This map shows the number of females aged 25-64 with tertiary level educational attainment as a share of the total population aged 25-64 in Nordic municipalities and regions.
In the Nordic countries, the educational level is generally high. Attainment of at least an upper secondary education for the adult population in all Nordic countries exceeds the average in OECD and in Finland it is as high as 87.9 %. The population with tertiary education is well above the EU average in Nordic countries. It has increased from around 33% in Finland, 25% in Norway and Denmark, and 20% in Sweden at the beginning of the 1990s, to 40–45% 20 years later.
Darker red indicates higher a higher share of women with tertiary level education. Most people with higher education live in predominantly urban and university regions. The explanations for this can be found in the economic geography of these regions, which are comprised of universities and knowledge-intensive companies attracting research and high skilled labour.
See also map showing male attainment level.
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