. Den understryker vikten av gränsöverskridande samarbete för att skapa en integrerad arbetsmarknad och främja ekonomisk utveckling, trots att dessa aspekter har fått minskad uppmärksamhet i de nuvarande nationella strategierna. Rapporten uppmanar till en ökad inriktning på gränsöverskridande samarbete och bättre utnyttjande av regionernas potential för att överbrygga gränshinder och främja en hållbar utveckling i gränsregionerna.
- 2024 March
- Report
- Cross-border
- Nordic Region
- Governance
- Labour market