The map shows the change in jobs (growth or decline) at municipal level over a period that can be attributed to local factors (e.g. local policies or local natural or institutional conditions) and is thus not due to national or industry trends.
The map is based on shift-share analyses which can help answer why employment is growing or declining in a local or regional industry. This type of analysis can answer questions like:
- How much of local job growth can be attributed to expected national and sectoral trends and how much is due to local factors
- Is the local economy growing or declining?
- How does the community compare with other communities?
- What are the local strengths and weaknesses in providing jobs and in which sectors?
- What industries are doing well?
- What industries should be targeted?
There are large differences between municipalities in terms of the change in employment due to local factors. For example some of the municipalities in Mid Jutland in Denmark show a high local employment effect while others in the North of Jutland do not. These differences can be due to access to markets, to industrial culture, to municipal or regional facilitation etc. In-depth research is needed in order to understand the reasons. The map does not show the total change in jobs.