The objective of this project is to provide a Nordic outlook of three Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland and Norway) with regards to the planning systems’ national planning instruments or other important national policy documents which guide or steer the spatial development. The project limits itself to the planning systems’ main national planning instruments and aims to identify potential other “national claims” of importance with effects on the spatial development.
Boverket (The Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning) has been assigned by the Swedish Government to produce an international outlook of national claims in spatial planning, including the Nordic countries. Nordregio has been commissioned by Boverket to conduct a Nordic outlook for Finland, Denmark and Norway, and the project aims to describe the Nordic countries’ planning systems in regards to national values and claims in spatial planning.
There are two aims for this project. The first is to provide a general description of the planning systems in the three countries, and the second is to provide a more in-depth description of the relevant national planning instruments/policy instrument (in Swedish, Planinstrument och styrmedel) with focus on their impact on local spatial planning. The main focus will, therefore, be on the effects of the national planning instruments and which impact these instruments have on local spatial planning. This will be exemplified with a few examples and could be combined with initiatives such as “stadsmiljöavtal” where funding is available.