Welcome to the webinar 26 October at 17.30 -18.45 (CET) about Scottish and Nordic perspectives on the common objective of repopulating rural and remote areas hosted by Scottish Government.

This session will offer Scottish and Nordic perspectives on the common objective of repopulating rural and remote areas, identifying similarities, divergences and opportunities for mutual learning. Discussions will focus on approaches to making rural and remote communities attractive places to move to, live, work and bring up families, to ensure sustainable populations, facilitate inclusive economic growth and support wellbeing.
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic will be multifaceted from a population and migration perspective, with higher mortality rates of an ageing population and international and internal migration flows already impacted in the short-term.
Moderator: Jane Craigie – Director, Rural Youth Project
- Fiona Hyslop – Cabinet Secretary for Economy, Fair Work and Culture
- Karen Refsgaard – Research Director, Nordregio
- Timothy Heleniak – Senior Research Fellow, Nordregio
- Jane Atterton – Manager, Rural Policy Centre, Scotland’s Rural College
- Martin Shields – Isle of Kerrera Development Trust
This event is part of the Scottish Government’s Arctic Connections webinar series.