The map shows unemployed persons as share of the labour force (aged 15 years old and over) in the Arctic regions in 2016.
The dark orange tones show regions with high unemployment rates and correspondingly light orange tones show regions with low unemployment rate.
Nunavut and Newfoundland and Labrador (Canada, 14,0% and 13,4%, respectively) had the highest unemployment rates. The unemployment rate was the lowest in Finnmark, Nordland, and Troms (Norway, 2,6%, 3,3%, and 3,3%, respectively), in the Faroe Islands (3,3%), in Iceland (3,0%), as well as in three Russian Arctic regions: Magadan (3,1%), Yamalo-Nenets (3,1%), and Chukotka (3,2%). The unemployment rate in the Arctic regions mostly follows the national averages.