Diana N. Huynh

Diana is no longer employed by Nordregio, for contact or further information, please contact nordregio@nordregio.org Diana Huynh holds a master’s degree in architecture and urbanism with research interests in regional development, the...

Elin Cedergren

Elin works as a Research Fellow at Nordregio and has a background in human geography and urban and regional planning. Her main research interests lie within spatial governance and rural and regional development – both with a land-based and marine...

Johanna Jokinen

Johanna is no longer working at Nordregio. For contact or more information please contact nordregio@nordregio.org Geographer specialised in transnational labour migration, agricultural change, peri-urban land-use change, regional development, remote...

Need for increased efforts to improve integration of immigrants on the Nordic labour markets

Nordic countries all face challenges of integrating immigrants into the labour market, especially low-educated immigrants from outside the EU. In 2017, the employment rate of migrants from outside the EU was 54 per cent in Finland and around 60 per...

Overview of conclusions: Integrating immigrants into the Nordic labour markets

The project has investigated how the labour market integration of refugees and other migrant groups in the Nordic countries can be facilitated. In the final report, researchers from across the Nordic countries review and evaluate existing research...

Projects under the Nordic Co-operation programme for Regional Development and Planning

Three thematic working groups have been set up as part of the Nordic Co-operation programme for Regional Development and Planning 2017-2020. The members are representatives of relevant ministries, national authorities, regional administrations and...

6-8 March ReNEW conference: Sweden and Finland front-runners in naturalisation

The Nordic societies are increasingly multicultural and the number of the population with foreign background is on the rise. Naturalisation is often viewed as “the last step” of the integration process where a person is granted the citizenship...

Looking for new candidates: Research Fellow within GIS

Nordregio is a leading Nordic and European research centre for regional development and planning, established by the Nordic Council of Ministers. Nordregio is inviting applications for a Research Fellow within GIS. Position The main tasks will be to...