230 Events
Sustainable Living Summit: How you can act for change
Sign up for 15 October and get in on the action at the Sustainable Living Summit in Stockholm. We have invited speakers from a number of key sectors and research fields to showcase solutions, policies, and guidelines for how to contribute to sustainable lifestyle choices.
- 15 October 2024
- Conferences
Rights and bytes – Civil society’s role in Digital Inclusion
Civil society actors are crucial in bridging the digital divide in the Nordic and Baltic Region. Their work combating digital exclusion for socially at-risk groups with multifaceted needs should not be overlooked. But what does their support look like? What works, and what hinders these organisations? As part of Nordregio’s ongoing research project, “Digital Inclusion in Action,” this webinar explored the important role of Nordic and Baltic civil society actors in ensuring that no one is left behind in our increasingly digital world. As civil society gains traction in digitalisation policies to ensure and promote equal access to the digitalised society, we will explore the unique challenges and success factors of NGOs supporting diverse groups. We have interviewed 20 NGOs across the Nordics and Baltics – during this webinar, we presented results from our research and present the comprehensive overview of their work – launching as digital stories at the webinar. NGO representatives will be present to share firsthand accounts of their work: best practices, and the unique challenges they face, following an interactive panel discussion. Watch a recording of the webinar below. Webinar programme: Throughout the webinar you, our digital audience, will be encouraged to engage with the content: share thoughts, insights, good practices and ask questions. With us to guide us through the interactive webinar, is moderator Annika Östman, Head of Communication at Nordregio. Join us to learn more about: Don’t miss this chance to learn, share, and network about making digital inclusion a reality in the Nordic and Baltic Regions. Explore the Storymap “Bytes and Rights: Civil society’s role in digital inclusion” now.
- 10 September 2024
- Webinar
Ystad Summit: Hur kan nordiska städer ta ledningen i klimatomställningen?
Norden har länge varit en förebild i klimatarbetet. En majoritet av nordiska kommuner arbetar strategiskt med FN:s globala hållbarhetsmål, enligt en ny rapport från Nordregio. EU-valet den 9 juni visade dessutom att klimatfrågan är viktigare i Norden än andra delar av Europa. Under Ystad Summit samlar Nordregio tongivande röster för att diskutera hur nordiska städer kan ta ledningen i den nödvändiga transformationen till ett hållbart samhälle. Är vi så bra på grön omställning i praktiken – eller är det mest snack? Hur går det med transporterna, konsumtionen och den biologiska mångfalden egentligen? Och vad händer om vi bara fokuserar på klimatet och inte de sociala utmaningarna, i jakten på att bli den mest hållbara staden? Kort sagt, vad krävs av politiker och invånare för att nordiska städer ska kunna bli verkliga förebilder för resten av världen? Med avstamp i den nyligen lanserade rapporten om hur nordiska kommuner implementerar hållbarhetsmålen, kommer företrädare från organisationer och kommuner i de nordiska länderna att diskutera utmaningar, erfarenheter och hur vi tillsammans kan ta ledningen i omställningen. Vi kommer också få höra ungas perspektiv på vad som är viktigt och hur vi involverar dem i detta arbete. Medverkande:• Åsa Ström Hildestrand, Nordregio/Nordiska Ministerrådet• Katrin Stjernfeldt Jammeh, KSO Malmö Stad och ordförande ICLEI• Anna Esbjörn, Concito – Danmarks gröna tankesmedja som stöttar kommuner i genomförandet av klimathandlingsplaner• Åsa Minoz, Viable Cities• Siri Ankarfors, scout och LSU:s ungdomsrepresentant i FN för klimat- och miljöfrågor• Moderator: Yasemin Arhan Modéer, Altitude Meetings Vi ses på Ystad Summit, i Biografen den 5 september. Eventet kommer även att live-streamas här. Ystad Summit är en politiskt oberoende och öppen demokratisk mötesplats. Läs mer på deras hemsida.
