Research Assistant position

Nordregio invites applications for one position.

Working at Nordregio gives you the opportunity to become a part of a truly international institution. It offers significant career development potential in terms of enhancing your international network, as well as experience of project management.

A Research Assistant at Nordregio is expected to participate in planning and implementation of policy-relevant applied research projects in the broad field of regional development concerning for example regional economic growth and innovation, green growth, arctic development and urban and regional planning. The tasks include both applied research activities as well as a variety of practical and more administrative tasks. We are looking for someone who can work independently with the collection and processing of quantitative and qualitative data as well as with tasks of a practical and administrative character.

The tasks include

  • Contributing to implementation of research and dissemination activities in projects under supervision of project leaders (e.g. collecting data, conducting policy and literature reviews and case studies as well as writing and editing various dissemination materials)
  • Contributing to coordination and administration of projects
  • Practical management and organisation of various meetings, seminars and workshops

Education and skills
Formally, you hold a MSc in human geography, spatial planning statistics, economics, political science, sociology, or an associated discipline. In addition, it is qualifying if you have relevant work experience.

You are should be creative and self-motivated, and a team player in a cooperative research environment. Fluency in Finnish and English is essential, and if you do not speak a Scandinavian language, you should be willing to acquire a working knowledge of Swedish, Norwegian or Danish within a relatively short period of time.

Additional details and contact information
The position is full time. We offer a term contract with a length of one year. After further agreement the contract can be renewed for at maximum of seven more years. If you are employed by the State in a Nordic country, you are according to the “Avtale om rettstilling for samnordiske institusjoner og deres ansatte” entitled to leave of absence from your present position as long as your employment at Nordregio lasts.

Application deadline 21 November 2014

Apply for the position here
For further information, please contact the Director of Nordregio, Kjell Nilsson by e-mail at or by phone +46 72 300 8857, or Research Fellow Liisa Perjo at

