Urban Agriculture for Resilient Future (FutureUA)

Urban Agriculture for Resilient Future (#FutureUA) brings together different stakeholders to share knowledge on issues related to urban agriculture and sustainable food production in the Nordic-Baltic region.

Nordregio in Sweden, the Nordic Council of Ministers Offices in Latvia, and NordForsk work together in this project to deliver a forum for discussing the potential of urban agriculture for sustainability.

To this end, a pool of stakeholders – municipalities, SMEs, civil society organisations, universities, and Nordic organisations – will come together in a webinar series. The series will focus on debating the future of urban agriculture alongside three aspects: 1) Innovation & Legislation; 2) Culture & Community and 3) Education & Science.

The dialogue across Nordic-Baltic stakeholders from different sectors will provide insights to support the sustainable planning and development of Nordic cities and urban areas. The outcomes will shed light on food security issues and on the contribution of urban agriculture to sustainable food systems. It will also address other relevant questions such as the productive reuse of urban waste, and the role of urban agriculture in local development as well as in promoting social inclusion.

Besides contributing to an enriching the debate on the role of agriculture in cities, the stakeholders experiences and perspectives will also be reported in an online report to be published in December 2023.

