25 Events
BONUS BASMATI: The final seminar
BONUS BASMATI project aimed to develop an innovative decision support system for maritime spatial planning in the Baltic Sea region. The results of a three-year project will be shared in the digital seminar “Supporting Maritime Spatial Planning with Science” on the 9th September 2020. PROGRAMME (in Central European Summer Time, CEST) 10:00 Welcome • Henning Sten Hansen (AAU) & Harri Tolvanen (UTU): BONUS BASMATI – Supporting Maritime Spatial Planning with Science 10:15 Concepts and approaches • Pia Frederiksen (AU): Framework for sustainability impact assessment of plan proposals • Solvita Strake/Kristine Pakalniete (LIAE): Assessment of Ecosystem Services and Values of Marine Protected Areas • Kerstin Schiele/Lotta Maack (IOW): Data harmonisation to facilitate planning across borders and scales • Søren Qvist Eliasen/Andrea Morf (Nordregio): Involving stakeholders – Why, Who, When and How? 11:15 Platforms and tools for MSP • Juha Oksanen & FGI team (NLS): Baltic Explorer – Collaborative GIS approach for new interactive MSP • Miriam von Thenen (IOW): SPACEA – a GIS toolbox to facilitate easy spatial and environmental suitability analysis • Aurelija Armoskaite (LIAE): ESA4MSP – an ecosystem service assessment tool • Henning Sten Hansen (AAU): MYTILUS – a toolset for assessing the impacts of maritime activities • Ida Maria Bonnevie (AAU): SEANERGY – a tool for analysing conflicts and synergies between different marine uses 12.15 End of conference • Lise Schrøder (AAU): Wrap-up • Henning Sten Hansen (AAU): Final remarks REGISTRATION Please register yourself by Monday the 7th of September at the latest. Instructions about how to join the webinar will be sent to you a day before the event. https://konsta.utu.fi/Default.aspx?tabid=88&tap=9759
09 September 2020
- Conferences
- Project meetings
- Seminars
Kick-off: Future Migration Scenarios for Europe
Nordregio joins a consortium of European researchers and statisticians for a Horizon 2020 project that focuses on future migration scenarios for Europe. On 29-31 January, the kick-off partner meeting takes place at the Aalborg University, Copenhagen, including a public conference day on 30 January. The Future Migration Scenarios for Europe (FUME) project aims at understanding the patterns, motivations and modalities of migration at multiple geographical scales, from international through regional to the local, and on imagining possible futures. FUME will study the migration to a from several key migration cities/centres to determine 1) the major factors explaining migrant movement patterns by analysing regional and local circumstances that either attract migrants or ‘push’ potential migrants to move, and 2) elaborate how possible future regional sociodemographic, economic and environmental challenges may shape future migrant movement patterns in Europe. Nordregio is leading two work packages, WP2 on Migration data and WP7 on Communications and dissemination. During the public one-day conference, the consortium partners will present themselves and their role in the project. Moreover, invited speakers will present their work from closely related projects. Participation in the conference is free of charge, but we ask attendants to register so we can prepare name tags and make sure we have sufficient space for everyone. Online registration Programme 9:00 Arrival, registration 9:30 Welcome & introduction to FUME (Henning Sten Hansen, AAU) Keynote by Christian Albrekt Larsen (FLOW Project, AAU): Mass migration and generous welfare states. Compatible or incompatible? 10:30 Coffee break 11:00 Presentation of related EU projects and initiatives: Jakub Bijak: The QuantMig Project (University of Southampton) – by video Tuba Bircan: The Hummingbird Project (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) Jesper Tjaden: The CrossMigration Project (International Organization for Migration, Berlin) – by video Fabrizio Natale: The Knowledge Centre for Migration and Demography (Joint Research Centre, European Commission) 12:30…
30 January 2020
- Project meetings
The 2nd Nunataryuk general assembly and Early Career Researcher workshop
The 2nd Nunataryuk general assembly including the Early Career Researchers workshop takes place on 24-27 September in Nice, France. During the general assembly, Nordregio researchers Timothy Heleniak and Leneisja Jungsberg will present results from the Atlas of population, society and economy in the Arctic. Many settlements in the Arctic are located on permafrost and an increase in global temperatures comprise a risk for transportation and housing infrastructure. Permafrost thaw is exposing the Arctic coasts to the rapid change that threatens the rich biodiversity, puts pressure on communities and contributes to the vulnerability of the global climate system. Nunataryuk will determine the impacts of thawing coastal and subsea permafrost on the global climate and will develop targeted and co-designed adaptation and mitigation strategies for the Arctic coastal population. Nordregio is responsible for developing a socio-economic atlas for measuring the impact of permafrost thaw on Arctic settlements. The meetings are co-hosted by our partner Laboratoire d’Océanographie de Villefranche (LOV) in Villefranche-sur-Mer in France. More information about the project can be found at https://nunataryuk.org
24 - 27 September 2019
- Project meetings
Cross border meeting: When planners meet, in the Gulf of Bothnia
We invite local-, regional-, and national-level spatial planners from Finland, Sweden, and Åland to join the cross border meeting: When planners meet, in the Gulf of Bothnia! The meeting will take place on 17-18 September 2019 in Pori, Finland. Meeting themes: Building Networks – Cross border and cross-level Stakeholder Involvement. Why? How? When? Lessons from FIAXSE. Results and recommendations If you have any questions please contact: Mari Pohja-Mykrä Satakuntaliitto mari.pohja-mykra@satakunta.fi Stefan Husa Ålands landskapsregering Stefan.husa@regeringen.ax Susanne Gustafsson Havs- och vattenmyndigheten susanne.gustafsson@havochvatten.se
17 - 18 September 2019
- Other
- Project meetings
Pan Baltic Scope: 3rd Partner Meeting & 6th Planning Forum
On 27 – 29 May, partners from Pan Baltic Scope project are meeting in Riga, Latvia to discuss the current status of the project and upcoming activities, as well as necessary preparations for the final conference of the project. The final conference of Pan Baltic Scope project will take place on 19-21 November in Riga. The conference will be a joint event together with the 4th edition of the EU MARE & IOC-UNESCO MSP Forum and the 3rd Baltic MSP Forum. More information about the conference will soon be available on Nordregio and Pan Baltic Scope websites.
