Mark your calendar for 15 October and join us for a full-day event in Stockholm including breakfast, lunch and After Work networking. We will zoom in on a unique combination of sectors and disciplines, including youth and education, culture, food systems, gender equality, and the role of the Nordic Swan Ecolabel in enabling sustainable living in the Nordic countries.
Policymakers, businesses, consumers, academics, educators… We welcome everyone to register and get in on the action as we share an inspiring day and final event of the Nordic Sustainable Living Programme. Sustainable living can be easy – if we work holistically and across sectors to enable the change.
We have invited speakers from a number of key sectors and research fields to showcase solutions, policies, and hands-on inspiration for how to contribute to sustainable lifestyle choices. You can expect fresh research results, panel discussions, policy tools, practical guidelines, cook-along, networking, talk show and a re:design fashion show. Welcome to register (first come first served!).
Programme (click arrows for content and speakers)
08.30-09.00 Arrival and breakfast
09.00-09.10 Welcome and opening remarks by Romina Pourmokhtari, Swedish Minister for Climate and the Environment
09.10-10.00 Research presentation and panel: Policies to reduce emissions from consumption – findings from the Nordic Countries
How big is the problem with consumption-based emissions in the Nordic countries? Which policies could not only be acceptable but also accelerate a just green transition? What’s the role of EU targets and monitoring, and is wellbeing economy a way forward?
We kick off the day by bringing together Nordic experts to discuss their latest research results and policy recommendations.
Speakers and panelists:
- Markus Larsson, PhD, Royal Institute of Technology
- Eva Heiskanen, Professor, University of Helsinki
- Nora Sánchez Gassen, Senior Research Fellow, Nordregio
- Katarina Axelsson, Senior Policy Fellow, Stockholm Environment Institute
- Charlotte L Jensen, Senior Advisor, Concito
- Åsa Sandberg, event moderator
10.10-11.00 How to lead the way to the green transition by helping businesses, consumers, and policymakers – The Nordic Swan Ecolabel
The Nordic Swan Ecolabel has influenced and helped companies and consumers for 35 years and is one of the world’s toughest ecolabels.
But how does the Nordic Swan Ecolabel work as a tool for the green transition? How can it counteract greenwashing? How can you communicate sustainable consumption in a simple and clear way? What effect does the Nordic Swan Ecolabel really have on the environment, the climate – and the economy?
Meet representatives of business and Nordic Ecolabelling in exciting conversations about sustainable consumption and production, now and in the future.
Part I: Introduction and keynotes:
Strength of the Nordic Region – 27 million people who can collectively drive change
- Anna Linusson, CEO, Ecolabelling Sweden
Holistic + Lifecycle + Official = The mix that makes the difference. Nordic Swan Ecolabel as a tool for politicians, companies and consumers
- Karen Dahl Jensen, Manager Product Development, Nordic Ecolabelling
- Anna Linusson, CEO, Ecolabelling Sweden
The Nordic Swan Ecolabel and sustainability communication: Insights from a new Nordic consumer survey
- Christian Quarles van Ufford, Marketing and Communications Manager Ecolabelling Sweden
- Cecilia Ross, Project Manager, Forsman & Bodenfors
- Anna Linusson, CEO, Ecolabelling Sweden
Part II: Case inspiration for green product development – conversations with licensees:
Reducing our environmental impact and strengthening our brand
- Thérèse Cedercreutz, Chief Commercial Officer, Scandic Hotels Group
- Anna Linusson, CEO, Ecolabelling Sweden
The Nordic Swan Ecolabel as a climate tool: Climate case for e-commerce logistics
- Sara Bergman, Criteria Manager, Ecolabelling Sweden
- Anna Linusson, CEO, Ecolabelling Sweden
First licensee: Business impact and why we ecolabelled our e-commerce logistics services
- Peter Gisel Ekdahl, CEO, PostNord Sweden
- Anna Linusson, CEO, Ecolabelling Sweden
11.10-12.00 Cook-along and discussion: The role of food for sustainable lifestyles
Why is food critical for both our health and the health of the planet? How can we enable sustainable and healthy consumption while ensuring food security during times of crisis?
This session will highlight linkages between food, climate, and health to showcase the central role of food for sustainable societies. It will open discussions about the policy changes needed for healthy and sustainable eating. Join us for an interactive cook-along session right before lunch, that will leave you hungry for more.
Speakers and panelists
- Sara Begner, Nutritional therapist, cookbook author and food creator, Coop Sweden
- Åsa Sandberg, event moderator
- More speakers TBA
12.00-13.00 Lunch, networking and meditation: Your vision for a good life in a green future
13.00-13.50 Culture goes green: Roadmap to sustainable culture
Culture and art are essential for the green transition, but change can be hard. Culture agents across the Nordics have a lot to learn from each other while speeding up the process.
This session will help cultural institutions and artists to act now, whether they are already engaged or taking their first few steps. We’ll present a new roadmap for sustainable culture and discuss the barriers and potential for change in the culture sector.
Green peptalk for everyone involved in art and culture
- Louise Lindén, social entrepreneur and activist, founder of LiveGreen and CEO of Great Fkn Ideas
Transforming the culture sector: The Nordic Green Roadmap and how to use it
- Linnéa E. Vågen Svensson, Project Manager and co-author of the roadmap/report
- Inger Smærup Sørensen, Project Manager and co-author of the roadmap/report
Integrating sustainability into cultural policy
- Solveig Korum, PhD, Kulturtanken, Norway
14.00-14.50 How to teach and learn sustainability – the role of school and online tools?