- 05 September 2024
- Seminars
Launch: State of the Nordic Region 2024
The 20th edition of the State of the Nordic Region is out! We shared the report highlights in an online launch on 19 June. A recording is available below. The speakers included: State of the Nordic Region 2024 takes stock of the latest socio-economic trends and developments in demography, labour market and economy in the Nordic countries, regions, municipalities, and cities. We have also included a brand new and revised Regional Potential Index that sheds light on the development potential and performance of regions across the Nordics and helps identify the regions with the strongest growth potential. The report is a source of comparative knowledge and insights. It offers a rich Nordic panorama through a collection of maps, data, figures and analyses that highlight both broader, common trends, as well as local and regional differences. The report is a treasure trove of information for the anyone and everyone interested in learning about the Nordics or getting inspired by the Nordic model, or drawing insights from the diversity of Nordic regions and areas. State of the Nordic Region is a biannual report published and produced by Nordregio. State of the Nordic Region 2024 marks the 20th edition of the report. Building on a rich knowledge base, extensive data sets, statistics, maps and analyses, it takes a closer look the latest trends and developments in the Nordic Region from three perspectives: Demography, Labour Market and Economy. The report gives a unique look behind the scenes of the world’s most integrated region, comprised of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden, along with Greenland, the Faroe Islands and Åland.
- 19 June 2024
- Publication launch
- Webinar
Fiscal Policy in Uncertain Times: Nordic Economic Policy Review 2024
Welcome to the launch event of the new report “Fiscal Policy in Uncertain Times”. The Global Financial Crisis, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the Russian invasion of Ukraine have had vastly negative effects on economies and increased the risk of political instability in all corners of the world. One consequence has been a renewed interest in the efficiency of conventional macroeconomic policies, fiscal policy in particular. This edition of the Nordic Economic Policy Review, provides a rich perspective on fiscal stabilisation in Nordic countries, highlighting different challenges in managing national economies during uncertain times. The event is organised together with the Danish Ministry of Finance. Watch the live stream on YouTube 14:00-16:30 (CET) below: Programme 7 June: 13.30-14.00: Arrival and coffee 14.00-14.15: Opening remarks 14.15-14.25: Introduction to report 14.25-15.30: Fiscal Stabilisers in Denmark and Sweden 15.30-´15.45: Coffee break– 15 mins. 15.45-16.30: Panel Debate: Fiscal policy during uncertain times – What are the challenges facing stabilisation policy in the future? Moderator: Sune Bjørnvig, Communications Advisor and Partner, FRIDAY & Partner Panelists: The event takes place on 7 June at 14:00-16:30 CET at the Danish Finance Ministry in Copenhagen, Denmark, and online. The event is open to all stakeholders and is free of charge. Please note that registration is mandatory. Register before 4 June!
- 07 June 2024
- Publication launch
Digital Inclusion in the Nordic-Baltic Region – The Conference
During two half days, 14-15 May 2024, it is finally time for the “Digital Inclusion in the Nordic-Baltic Region – The Conference” where we will deep dive into the development in the Nordic and Baltic Region! What is the current status of digital inclusion policies, or the rollout of eID and what role does civil society play? This and much more is on the agenda when policymakers, practitioners, civil society, and academia gather in Stockholm. We will showcase the outcomes of two years of research, highlighting the unique challenges and solutions specific to the Nordic-Baltic Region. As this event aims to foster collaboration, dialogue, and knowledge exchange – we need you in the room with us. During the two days two reports, two studies and two new tools will be launched! Programme Tuesday, 14th of May Starting 11:30 with check-in and lunch. The first day of the conference will tackle the question of “What characterises digital inclusion in the Nordic/Baltic region?” and “What can we do to reduce digital exclusion in the Nordic/Baltic region?”. Topics include discussions on the evolution of the political landscape concerning digital inclusion post Covid-19 in the Nordic and Baltic region, the status of digitalisation of the public sector, barriers and solutions of E-id roll out in the Nordic and Baltic region, the pivotal role of civil society actors in ensuring digital participation across all societal groups and, lastly, how can the political level work together with the civil society level. 11.30 Arrival and lunch 12.30 Welcome to the conference!Our moderator Annika Östman, head of communications at Nordregio, opens the conference Rolf Elmér, Director at Nordregio, welcomes you 12.45 Official Opening of ConferenceDan Sjöblom, Director-General of the Swedish Post and Telecom Authority (PTS) and Representative for the Swedish presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers in 2024 13.00 Setting the stage: What…
