On 10 September 2024, Nordregio will host a workshop in collaboration with the ERC Advanced Grant project InfraNorth.
Under the title ‘Ethnography beyond the case study: Possibilities and limitations of comparison‘, the workshop encourages broad discussions from a variety of social science perspectives about successful comparative projects across different regional and topical areas. The discussion will draw from the experiences in a pan-Arctic project addressing transport infrastructures and the comparability of human engagements with transport infrastructures across regional contexts.
Registration for the workshop is open. The event will be held in a hybrid format. You can sign up to participate in person at Nordregio’s premises in Stockholm (Holmamiralens Väg 10) or follow the discussion online (Zoom).

09:30-10:45 Session 1
Moderation: Peter Schweitzer
- Opening: Welcome and Introduction to the Workshop
Timothy Heleniak (Nordregio) and Peter Schweitzer (University of Vienna) - Memories of Comparative Anthropology
Ulf Hannerz (Stockholm University)
10:45-11:15 Coffee break
11:15-12:45 Session 2
Moderation: Philipp Budka
- What is Arctic Adaptive Governance in the Context of Climate Change and Permafrost Thaw?
Leneisja Jungsberg (Nordregio) - JUSTNORTH: Reflections on the Viability of Sustainable Development
Corine Wood-Donnelly (Uppsala University) - Ethnographic Comparison in the Arctic: Collective and Individual Transport Infrastructure
Florian Stammler (University of Lapland)
12:45-14:30 Lunch break
14:30-16:00 Session 3
Moderation: Elena Davydova
- From Case Study to Pan-Arctic Ambition: The InfraNorth Project and the Challenge of Comparison
Peter Schweitzer et al. (University of Vienna) - Infrastructuring Arctic Coastal Communities: A Comparative Anthropology of Seaport Projects in Alaska and Norway
Olga Povoroznyuk (University of Vienna) - Accessing the “Inaccessible”: The Role of Airports for Northern “Wilderness” Destinations
Alexandra Meyer, Ria-Maria Adams, and Sophie Elixhauser (University of Vienna)
16:00-16:15 Coffee break
16:15-17:45 Session 4
Moderation: Katrin Schmid
- Infrastructures of Circulation: Migrant Preparatory Training in Southeast Asia and East Africa
Johan Lindquist (Stockholm University) - Small and Large Infrastructures: A Comparison
Chakad Ojani (Stockholm University) - General Discussion
See InfraNorth’s website for more information about the workshop.