Nordregio researchers involved in a series of new publications

A number of new publications within planning and development feature contributions from Nordregio staff. They range from focusing on growth conditions within rural regions in Denmark, over global financial processes within agriculture to urban policies in Europe.

Nordregio is keeping its researchers busy in a wide range of both national, as well as Nordic and European projects. But they also publish articles and contribute to academic publications in their own right as a series of publications this week testify to.

Nordregio Academic Director Karen Refsgaard has contributed a chapter on the bioeconomy to a new book (in Danish) on development perspectives in rural areas in Denmark, with a focus on general living conditions and visions for future action. Karen’s contribution explores the potential of the bioeconomy to act as a major dynamo for growth in rural regions, with a special focus on the importance of ownership and access to resources.

In addition, Nordregio Senior Research Fellow Elin Slätmo has contributed to a new book on The Financialization of Agri-Food Systems, about the impact of financial institutes and logics on the development of global food systems and rural economies. Elin has written chapter on ongoing processes of financialization in Sweden by analyzing recent rural policy, with a focus on suggestions to change the land acquisition act to allow for limited companies to own agricultural and forest land.

Finally, Nordregio Research Fellow Mats Stjernberg has contributed with a chapter on Helsinki in a new book on “Housing Estates in Europe: Poverty, Ethnic Segregation and Policy Challenges”. This book focuses on post-WW2 housing estates, which can be found all over Europe, and explores the formation and socio-spatial trajectories of these types of neighborhoods, while also examining policy measures that have been used to address challenges in housing estates throughout Europe.

