Anna Granath Hansson

Senior Research Fellow and Team Leader

Having a background in real estate economics and law, Anna´s main interest is the intersection between housing, land and planning. Her research often explores institutional prerequisites for sustainable affordable housing development.

Academic qualifications

  • PhD in Real Estate and Construction Management, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2017
  • MSc in Real Estate Economics, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 1996
  • BA in German, English and Creative Writing, Gothenburg University, 2009

Previous positions

  • Lecturer, Post doc and PhD candidate, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2014-2022
  • Head, Gardinella Real Estate Research, Frankfurt am Main/ Stockholm, 2012-
  • Transaction Manager Structured Finance, Skanska, Stockholm/Prague, 2000-2009
  • Real estate analyst, Nordbanken Fastigheter, Gothenburg/Malmö, 1999-2000
  • Real estate analyst, Catella Fastighetsekonomi, Malmö, 1996-1999
  • Trainee, Vasakronan, Stockholm, 1995-1996


  • Swedish
  • English
  • German
  • French

Granath Hansson, A. 2025. Land policy in Sweden: The paradoxical difficulty of creating affordable housing at the intersection of municipal land allocation, local planning and housing policy, In Eds. Hartmann, T., Hengstermann, A., Jehling, M., Schindelegger, A., and Wenner, F., Land Policy in Europe: Land-Use Planning, Property Rights, and Spatial Development, Springer Verlag.

Rohrer, L. & Granath Hansson, A. 2024. Planning around remote work, Nordregio report 2024:24.

Granath Hansson, A., Sørensen, J., Nordahl, BI. & Tophøj Sørensen, M. 2024. Contrasting Inclusionary Housing Initiatives in Denmark, Sweden and Norway: How the past shape the present. Housing Studies, DOI: 10.1080/02673037.2024.2323607.

Granath Hansson, A. & Guðmundsdóttir, H. 2024. Remote Work in Smaller Towns: Possibilities and uncertainties, Nordregio report 2024:5.

Granath Hansson, A. & Ahlinder, E. 2023. Hur kan förutsättningarna för att fler ska kunna bo i socialt hållbara bogemenskaper förbättras? En litteraturgenomgång av potentiella initiativtagare, samarbetspartners och legala förhållanden, rapport 1. Stockholm: Forum för Bostadsforskning Stockholm.

Granath Hansson, A. 2023. It is all about the mix and the balance: On Shane Phillips’ ‘The Affordable City: Strategies for Putting Housing within Reach (and Keeping It There)’, Dialogues in Urban Research, 1(2). Book review.

Granath Hansson, A. & Bergsten, L. 2023. Intermediary housing tenures in Sweden: Developers’ response to inaccessible housing markets and its implications for tenant-buyers. Nordic Journal of Urban Studies, accepted for publication in June 2023.

Granath Hansson, A. 2021. Krav på bostäder med lägre hyra och sociala kontrakt i nyproduktionen. KTH Royal Institute of Technology, report TRITA-ABE-RPT-2135.

Granath Hansson, A. 2021. Housing the Vulnerable: Municipal Strategies in the Swedish Housing Regime. European Journal of Homelessness, 15:2, 13-36.

Granath Hansson, A., Ekbäck, P. and Paulsson, J. 2021. The sliding scale between usufruct and ownership: The example of Swedish multi-family housing, Land, 10, 311.

Granath Hansson, A. 2021. Planning for single-family housing: Swedish trends. In Papers in Honour of Thomas Kalbro on the occasion of his 70th birthday, Ed. Granath Hansson, A. Stockholm: KTH Royal Institute of Technology.

Granath Hansson, A. 2020. Meeting a growing homelessness: How could three Swedish affordable housing initiatives be analyzed from perspectives of social and economic sustainability? Nordic Journal of Surveying and Real Estate Research, 15(1), 7-37.

Granath Hansson, A. 2020. Land models for affordable housing: Drivers in the housing and planning systems in Sweden. In Methods and Concepts of Land Management: Diversity, Changes and New Approaches, European Academy of Land Use and Development, Eds. Hepperle, E., Paulsson, J., Maliene, V., Mansberger, R., Auzins, A., Valciukiene, J.

Granath Hansson, A. 2020. Det boendesociala arbetet i förändring: Erfarenheter från sex kommuner. Stockholm: Sveriges Kommuner och Regioner.

Granath Hansson, A. 2020. En social bostadssektor i Sverige? Stockholm: Fores.

Granath Hansson, A. 2020. Bostadssociala utredningar då och nu: fokus och förutsättningar. In Dedicated to Efficiency: Festskrift för Hans Lind, Eds. Granath Hansson, A. & Kopsch, F. Lund: Lunds Tekniska Högskola.

Granath Hansson, A. 2019. City Strategies for Affordable Housing: The approaches of Berlin, Hamburg, Stockholm, and Gothenburg. International Journal of Housing Policy, DOI 10.1080/19491247.2017.1278581.

Granath Hansson, A. 2019. Inclusionary housing policies in Germany and Sweden: The importance of norms and institutions. Nordic Journal of Surveying and Real Estate Research, 14 (1), 7-28.

Granath Hansson, A. and Lundgren, B. 2018. Defining social housing: A discussion on the suitable criteria. Housing, Theory and Society, DOI:10.1080/14036096.2018.1459826.

Granath Hansson, A. 2018. Combatting the housing shortage through institutional reform: The parallel cases of Germany and Sweden. Zeitschrift für Geodäsie, Geoinformation und Landmanagement, 143 (2), 93-99.

Granath Hansson, A. 2018. Bostadspolitiska instrument i fyra europeiska länder: Nyproducerade bostäder som låg- och medelinkomsttagare kan efterfråga, Stockholm: Bostad 2030 (Arena idé).

Granath Hansson, A. 2017. Promoting planning for housing development: What can Sweden learn from Germany? Land Use Policy, 64:470-478.

Granath Hansson, A. 2017. Boosting affordable housing supply: Could type approval of serially produced housing be a piece in the puzzle? Zeitschrift für Immobilienökonomie, 3 (1), 49-68.

Granath Hansson, A. 2017. Institutional prerequisites for affordable housing development: A comparative study of Germany and Sweden. (Doctoral thesis). Stockholm: KTH Royal Institute of Technology.

Granath Hansson, A. 2016.  Typgodkännande av serietillverkade flerbostadshus i Tyskland: lägesrapport december 2016.Stockholm: KTH Royal Institute of Technology.

Granath Hansson, A. 2015. The Planning Process in Sweden: Current debate and reform proposals, Kart og Plan, 3/2015.