This session explores how school and online tools can empower students to learn, act, and become changemakers. We will hear from students themselves and discover best practices and new Nordic educational models. The panel will discuss the role of education in fostering sustainability and how we can leverage online tools to create engaging and effective sustainability learning experiences for all students.
Speakers and panelists:
Messages from students – on ways to learn and become change agents
- Margrét Unnur Ólafsdóttir, student
- Aníta Ýrr Taylor, student
New Nordic educational models for sustainable lifestyles
- Henrika Nordin, Nordic Network for Adult Learning (NVL)
Video: Results from the Nordic Teacher Survey 2024 and work in the Sustainability Education expert group. Dr. Ólafur Páll Jónsson, University of Iceland, represented on screen
Panel: The role of school and online tools for teaching and learning sustainability?
- Robin Smith, Vice Chairman, Swedish Teachers’ Union
- Susanne Hagström Larsson, Nordplus Junior, The Swedish Council for Higher Education
- Christer Holmlund, Secretary General, Nordic Teachers’ Council
- Åsa Sandberg, event moderator
Meet Anna Scaramellini, The Norden Association in Sweden and their school programme
15.10-16.00: What impacts young people’s lifestyle choices?
How can youth lead the change? Do they want to? This session continues the theme of youth empowerment, with school being just one influential arena next to others. Who and what impacts young people’s lifestyle choices? Is sustainability in or out among Nordic youth? And what do gender and other social norms have to do with it?
Two presentations will set the scene with key data on trends, patterns and Nordic indicators for young people’s engagement and sentiment toward sustainable lifestyles. A panel will discuss how to address challenges and inspire youth in the transition. What barriers and needs do youth organisations see? What’s the role of social media and lifestyle influencers? How can slow fashion attract and maintain youth in an era of high-speed trend cycles?
Speakers and panelists:
- Johanna Göransson, Expert Lifestyle and Consumer behavior, Ungdomsbarometern
- Jimmy Sand, Senior Analyst, NIKK
- Karoline Solberg Kjønniksen, General Manager, Fæbrik
- Gurgîn Bakircioglu, Lifestyle influencer and activist
- Vsevolod Lukashenok, Program Officer & Youth, Peace and Security coordinator YWCA-YMCA of Sweden
- Ari Sígurdarson, Repr. for youth participation and sustainable development, UN Student Association of Norway
- Åsa Sandberg, event moderator
16.10-17.00 Panel: How can different actors work to enable the change?
Change is already happening, but significant roadblocks persist. What is holding us back? This panel discussion delves into the practical challenges and opportunities for driving transformative change – throughout value chains and across sectors. We’ll turn to questions such as:
- Is there a need for a new green vision?
- What roles do key actors (politics, municipalities, business, civil society, media, etc.) play in enabling systems change?
- How can we achieve an attractive transition, with equal access and affordable options?
Speakers and panelists:
- Caroline Samson, PhD, Copenhagen Municipality, How urban planning can support or hinder climate-friendly practices
- Krista Mikkonen, MP, Green Party, Finland
- Johan Hultberg, MP, Moderate Party, Sweden – TBC
- Peter Fellman, Editor-in-chief, Dagens Industri
- Eliina Brinkberg, Environmental Manager, Nudie Jeans
- Beatrice Rindevall, Chair, Naturskyddsföreningen
- Åsa Hildestrand, Moderator and Senior Project Manager for Sustainable Living/Agenda 2030, Nordregio
17.00-19.00: After Work with talk show and re:design fashionshow
Talkshow with gamechangers hosted by Marcus Johansson, comedian and founder of Oslipat comedy club in Malmö
- Lisa Pelling, PhD, head of the progressive Stockholm-based think tank Arena Idé and co-author (with Marika Palmér Rivera) of The life we live here: Conversations about climate change and the green transition (Atlas, 2024) A summary in English can be accessed here
- Mattias Goldmann, Climate leadership consultant, founder of the 2030-secretariat, author of Klimatsynda! Så räddar vi planeten med lust, lättja, girighet, vrede, avund, högmod & frosseri
- Waxiu Shehu, Designer and tailor, Studio234+
Re:design fashion show + Craft-and-care corner + DJ
- RE: part 2, “Fire on the Mountain”, by Waxiu Shehu, Designer and tailor, Studio234+
- Fæbrik, Norweigan business and creative community for textile reuse
- Act of Caring, Care bar to help you “Make Things Last”
More speakers will be added to the programme.
This is a physical event in Stockholm. Limited number of seats available—sign up now to secure a spot!
The sessions from 09.00-17.00 will be live streamed and in English. Register for event updates and the live stream link. If you missed the registration link at the start of this page, here’s another chance:
About Sustainable Living
Sustainable Living is coordinated by Nordregio and funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers. The programme consists of six projects which look at our lifestyle challenges through a unique combination of perspectives and disciplines, across education, gender equality, food sectors, youth and culture. Read about the projects here:
- Project 1: Youth for sustainable living
- Project 2: Sustainable and healthy food systems
- Project 3: Sustainable cultural experiences in the Nordic Region
- Project 4: The Nordic Swan Ecolabel’s contribution to the fulfilment of Nordic Council of Ministers’ vision and climate plan
- Project 5: Sustainable education in the Nordic Region
- Project 6: Sustainability, lifestyle and consumption from a gender equality perspective