From October 1st, Nordregio takes on the task of managing the Nordic Statistics database, bringing the most relevant statistics competences together under one organisation.

“This is a tremendous new role that Nordregio is uniquely suited to adopt into our portfolio of competencies, as we have brilliant research staff who regularly apply and make insights based on statistics about the Nordic region for the benefit of further knowledge and cooperation.”
Rolf Elmer, Director of Nordregio.
Taking over from the Nordic Council secretariat, the task consists of counselling, communicating, creating activities and initiatives surrounding statistics projects. Nordregio continues to represent the secretariat which has stressed that it is important that the statistics work happens in a professional and highly collaborative environment of experts. This is why they identified Nordregio as the obvious choice and decided to place the function there.
Nordic Statistics is a collection of comparative Nordic statistics which has existed and been funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers since the mid-1960s. The data is gathered from the Nordic Statistical Institutes (NSIs), the Nordic Health and Welfare Statistics database maintained by the Nomesco-Nososco committees, other Nordic statistics producers as well as international sources such as Eurostat, OECD and the UN.
Since 2016, the secretariat has had a statistics function, primarily for employees at Nordic House, but also more generally for statistics and analyses within Nordic co-operation. The current Nordic Statistics database has been developed and maintained by Statisticon since 2018. At Nordregio, the statistics work can be carried out in collaboration with other experts in a research-based and statistical environment. This will ensure a broader knowledge and strengthen the quality of the statistical work across the Nordics.
For a quarter of a century Nordregio has been the prime research source for regional and municipal analysis and data in the Nordics. Nordregio will maintain a close contact with The Nordic House and Statisticon, so the close cooperation between the statistics management and the advisors on statistics-related activities can continue.
There is also a potential to further expand the impact of statistical trends and societal developments in the Nordic region by linking statistics more closely to the ambitious communications environment at Nordregio.
“We are experts in communicating research results about Nordic co-operation in a way that is easy to understand. Bringing Nordic Statistics into our dissemination routines is not only a win-win for our strong reputation in science application, but also opens up the potential to expand our collaborative network even further.”
Rolf Elmer, Director of Nordregio
The new project manager for statistics at Nordregio will be part of a professional environment and collaborate with other experts maintaining close contact to the Nordic House to ensure a continuation of the ongoing projects and the communication of statistical results.
Nordic Statistics will continue to benefit decision-makers and stakeholders in sustaining and developing an even closer Nordic co-operation.