Impressive new portfolio of Nordic-Arctic projects in the pipeline

22 projects received support from the Nordic Arctic Cooperation Programme 2018. A total of 6,52 million DKK were allocated in June 2018.

The purpose of the Nordic Council of Ministers’ Arctic Co-operation Programme 2018–2021 is to create sustainable and constructive development in the Arctic based on four P’s: planet, peoples, prosperity and partnerships. Traditionally, the Council of Ministers has prioritised the partnership perspective and worked to integrate it horizontally into the programme. This will continue to be a priority.

Eight projects focusing on “People(s) priorities” were granted, of which four of them were continued projects. Five projects received support under the headline of “Planet priorities”, three of them were continued projects. Four projects got support within the Partnerships priority (one continued) and finally, five projects were granted from the Prosperity priority, of which two received support already last year earlier and was therefore granted continuation.

The programme is administered by Nordregio, an international research centre for regional development and planning established by the Nordic Council of Ministers.

A more detailed overview of projects supported under the 2018 programme will be provided this summer on

