Webinar: New perspectives on higher education in Nordic rural areas

How can we establish and develop attractive areas for higher education in smaller cities? Join our webinar for a first look into the future of education in the Nordics.  

This webinar will explore the evolving landscape of educational institutions and organizations in small cities and rural areas across the Nordic countries. We will examine their unique characteristics, key strategies, success factors and challenges. Additionally, we will discuss their roles in regional development, aligning with labour market demands, and attracting and retaining young people. 

You will be presented with the initial findings from the EDYNORA project. Practitioners from Norway, Denmark, and Åland will share their insights on effective, innovative educational development in smaller cities and rural regions.

This webinar is for practitioners, public sector actors, researchers, planners and policymakers with an interest in education and regional development 

Photo: Priscilla Du / unsplash.com

Preliminary programme

  • Welcome and introduction 
  • Overview of the latest research and findings from the EDYNORA project 
  • Presentations on innovative development of education in rural areas from Åland, Denmark and Norway
  • Discussion and questions from the audience 
  • Closing remarks and future events 

This event will take place on Zoom. The link will be sent upon registration.

