WELCOME to Nordregio Forum, 25-26 November 2015, the annual meeting place for professionals and policymakers working with urban and regional development in the Nordic countries.
Nordregio Forum 2015 will focus on the strengths and weaknesses of Nordic city regions in a time characterized by fierce global competition, climate change and migration. Through international scholars and inspiring city examples, panel discussions and peer-to-peer dialogue, we will explore ways forward under three different, cross-cutting themes or challenges:
1. Competitive and sustainable city regions
2. Effective governance of city regions: collaboration within and between city regions
3. Liveable and socially inclusive city regions
Nordregio Forum will also be an arena for discussion about a Nordic urban agenda for closer collaboration and increased political focus on our Nordic city regions and their needs in order to fulfil their important roles.

Two days conference including lunches and dinner at Kronborg Castle: 3450 DKK + VAT
One day participation fee: 1750 DKK + VAT
Hotel reservations are available via the registration form.
Kulturværftet (Allegade 2) , Helsingør, Denmark.
Easy to get to by train: Copenhagen/Kastrup Airport – Helsingør
Download the Forum programme here!
A more detailed programme, including speakers in the two parallel sessions on day 2 will be published closer to the event.
Nordregio and Nordic Council of Ministers through its Committee of Senior Officials for Regional Policy in cooperation with the Danish Ministry of Business and Growth, RegLab Denmark and University of Copenhagen.