Justine Ramage

Justine is a physical geographer, with a specialization in polar environments. She is particularly interested in the interaction between people living in the Arctic and their changing environment. She also has a background in cartography, data and...

Louise Ormstrup Vestergård

Louise is a social anthropologist from Denmark working within the field of sustainable rural development. At Nordregio, she works with a range of topics related to the development of rural areas in the Nordic and Arctic context such as green...

Natalia Muntean

Natalia is no longer working at Nordregio. For contact or more information please contact nordregio@nordregio.org Interested in communication strategies, Natalia works mostly with social media planning, campaigns and website content. She has been...

Linnea Löfving

Linnea is a social scientist with a background in Political Science and International Relations. Her main research interests are governance processes and political change related to regional development, sustainability and EU policy. Academic...

Søren Qvist Eliasen

Søren is no longer employed at Nordregio. Specialised in marine governance and regional economic and social development. Previously focus on the fisheries as an economic sector and as an economic and social basis for fisheries related communities...

Alex Cuadrado

Alex is no longer working at Nordregio. For contact or more information please contact nordregio@nordregio.org Alex is a graduate in Sociology by the Autonomous University of Barcelona and he is currently on the last year of his master’s degree in...


Nordregio regularly hosts interns from a variety of universities around Europe. Placements vary in length from two months up to six months, with the exact period and working grade subject to individual agreement. General information Nordregio...

Baltic Urban Lab’s Final Conference

Baltic Urban Lab Final Conference “Dealing with the past & Planning the future – turning urban brownfield into possibilities” will be held in Riga, Latvia, during 6-7 September 2018. Cities around the Baltic Sea region are...