Johanna Jokinen

Senior Research Fellow / GIS

Johanna is no longer working at Nordregio. For contact or more information please contact

Geographer specialised in transnational labour migration, agricultural change, peri-urban land-use change, regional development, remote sensing, data management, and GIS.

Academic qualifications
PhD in Social and Economic Geography, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2019
MSc in Geography, Stockholm University, Sweden, 2009
BA in Latin American Studies, Stockholm University, Sweden, 2006


Prior positions
PhD Candidate and Lecturer, Department of Social and Economic Geography, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2012-2019

Visiting PhD Candidate, Centre for Planning and Management, University of San Simón, Cochabamba, Bolivia, 2015-2016

Intern, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Medellín, Colombia, 2011

Teaching Assistant, Department of Physical Geography and Quaternary Geology, Stockholm University, Sweden, 2010-2012

Teaching Assistant and Research Assistant, Department of Human Geography, Stockholm University, 2009-2012


Jokinen, Johanna C. 2018. Bolivian transnational livelihoods. Impacts of labour migration on wellbeing and farming in Cochabamba. Geographica 20. 125 pp. Uppsala: Department of Social and Economic Geography. ISBN 978-91-506-2737-4. Doctoral Thesis in Social and Economic Geography.

Jokinen, Johanna C. 2018. Migration-related land use dynamics in increasingly hybrid peri-urban space: insights from two agricultural communities in Bolivia. Population and Environment 40(2): 136-157.

Caretta, Martina A., Danielle Drozdzewski, Johanna C. Jokinen and Emily Falconer. 2018. “Who can play this game?” The lived experiences of doctoral candidates and early career women in the neoliberal university. Journal of Geography in Higher Education 42(2): 261-275.

Caretta, Martina A. and Johanna C. Jokinen. 2017. Conflating privilege and vulnerability: A reflexive analysis of emotions and positionality in postgraduate fieldwork. The Professional Geographer 69(2): 275-283.

Jokinen, Johanna C. and Martina A. Caretta. 2016. When bodies do not fit: an analysis of postgraduate fieldwork. Gender, Place & Culture 23(12): 1665-1676.

Jokinen, Johanna. 2009. From dump-sites to resilient urban residence areas: Successful adaptation to tropical cyclone related flooding in Nicaragua. MSc Thesis in Geography, 45 HECs, Department of Physical Geography and Quaternary Geology, Stockholm University.

Jokinen, Johanna. 2009. Den ryska diasporan i Christchurch. In Geographical studies in Aotearoa 2007: Report from a Geographical Field Course in New Zealand, March-April 2007, edited by Gertrud Hultblad, Anders Fridfelt and Peter Kinlund. Stockholm Geographical Reports No. 16, s. 89-121.

