GreenFORCE aims at fostering excellence in scientific research and innovation on the green transition in the Western Balkans.

It supports Co-PLAN in Albania, CEA in North Macedonia, and UB-GEF in Serbia by enhancing their research profile, strengthening research and management capacities of their staff, and contributing to convergence between Western Balkans and EU research capacities, as well as to wider policy initiatives for the Western Balkans region.

The project’s objective is reached through the twinning partnership of five organisations (Politecnico of Torino – POLITO and Nordregio in addition to the aforementioned) that will work closely to produce territorial knowledge through exploratory research and institutional learning; will transfer and exchange knowledge among partner organisations through applying the knowledge management cycle; and will engage in networking for sharing, crossfertilizing and amplifying knowledge at the societal level.

Ultimately, the ambition is to transcend from individual learning to enabling institutional learning, making sure that research and research management practices become institutionalised within the recipient organisations. GreenFORCE will enable pathways of cooperation, exchange, co-design, co-creation with academia, civil society and policy-makers at the regional level.

For Nordregio this is an important aspect as the project is not seen as one directional, but rather that the project offers opportunities for co-learning in multiple dimensions, which is important to gain more place sensitive understanding of the research and policy needs. Contrasting the institutional as well as the sustainability challenges of Balkan countries and regions with those in Italy and Nordic countries will generate interesting findings about different approaches to conducting green transitions.

Visit the project’s website for more information.

