Towards Better Territorial Governance in Europe

A guide for practitioners, policy and decision makers based on contributions from the ESPON TANGO Project

Europe is still in recovery from a deep financial crisis and is struggling with unemployment and social exclusion. At the same time, it must switch to a low carbon economy and adapt to climate changes that are already underway. Responding to these daunting tasks requires effective and urgent policy initiatives and actions at European, national, regional and local levels as well as across different policy sectors. This is well recognised in Europe 2020, the EU growth strategy for the coming decade and aimed at making the EU a smart, sustainable and inclusive economy.

A guide based on contributions from the ESPON TANGO Project has been published, aimed at practitioners, policy and decision makers. The guide highlights key elements for improving territorial governance in Europe.

Read more and download Towards Better Territorial Governance in Europe.

For questions, contact the ESPON Coordination Unit at

