Science communicator with a passion for conveying information in a clear and compelling way. I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Media and Communication Science from Lund University including a year of Political Science studies and a PR internship. At Nordregio, I get to connect my creative, analytical and value driven sides in support of research that helps guide regional policy. Jackpot.
- Bachelor of Science, Media & Communication, Lund University, 2020-2023
- Political Science, Lund University (60 ECTS)
- Creative Writing, Malmö University, 2019
Previous positions
- Communications Assistant & Junior Research Fellow, Nordregio, 2023-2024
- PR & Communications Intern, Worldfavor, 2023
- Swedish – native
- English – fluent
Sara Melander‘s spatial story

At 27, I’ve arrived at a deep appreciation for the stillness in my childhood. I feel privileged to experience both and to have a place of retreat – mentally if not physically – when urban life gets intense. I’m thankful for feeling at home in multiple spaces, for the space I’m currently in and for all the spaces I have yet to (re)discover. For the ability to choose and change direction.
Related Research Projects
- Policy Recommendations to Maximise the beneficial Impact of Unexplored Mobilities in and beyond the European Union (PREMIUM_EU)
- Young Nordic Food Producers – Growing Food(ies)
- Nordic-Baltic Connectivity for Smarter and Inclusive Societies (N-B CONNECT)
- Nordic-Baltic 5G Monitoring tool
- Collaborative Regional Leadership
Related Publications
- Nordic cycling policy: National objectives, mechanisms, and actors in Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden
- From Vision to Practice – Insights from Nordic-Baltic 5G applications across sectors
- Climate, Youth and Gender: Inclusion strategies for Nordic youth movements
- Sustainable Living Hub
- Debunking cycling myths: Realities and recommendations for Nordic planning and policy
- Collaborative Regional Leadership
Related News
- Nordic Day on mobility and cross-border collaboration – where are we in 2024?
- Strategies for youth climate action in new report
- Sweden’s climate minister opens Nordic sustainability summit
- The future of food: Nordregio at Green Innovation Week 2024
- Young leaders practice slow fashion and push for action in Vilnius
- Nordic Summit highlights synergies for sustainable lifestyles
- New toolbox identifies six crucial areas for a just green transition
- Inclusive smart communities? Mapping the impact of connectivity in the Nordic-Baltic region
- Eight common myths about cycling in the Nordics
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