This research project analyses how the Nordic countries can accelerate the green transition towards a climate-neutral economy.
All Nordic countries have committed to ambitious goals for the green transition of their economies. At the same time, they are experiencing economic declines due to the Covid-19 pandemic. They also face structural challenges such as population ageing and population decline, which are particularly pronounced in rural and remote areas.
This research project will contribute to the discussion on how to restart the Nordic economies and accelerate the green transition towards a climate-neutral economy while ensuring that these processes are inclusive.
Nordregio is responsible for several working packages:
WP1 will analyse the distributive effects of climate policies. This will include analysing how gaps between richer and poorer population groups and regions have developed since the last economic crisis (Task 2) and how such differences might be affected by ongoing and planned climate policies (Task 1). The project will also explore how socio-economic gaps between regions link to emerging ‘geographies of discontent’, where people in more peripheral communities across Norden develop a fear of being left behind.

Join us for a webinar on 26 March 2025 for insights on the interplay between spatial inequalities, political discontent, and the green transition in the Nordic Region.
WP2 shall contribute to our understanding of the regional preconditions in which the green transition takes place. First, this will include a comparative analysis of the different countries’ regional policies (Task 3). We will analyse which types of policies have the best effect in strengthening economic development outside of the bigger city regions. Second, this WP will analyse how the Covid-19 pandemic has affected the conditions and progress of the green transition and offer recommendations on how to move forward (Task 4).
Nordregio is also in charge of the administration and communication of the project.
The project is led by the Nordic Council of Ministers’ finance sector (MR-Finans) in cooperation with the regional sector (MR-R) as well as the environment and climate sector (MR-MK). The Nordic Working group for Environment and Economy (NME), as well as the education and labour market sectors (MR-U and MR-A) also participate in the project.
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- What impact do climate change policies have on Nordic economies, industries, and households?
- Economic Policy beyond the Pandemic in the Nordic countries
- Geographies of discontent in the Nordic Region
- Moving together or drifting apart?
- Regional economic effects of the green transition in the Nordic Region
- Nordic spatial variations in demographic, social, and economic characteristics
- Navigating Nordic discontent: Regional divides, electoral trends, and the green transition
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