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243 Events

Navigating Nordic discontent: Regional divides, electoral trends and the green transition

The Nordic countries are often regarded as some of the most stable, equal, and well-functioning societies in the world. With strong welfare systems, high trust in institutions, and a long history of political stability, they have traditionally been viewed as resistant to the political turbulence seen elsewhere. Yet, in recent years, support for populist parties has grown across the region, which has been viewed as a sign of rising discontent. What is driving this shift? How do economic anxieties, cultural change, and social divides shape political sentiment?  Which role does the green transition play? And how can policymakers address discontent while ensuring a just and inclusive transition? This webinar on 26 March (13.00-14.30 CET / Stockholm) explores the interplay between rising inequalities, political discontent, and the green transition in the Nordic Region. We will highlight research-based analysis from Ensuring inclusive economic growth in the transition to a green economy (EnIGG) project, discuss insights and policy implications, and present a new policy brief on navigate these tensions on the path towards a just and inclusive transition. Speakers and panelists include: Moderator: Miia Itänen, Nordregio Register below and join the discussion on 26 March as we map out the complex patterns and factors shaping political and social dynamics and driving Nordic discontent.

Future-proofing the Nordics – what is resilient leadership?

An event about the regional collaborative approach. Pandemics, climate disasters, political polarisation, rising inequality, aging populations, disinformation and fake news – these are but a few of many trials facing leaders of the information age. Bouncing back from a crisis isn’t easy – and yet the Nordic countries seem to be extraordinarily good at it. With high levels of social trust across the populations, governments are seemingly able to adapt to challenges with flexibility and agility. Can we trace the stable economic growth to a specific Nordic brand of resilience? And which industries are able to thrive despite a new reality of concentric crises? ”Don’t put all your eggs in one basket” – In this conference we explore how the Nordics strategically spread out their efforts, to not lean too heavily on just one industry or sector. And how no single type of leader can handle the growing complexity of future challenges. Instead, the Nordic countries can lead the way by showcasing the strength of regional cooperation. We have the research to back up the theoretical understanding of how that leadership works and at this conference, we will bring together the people that show the pivotal results of collaborative leadership. Programme 10.00 Welcome words and introduction 10.05 Keynote – “Waking up to a new age of multiple geopolitical crises” Annika Wäppling Korzinek, Head of the EU Commission Representation in Sweden 10.35 Nordregio Research Talks “Young Nordics on the move: Attractiveness beyond the zero-sum game“Hilma Salonen “The future of remote work: How the pandemic changed us?”Lisa Rohrer and Ágúst Bogason “Building crisis resilience: Insights from the Collaborative Regional Leadership Project” John Moodie 11.20 Research panel discussion 11.45 Keynote – “The curious history of eco-financial leadership”Oskar Broberg, University of Gothenburg 12.20 Final reflections and wrap-up by moderator
  • 21 January 2025

Gender equality in the Nordic blue economy – the way forward

The blue and marine sectors play a crucial role in the economies and sustainability efforts of the Nordic countries. To ensure the long-term growth and survival of these sectors, they must become more inclusive and gender equal. Earlier this year, Nordregio launched the pivotal report “Ensuring Gender Equality in the Nordic Blue Economy”. The report covers the big picture, offering statistics on women’s presence in various professions in the sectors. Our research showed that women were underrepresented in general and in decision-making in particular – now and historically. Many fisherwomen experience sexist attitudes and even harassment. It also examines training opportunities and initiatives aimed at increasing gender balance and creating a more inclusive work environment within the blue economy. The report called for several actions, including encouragement of women to go into the sectors and the need for role models, to increase primary data collection and to mitigate and counteract the risk of sexual harassment. How do we turn these insights into action? This webinar brings together representatives from across the Nordics to discuss how we can turn Nordregio’s report findings into concrete actions and promote gender equality in the blue economy. From political decisions to local initiatives and business practices, we aim to combine research with practical experience and policy interventions to show how an equal blue economy can become a reality in the Nordics. Dive into the blue economy with us to engage in meaningful discussions on how we can drive positive change and shape a more inclusive and sustainable future for the blue and marine industries. Programme: Anna Karlsdóttir, Nordregio/University of Iceland presents report “Ensuring Gender Equality in Nordic Blue Economy” Cecilia Österman will present key findings from her research on workplace harassment at sea, and gender equality in Nordic Blue Economies.Panel discussion: Cecilia Österman, Senior Lecturer, Kalmar Maritime…

