Healthy and active ageing is more important than ever

In the Decade of Healthy Ageing (2020 – 2030), the COVID-19 crisis raises the stakes of active and healthy ageing practices across the globe. The lock-downs and physical distancing practices challenge daily life as we know it. In our bustling,...

Webinar 9 June: Sami Youth – Access to education and labour markets

Sami language competence is a sought-after skill in the regional labour markets. Sami-related occupations can be found in traditional occupations such as reindeer husbandry and Sami handicrafts, but also in tourism and in creative industries. But...

Webinar: Sami Youth – Access to education and labour markets

Sami language competence is a sought-after skill in the regional labour markets. Sami-related occupations can be found in traditional occupations such as reindeer husbandry and Sami handicrafts, but also in tourism and in creative industries. But...

Apply to become Director of Nordregio in 2021

Would you like to work with all these wonderful people and extend the field of regional development & planning in the Nordics and beyond? The position as Director of Nordregio is open from the beginning of 2021, apply by May 11. Nordregio is an...

Inari in Finland – attractiveness and Arctic advantage

Inari is the largest and one of the most prosperous municipalities in Finland sharing a border with Russia and Norway. Pristine Arctic nature is key to the attractiveness of the area – both as somewhere to live, but also in terms of the...

Diana N. Huynh

Diana is no longer employed by Nordregio, for contact or further information, please contact Diana Huynh holds a master’s degree in architecture and urbanism with research interests in regional development, the...

Elin Cedergren

Elin works as a Research Fellow at Nordregio and has a background in human geography and urban and regional planning. Her main research interests lie within spatial governance and rural and regional development – both with a land-based and marine...

Johanna Jokinen

Johanna is no longer working at Nordregio. For contact or more information please contact Geographer specialised in transnational labour migration, agricultural change, peri-urban land-use change, regional development, remote...