- 14 - 15 May 2024
- Conferences
Launch event: Economic Policy beyond the Pandemic in the Nordic countries
Welcome to the launch event of the new report “Economic Policy beyond the Pandemic in the Nordic countries”. The focus will be on evaluating the effectiveness of current fiscal and monetary policies, understanding the challenges facing labour markets, and discussing strategic approaches to economic resilience and recovery. This event aims to facilitate a comprehensive dialogue on the necessary policy adjustments and innovations required to navigate the post-pandemic economic environment effectively. The event is organised together with and hosted by the Swedish Ministry of Finance. Programme: 08.30-09.00: Registration and sandwiches 09.00-09.10: Introduction 09.10-09.40: Nordic fiscal and monetary policy regimes – Are they up to the challenges? 09.40-09.55: Coffee break– 15 mins. 09.55-10.25: Nordic labour markets – What are the key challenges and how should we address them? 10.25-10.55: Panel Debate: Economic policy in times of overlapping crises – What has worked and what should be improved? 10.55-11.00: Concluding remarks Registration: Please note that registration is mandatory. Registration closes April 12th! A link to the stream will be sent to everyone before the event.
- 16 April 2024
- Publication launch
Urban Transformation Talks
The TANGO-W project—which focuses on transformative capacity in energy, food, and water—invites urban planners, sustainability experts, and innovative thinkers to join our enlightening webinar series Urban Transformation Talks. The series features partners from diverse European cities who will share insights and advancements in driving sustainable urban development. Register for one, two, or all three webinars to engage with researchers and practitioners, and learn about new approaches to building resilient, sustainable cities. What is Urban Transformative Capacity and why does it matter for sustainability in your city?Webinar 1# 9 April 10-11 CET Our first webinar in this series covers what is Urban Transformation Capacity—and why it is crucial for sustainability. To become more sustainable, cities need to adapt their capacities to meet the challenges following climate change and learn how to successfully implement new processes and governance models in urban contexts. This calls for a paradigm shift among political, administrative, and research sectors, with a focus on linking food-water-energy policies as part of holistic solutions in cross-sectorial collaboration. In this webinar, you will hear insights from Doris Willhelmer (Austrian Institute of Technology); Maria Lennartsson (Stockholms Stad, Sweden) and Stefan Guggenberger (Klagenfurt Municipality, Austria) Urban Transformative Capacity in practice: Implementing sustainability projectsWebinar 2# 16 April 10-11 CET This webinar will discuss the opportunities and challenges of implementing sustainability projects. Insights from practical examples of local urban food production through aquaponics in Norrtälje (Sweden) and a food-waste reduction project with kindergartens in Halden (Norway) provide the context for discussing preconditions of urban transformative capacity. In this webinar, you will hear insights from Anja Wingstedt (Smart Innovation Norway); Kristiina Mustonen (Campus Roslagen, Sweden) and Hilde Marie Wold (Halden Municipality, Norway) Instruments for driving changeWebinar 3# 23 April 10-11 CET This webinar highlights different approaches for driving change towards a sustainable future, shaped by urban…
- 16 - 23 April 2024
- Webinar
How can the individual benefits of migration translate into societal benefits for the left-behind regions? Watch the recording of PREMIUM_EU’s first annual event on 10 April 2024, for a first look at the project’s methodology and projected research results. This webinar dives deep into the brain-drain that affects most rural regions by looking at the drivers that make people move and the regional characteristics that make people stay. Learn about the “The Human Migration Database” and how to leverage social media in mobility data analysis. We also explore how research-based policies might give left-behind regions a new chance to gain back those brains. Programme 09:30-9:45: Introduction to PREMIUM_EU – Leo van Wissen and Anne Katrine Ebbesen 09:45-10:10: The Human Migration Database – leveraging social media and novel data sources – Maciej J. Danko and Jisu Kim 10:10-10:30: Regional Development – The impact of migration policies – Korrie Melis, Elles Bulder and Peter Meister-Broekema 10:30-10:50: How education links mobility to regional development – Dr. Dilek Yildiz and Leo van Wissen 10:50-11:00: Break 11:00-12:00: Panel discussion – A better future for left-behind regions, fuelled by migration?
