Welcome to the launch event of the new report “Economic Policy beyond the Pandemic in the Nordic countries”. The focus will be on evaluating the effectiveness of current fiscal and monetary policies, understanding the challenges facing labour markets, and discussing strategic approaches to economic resilience and recovery. This event aims to facilitate a comprehensive dialogue on the necessary policy adjustments and innovations required to navigate the post-pandemic economic environment effectively. The event is organised together with and hosted by the Swedish Ministry of Finance.

08.30-09.00: Registration and sandwiches
09.00-09.10: Introduction
- Elisabeth Svantesson, Finance Minister of Sweden, introduces the event and the project.
- Lars Calmfors, Professor Emeritus of International Economics at Stockholm University and senior researcher at the Research Institute of Industrial Economics introduces the report and main speakers.
09.10-09.40: Nordic fiscal and monetary policy regimes – Are they up to the challenges?
- Fiscal policy challenges in the Nordic countries – Torben Andersen (DK)
- Does the choice of monetary policy regime matter? Evidence from the Nordics – Jesper Rangvid (DK)
- Q&A with both speakers and the moderator
09.40-09.55: Coffee break– 15 mins.
09.55-10.25: Nordic labour markets – What are the key challenges and how should we address them?
- Mismatch, long-term unemployment and post-COVID labour market programmes – Anders Forslund (SE) – 10 mins
- Job retention schemes and their use during the pandemic – Almut Balleer (SE) – 10 mins
- Q&A with both speakers and the moderator – 10 mins.
10.25-10.55: Panel Debate: Economic policy in times of overlapping crises – What has worked and what should be improved?
- Moderator: Pernilla Ström, Swedish economist and former journalist at Expressen, Dagens Nyheter, and Veckans Affärer.
- Panelists:
- Lars Calmfors, Professor Emeritus of International Economics at Stockholm University and Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN)
- Johanna Lybeck Lilja, State Secretary at Ministry of Finance.
- Steinar Holden, Professor at the Department of Economics, University of Oslo
- Tuulia Hakola-Uusitalo, Research Director at VATT Institute for Economic Research
10.55-11.00: Concluding remarks
Please note that registration is mandatory. Registration closes April 12th! A link to the stream will be sent to everyone before the event.