Debora has a background in economic sociology with a focus on migration studies. Her research delves into the multifaceted impacts of migration on both individuals and society, exploring its economic and social dimensions. She also investigates how the gender and ethnic dynamics shape migration processes and integration strategies using an international comparative perspective.
- Ph.D in Labor Studies, Tel Aviv University (2019)
Previous positions
- Researcher Demography Unit (SUDA), Department of Sociology, Stockholm University; Sweden (2022-2023)
- Postdoctoral Fellow Center for Economic Demography, Department of Economic History, School of Economics and Management, Lund University, Sweden (2020-2022)
- Guest Researcher Department of Economy and Society, School of Business, Economics and Law at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden (2014-2019)
- English
- Spanish
- Hebrew
- Swedish – Intermediate
- Birgier, D. P., & Bar-Haim, E. (2023). Language Used at Home and Educational–Occupational Mismatch of Migrants by Gender. Social Indicators Research, 1-26.
- Birgier, D. P., Lundh, C., Haberfeld, Y., & Elldér, E. (2022). Movers and Stayers: A Study of Emigration from Sweden 1993–2014. European Journal of Population, 1-32.
- Haberfeld Y., Birgier D. P., Lundh C., and Elldér E. (2020). Migration across developed countries: German immigrants in Sweden and the US. International Migration, 58(6), 171-194.
- Haberfeld Y., Birgier D. P., Lundh C., and Elldér E. (2019). Selectivity and internal migration: A study of refugees’ dispersal policy in Sweden. Frontiers in Sociology, 4, 66.
- Birgier D. P., Lundh C., Haberfeld Y. and Elldér E. (2018). Self-selection and host country context in economic assimilation of political refugees in US, Sweden and Israel. International Migration Review, 52(2), 524-558.
- Birgier D. P. (2017). Immigration, occupations, and native wages: Long time trends in the US. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 51, 41-55.
- Mandel H. and Birgier D. P. (2016). The “Gender Revolution” in Israel: Progress and Stagnation. Pp. 153-184, in Nabil Khattab, Sami Miaari and Stier Haya (eds.), Socioeconomic Inequality in Israel: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis. Palgrave Macmillan.
Working papers
- Birgier, D. P & Bar-Haim, E. (2023). Language Distance, Language Abilities, and Labour Market Outcome of Migrants by Gender. Stockholm Research Reports in Demography. Preprint.
- Birgier, D.P., & Cantalini, S. (2023). The Trade-Off Between Employment and Overeducation: A Cross-Country Comparative Study of Immigrants in 17 Western European Countries. Stockholm Research Reports in Demography. Preprint.
- Haberfeld Y., Birgier D. P., Lundh C., and Elldér E. (2017). Economic assimilation of immigrants arriving from highly developed countries: The case of German immigrants in Sweden and the US. IFAU, Working paper 2017: 26
Related Research Projects
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- A common Nordic labour market 70 years and beyond (70 ys and beyond)