Roadmap for Nordic rural development

Nordic rural areas are facing complex, interconnected challenges, from labour shortages and shrinking populations to green, digital, and remote work transitions. At the same time, these challenges offer an opportunity to recognise the diversity of Nordic rural areas and at even leverage and build on local specificities to pave the way towards the future.

The Roadmap for Nordic Rural Development builds on and summarises the work of the Nordic Thematic Group on Green and Inclusive Rural Development (2021–2024). Drawing from discussions, workshops, and project results, the roadmap highlights the Nordic added value of recent initiatives, outlines overarching themes for rural development, and proposes future thematic areas and projects for exploration.

Explore the interactive storymap to discover innovative policy solutions for mobile living and working, place-based approaches, strengthened administrative capacity, and genuine stakeholder involvement—all designed to foster sustainable and inclusive rural development. The roadmap outlines strategies and solutions for the future, as well as the key findings and recommendations from projects focused on rural development and points towards remaining challenges and questions to be addressed going forward.