- 10 April 2024
- Webinar
The Nordic View on Sustainability – lessons and practices
Welcome to this webinar where you will learn about the first ever Nordic Voluntary Sub-National Review of local governments’ efforts to reach the global sustainability goals and Agenda 2030. The “Nordic VSR” is based on a recent survey sent to all Nordic municipalities and regions. In July, Nordregio together with Nordic Local and Regional Government Associations will present it to a global audience at the UN High Level Political Forum in New York. We will share Nordic learnings and show the world that the local level is leading the way. During the webinar, you will be the first to learn more about the preliminary results and recommendations from the Nordic VSR, followed by comments and discussion with key stakeholders, including Nordic municipalities, youth networks and civil society. As our digital audience, you will be able to interact with the speakers throughout the programme via chat and polls. You will also be encouraged to share your success factors, needs and challenges working with the global goals/Agenda 2030 at the local level. Register to the webinar using the form below. The Nordic VSR is produced by Nordregio and an editorial group consisting of:Local Government Denmark (Kommunernes Landsforening – KL)Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities (Kuntaliitto)The Icelandic Association of Local Authorities (Samband)The Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities (KS)The Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (Sveriges Kommuner och Regioner) Programme Tuesday April 9, 13.00-14.30 (CET) 13:00 – Welcome by Moderator (Åsa Hildestrand, Nordregio) Greeting by Anna Calvete Moreno, UCLG World Secretariat Barcelona: the Nordic VSR as a tool to boost SDG localisation globally About the Nordic VSR, intro by Nordregio – survey and production 13:15 Editorial group presents key recommendations in the Nordic VSR:Eveliina Kiema-Majanen, Kuntaliitto, FinlandAnna G. Björnsdóttir, Samband, IcelandAnne Romsaas, KS, NorwayAnna Eklöf, SKR, Sweden 13:30 Comments by civil society,…
- 09 April 2024
- Webinar
Nordic urban-rural typology reveals population changes
We are proud to present the Nordic urban-rural typology and a new report with it! This new grid-based Nordic urban-rural typology offers a versatile tool for enhancing spatial planning, policy development and research. Join us as we present how to use it to understand territorial differences, settlement, and population development patterns across the urban-rural continuum. Improved results and analysis on Nordic level The typology uses 1×1 km grid data to categorise territories in the Nordic countries, by urban and rural characteristics. It identifies seven types of areas: ranging from densely populated urban centres, to sparsely populated rural areas. By using this typology as an analytical framework, we have studied demographic trends across the Nordic region and conducted localised analysis, presented in the report that will be launched during the event. Thanks to the statistical data – available on a very detailed level – the urban-rural typology serves as an analytical tool, giving you the possibility to compare population trends and settlement patterns between different types of areas and countries, offering a more detailed spatial analysis than ever. On 19 March, we invite you to a webinar where we will go into depth on why and how we developed this grid-based Nordic territorial typology and then used this typology to conduct comparative analysis across the Nordic countries. The webinar will cover: Possibilities for policy and research Nordic typology shows that many municipalities are at the same time both urban, intermediate, and rural, and in many cases these different categories seem to be undergoing quite different types of development. The typology itself does not communicate any trends, but offers a framework for informed decision-making in spatial planning and policy formulation across the Nordic Region. Analysis enabled by this tool are crucial for crafting effective policies and strategies, especially in adapting to trends such…
- 19 March 2024
- Publication launch
- Webinar
Launch: Policy tools for sustainable and healthy eating
Welcome to join us for the launch of the new report “Policy tools for sustainable and healthy eating” that will provide guidance and recommendations for policy interventions to enable dietary shifts. The event will host a discussion with thought leaders and experts on what policies are needed to create enabling food environments for better diets. The event will also connect Nordic cases with international experiences. Current consumption patterns in the Nordic region are not aligned with national dietary guidelines or health and sustainability targets. There is a need to shift diets for a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle. This is a global challenge and a necessity for the health of ourselves and the planet. As part of the Nordic Vision project Healthy and Sustainable Food Systems, the Nordic Council of Ministers has cooperated with Nordregio to deliver a research project about the Nordic food environments and behavior change. The research project complements the release of the Nordic Nutrition Recommendations 2023 (NNR2023) and provides policymakers with proposals and suggestions for policies and interventions that are implementable in the Nordic countries to guide dietary shifts. Speakers More speakers will be announced soon. Sign up here! (Registration is mandatory) The event is open to all stakeholders and is free of charge. Welcome!
