The map shows the percent of individuals aged 25-64 with tertiary education as the highest attainment level in the Arctic regions in 2017.
Tertiary education corresponds to International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) 2011 levels 5-8, which represent bachelor or equivalent and all higher attainment levels.
The dark green tones show regions where more than 30% of individuals attained tertiary education as highest level. The light green tones show regions where less than 15% of individuals attained tertiary education as highest level.
Highest shares of working aged population with tertiary education were found in Troms (Norway, 43,8%) and Iceland (42,5%). All other Nordic Arctic regions as well as Yukon (Canada, 33,3%) and in some regions in Alaska (USA) had high shares of highly educated people. Northern Quebec (Canada) had the lowest share of working aged population that attained tertiary education (13,0%).