Bytes and Rights: Civil society’s role in digital inclusion

Civil society actors play a crucial part in bridging the digital divide. Their work on the multifaceted needs of at-risk groups should not be overlooked. How are NGOs across the Nordic-Baltic Region working to include their target groups? What hurdles do they face and how can we all – from policymakers to society at large – bolster their efforts going forward? 

To promote equal access to digitalised society, this publication explores the unique challenges and triumphs of NGOs aiding diverse groups. As part of Nordregio’s research project titled “Digital Inclusion in Action”, this Storymap highlights the important role of civil society actors in combating digital exclusion in the Nordic and Baltic region.

The results showed that civil society actors in the Nordic and Baltic countries use a diverse range of approaches and tools to address needs and challenges – ranging from skills development, technological development, and lobbying.

The data collection for this publication involved mapping of stakeholders, as well as a survey, conducted in spring 2023, targeting 314 civil society actors across the Nordic and Baltic region. Of the 74 responses received, 93% indicated their user group was at risk of digital exclusion, and 83% were actively providing assistance to those at risk.

Following the survey, 25 interviews were conducted between October 2023 and February 2024 with representatives from Nordic and Baltic NGOs. Seventeen of the interviewed NGOs are presented in the final Storymap.