- 14 March 2024
- Publication launch
Meet a local. A Nordic model of community sponsorship for refugees
Community sponsorship programmes aim to support integration of refugees into the new community. Originating from Canada, the model has gained increasing interest throughout Europe in recent years. At this webinar, we will hear about recently launched pilot programmes in the Nordic countries. The Nordic countries have a tradition of organizing resettlement of refugees as a state-run and -sponsored scheme, involving municipalities during the reception and integration phase. The societal model is anchored in a system of free access to social welfare, housing, health care and education. Community sponsorship builds on the idea, that local volunteers and organizations can add to government-assisted integration support and play a central role in welcoming refugees. It supports the integration by engaging citizens and local communities in providing emotional, financial, and practical help to newly arrived refugees. The volunteers are committed to foster inclusion and self-sustainability of refugees but do not have to contribute financially. Recently launched pilot programmes in the Nordic countries are designed for quota refugees within the national resettlement programmes, and in the case of Sweden also for spontaneously arrived refugees with residence permits. Read more about community sponsorship at UNHCR Representation for the Nordic and Baltic countries. At this webinar, we aim to raise awareness, share practical experiences, and discuss the Nordic model of community sponsorship. Speakers join us from organisations and municipalities involved in community sponsorship and similar initiatives in the Nordic countries, as well as from a Danish partnership programme Venner Viser Vej. Programme: 13:00 Welcome and introduction to community-based sponsorship in the NordicsErika Löfgren, UNHCR Representation for the Nordic and Baltic countriesKaisa Kepsu, Integration Norden, Nordic Welfare CentreÅsa Ström Hildestrand, Moderator, Nordregio 13:15 Experiences from the Nordic countriesAnna Gezelius, Danderyd municipality, SwedenSit Elgeel Abdalkreem Abdalrhman Saber, matched newly arrived, Danderyd, SwedenLeigh Neil, welcoming guide, Danderyd, SwedenÞórunn Pálína Jónsdóttir,…
- 06 March 2024
- Webinar
Beyond the City Limits: Possibilities and uncertainties of remote work
The pandemic posed a shift in work culture and normalised remote work. With the freedom to turn down the urban office setting, workers are presented opportunities for compatible career and lifestyle choices in rural and small-town settings. As we navigate this work-life balance renaissance, questions arise: The shift to remote work has impacted our perception of place and mobility, introducing new needs and challenges. By uncovering how this has changed the work-life balance, planners can use this trend to plan for communities that not only attract but also retain residents. As this is a moving target, we understand that there may be more questions than answers, so we invite you, as Nordic planners and policymakers, to engage with us in dialogue – to not only observe the change, but to use its opportunities. Between 10 – 11 CET on 20 February, we presented case studies of Nordic smaller towns and rural areas and their approach to remote work opportunities. Possibilities and uncertainties in working life trends, demographic development and planning was discussed. Webinar agenda:
- 20 February 2024
- Publication launch
- Webinar