Nordregio is inviting applications for a senior position as Head of GIS Department.

Working at Nordregio means an opportunity to become part of a truly international research environment with a focus on sustainable regional development in the Nordic region and beyond. It offers significant career development potential in terms of enhancing your competences through applied and policy relevant research, achieving an international network of contacts, as well as getting extensive experience in team and project management. You will also get rich opportunities to collaborate with regional and municipal stakeholders in the Nordic countries.
Nordregio is currently seeking a new Head of GIS Department with:
- Expertise in GIS, geo-data, quantitative analysis, and applied research in the field of regional development.
- Experience in leading a team and managing projects as well as a successful track record in grant applications.
- Knowledge in geographies and socio-economic trends in the Nordic Region and beyond.
- A drive for working in teams and in an international applied research environment.
- Eagerness to present and disseminate results to different stakeholder groups, both orally and in written format.
Competences and qualifications
As Head of GIS Department, you both lead and manage the GIS-team by planning and organising tasks and activities, communicate with each team member and contribute to their development. You are also a project manager with responsibilities to attract, initiate and lead externally funded research and innovation projects. The geographic scope of your field of interest includes a European and international perspective and expert knowledge in at least one of the Nordic countries.
We appreciate abilities in external networking and in communication with stakeholders. Internally we appreciate analytical and creative skills, complemented by abilities to both cooperate and work on your own.
For this position, you have at least 6 years of relevant work experience and an extensive network of research and policy contacts. As Head of GIS Department, you hold a PhD (or MSc) in GIS, economic or quantitative geography, or an equivalent discipline. Fluency in English is essential, and you should be willing to acquire a working knowledge in a Scandinavian language within a relatively short period of time, if you do not already speak one.
Additional details and contact information
Nordregio intends the position to be full time from May 15th, 2021, or as soon as possible. We offer competitive salaries and a term contract with a maximum length of four years. Subject to further agreement the contract can be renewed for up to another four years. Also, according to the agreement “Avtale om rettstilling for samnordiske institusjoner og deres ansatte,” if you are employed by the State in a Nordic country you are entitled to leave of absence from your present position for the duration of your employment at Nordregio.
For further information, please contact:
Director of Nordregio, Rolf Elmér ( or +46 76 110 5377), or Head of GIS Department Julien Grunfelder ( or +46 73 546 5893).
Union Representative, Sandra Oliveira e Costa ( or +46 76 169 3876)
For further information about Nordregio, see and our map gallery; about our flagship report, see State of the Nordic Region 2020.
Upload your application including a letter of motivation, a CV and references here
Apply no later than March 7th, 2021. The interviews will take place in week 11 (via Teams).
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