Kick-off: Future Migration Scenarios for Europe

Nordregio joins a consortium of European researchers and statisticians for a Horizon 2020 project that focuses on future migration scenarios for Europe. On 29-31 January, the kick-off partner meeting takes place at the Aalborg University, Copenhagen, including a public conference day on 30 January.

The Future Migration Scenarios for Europe (FUME) project aims at understanding the patterns, motivations and modalities of migration at multiple geographical scales, from international through regional to the local, and on imagining possible futures.

FUME will study the migration to a from several key migration cities/centres to determine 1) the major factors explaining migrant movement patterns by analysing regional and local circumstances that either attract migrants or ‘push’ potential migrants to move, and 2) elaborate how possible future regional sociodemographic, economic and environmental challenges may shape future migrant movement patterns in Europe.

Nordregio is leading two work packages, WP2 on Migration data and WP7 on Communications and dissemination.

During the public one-day conference, the consortium partners will present themselves and their role in the project. Moreover, invited speakers will present their work from closely related projects.

Participation in the conference is free of charge, but we ask attendants to register so we can prepare name tags and make sure we have sufficient space for everyone.

Online registration

9:00 Arrival, registration

9:30 Welcome & introduction to FUME (Henning Sten Hansen, AAU)
Keynote by Christian Albrekt Larsen (FLOW Project, AAU): Mass migration and generous welfare states. Compatible or incompatible?

10:30 Coffee break

11:00 Presentation of related EU projects and initiatives:
Jakub Bijak: The QuantMig Project (University of Southampton) – by video
Tuba Bircan: The Hummingbird Project (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
Jesper Tjaden: The CrossMigration Project (International Organization for Migration, Berlin) – by video
Fabrizio Natale: The Knowledge Centre for Migration and Demography (Joint Research Centre, European Commission)

12:30 Lunch

13:30 Presentations of FUME consortium partners and their contributions to the project (10 min each)

15:00 Coffee break

15:30 Round table discussion: The future of migration scenarios (Participants TBA)

17:00 Closing (Carsten Kessler, AAU)