Nordic Toolbox for a Just Green Transition

The green transition is upon us. But is everyone on board? We all want to ensure that socially at-risk groups aren’t left behind in the transition – but what does that mean in reality? The path towards a just green transition in the Nordic Region can be tricky to navigate. That is why we have developed the “Nordic Toolbox for a Just Green Transition”, collecting four years of research. We invite you to attend the launch! The comprehensive and interactive toolbox offers practical research-based guidance for Nordic policymakers to navigate challenges, listen to those affected, and get inspired. Watch a recording of the webinar to get a collected overview of how policymakers can act to ensure that the green transition is just and fair, and how civil society and socially at-risk groups should be involved to make it a reality. Keynote speech: Åsa Persson, Chair, Swedish Climate Policy Council and Research Director and Deputy Director, SEI Live demo of the toolbox by: Nora Sánchez Gassen, Senior Research Fellow, NordregioLouise Ögland, Communications Advisor, Nordregio Comments by: Eggert Benedikt Guðmundsson, Leader of Sustainable Development in the Prime Minister’s Office, IcelandHeta-Elena Heiskanen, Senior Specialist in Ministry of the Environment in Finland and Secretary General for Climate Change PanelJohan Hall, Investigator for Climate, environment and energy issues, LO/The Swedish Trade Union ConfederationPetra Karjalainen, Co-Chair, The Finnish Agenda2030 Youth Group Moderator: Lisa Pelling, Arena think tank This event is a part of our campaign This Fall is Green, which gathers four events, with one common goal – to accelerate the green transition in the Nordic Region. Read more about This Fall is Green here.

Rights and bytes – Civil society’s role in Digital Inclusion

Civil society actors are crucial in bridging the digital divide in the Nordic and Baltic Region. Their work combating digital exclusion for socially at-risk groups with multifaceted needs should not be overlooked. But what does their support look like? What works, and what hinders these organisations? As part of Nordregio’s ongoing research project, “Digital Inclusion in Action,” this webinar explored the important role of Nordic and Baltic civil society actors in ensuring that no one is left behind in our increasingly digital world. As civil society gains traction in digitalisation policies to ensure and promote equal access to the digitalised society, we will explore the unique challenges and success factors of NGOs supporting diverse groups. We have interviewed 20 NGOs across the Nordics and Baltics – during this webinar, we presented results from our research and present the comprehensive overview of their work – launching as digital stories at the webinar. NGO representatives will be present to share firsthand accounts of their work: best practices, and the unique challenges they face, following an interactive panel discussion. Watch a recording of the webinar below. Webinar programme: Throughout the webinar you, our digital audience, will be encouraged to engage with the content: share thoughts, insights, good practices and ask questions. With us to guide us through the interactive webinar, is moderator Annika Östman, Head of Communication at Nordregio. Join us to learn more about: Don’t miss this chance to learn, share, and network about making digital inclusion a reality in the Nordic and Baltic Regions. Explore the Storymap “Bytes and Rights: Civil society’s role in digital inclusion” now.

Ystad Summit: Hur kan nordiska städer ta ledningen i klimatomställningen?

Norden har länge varit en förebild i klimatarbetet. En majoritet av nordiska kommuner arbetar strategiskt med FN:s globala hållbarhetsmål, enligt en ny rapport från Nordregio. EU-valet den 9 juni visade dessutom att klimatfrågan är viktigare i Norden än andra delar av Europa. Under Ystad Summit samlar Nordregio tongivande röster för att diskutera hur nordiska städer kan ta ledningen i den nödvändiga transformationen till ett hållbart samhälle. Är vi så bra på grön omställning i praktiken – eller är det mest snack? Hur går det med transporterna, konsumtionen och den biologiska mångfalden egentligen? Och vad händer om vi bara fokuserar på klimatet och inte de sociala utmaningarna, i jakten på att bli den mest hållbara staden? Kort sagt, vad krävs av politiker och invånare för att nordiska städer ska kunna bli verkliga förebilder för resten av världen? Med avstamp i den nyligen lanserade rapporten om hur nordiska kommuner implementerar hållbarhetsmålen, kommer företrädare från organisationer och kommuner i de nordiska länderna att diskutera utmaningar, erfarenheter och hur vi tillsammans kan ta ledningen i omställningen. Vi kommer också få höra ungas perspektiv på vad som är viktigt och hur vi involverar dem i detta arbete. Medverkande:• Åsa Ström Hildestrand, Nordregio/Nordiska Ministerrådet• Katrin Stjernfeldt Jammeh, KSO Malmö Stad och ordförande ICLEI• Anna Esbjörn, Concito – Danmarks gröna tankesmedja som stöttar kommuner i genomförandet av klimathandlingsplaner• Åsa Minoz, Viable Cities• Siri Ankarfors, scout och LSU:s ungdomsrepresentant i FN för klimat- och miljöfrågor• Moderator: Yasemin Arhan Modéer, Altitude Meetings Vi ses på Ystad Summit, i Biografen den 5 september. Eventet kommer även att live-streamas här. Ystad Summit är en politiskt oberoende och öppen demokratisk mötesplats. Läs mer på deras hemsida.