27 - 29 May 2019
- Project meetings
Cross border meeting: Better maritime planning – towards a shared future, together
Nordregio invites experts working with fisheries, energy, spatial planning and local development to participate at the cross-border meeting which will take place on 26-27 March, in Umeå, Sweden. The aim of the event is to increase awareness and knowledge of cross-border blue growth issues and needs, and also to facilitate international collaboration between maritime spatial planners. The cross-border meeting is organized by the Pan Baltic Scope project partners. Find more information about the event here.
26 - 27 March 2019
- Project meetings
- Workshop
2nd partner meeting of Pan Baltic Scope
On 11-12 December, partners from Pan Baltic Scope project are gathering in Riga, Latvia to discuss the current status of the project and upcoming activities. Senior Researchers Andrea Morf and Michael Kull will discuss state and development of two activities that Nordregio is in charge of in the project “Land-Sea Integration” (LSI) and “Lessons Learned”. They will also present a data sharing table which intends to support planners and partners in the project to structure and share knowledge and data. The tool will also help to answer important LSI related planning questions within the project by connecting data both between sea and land, between countries and between different data actors.
11 - 12 December 2018
- Project meetings
REVIVAL kick-off meeting in Georgia
On 1-2 November, partners from Nordregio, the Leontief Centre and Kazbegi Local Action Group are gathering to kick-off the REVIVAL project in Kazbegi town, located near Mount Kazbek, one of the highest peaks in Georgia, rising over 5000 meters. This first meeting is a great opportunity to get to know each other, as well as to learn about regional development in Georgia, Russia and Sweden. Two main sessions of the kick-off meeting are based on the workshops organised by Nordregio. They will focus on two main concepts explored in the ESPON Bridges project, namely Transitional Labour Market and Residential Economy. The main expected outcomes of two workshops are to transfer knowledge of these two concepts, to identify areas for case studies that have geographic specificities (mountainous, insular, sparsely populated or coastal) in Georgia and Russia and to prepare a framework for the case study analyses. A study visit in Kazbegi organized by local partners will end the two-day meeting and provide a better perception of this mountainous locality to the Russian and Swedish partners. The REVIVAL project aims at exploring new approaches to study local and regional development in mountainous and sparsely populated areas.
01 - 02 November 2018
- Project meetings
The 1st Nunataryuk general assembly and a workshop
The 1st Nunataryuk general assembly and the Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS) Young Researchers workshop takes place 30 September – 6 October 2018, in Venice, Italy. Nordregio researchers Timothy Heleniak, Leneisja Jungsberg, Eeva Turunen, and Shinan Wang will participate in both events. Permafrost thaw is exposing these coasts to rapid change, change that threatens the rich biodiversity, puts pressure on communities and contributes to the vulnerability of the global climate system. Nunataryuk will determine the impacts of thawing coastal and subsea permafrost on the global climate, and will develop targeted and co-designed adaptation and mitigation strategies for the Arctic coastal population. Nordregio is responsible for developing a socio-economic atlas for measuring the impact of permafrost thaw on Arctic settlements and will present preliminary results. The meetings are co-hosted by the Institute for the Dynamics of Environmental Processes and held at the premises of the Venice International University on the island of San Servolo in the Venetian Lagoon, between Venice city centre and the island of Lido. More information about the project can be found at: https://nunataryuk.org/.
30 - 06 October 2018
- Conferences
- Project meetings
- Workshop
Launch meeting: Social Green – Regional Policies towards Greening the Social Housing Sector
LAUNCH MEETING, 25 October in Matosinhos, Portugal Welcome to the Regional Policies towards Greening the Social Housing Sector launch meeting in Portugal 25 October 10:00-13:00. The launch is organized back to back with the project kick-off meeting, including study visit and political board 25-27 October. Registrations: fatima.franco@ceiia.com The Social Green project intends to address the issue of green social housing in order to contribute to reduce the GHG emissions as well as to reduce the fuel poverty indicators in EU regions towards a lower carbon economy. In more concrete terms, Social Green aims promote the greening of the social housing sector through mutual learning and development of improved regional policies. It will provide the opportunity to explore green building practices and significantly reduce GHG emissions through cost-effective means while providing much needed housing in a healthy and sustainable manner. Through interregional cooperation Social Green stakeholder regions will identify, share and transfer innovative methodologies, processes and good practices in developing and implementing greener social housing sector policies, targeting new constructions or retrofitting existing buildings. The partnership includes 8 partners from 6 countries (Portugal, Spain, Croacia, Estonia, Sweden, Romania), with capacity to influence the policy instruments related to greening the social housing sector. Nordregio will be lead partner as well as advisory partner by providing scientific and technical support to the consortium. The other partners, mainly municipalities, energy agencies and Managing Authorities will jointly work in the development of the main project’s activities, mainly to develop a produce regional self-assessment reports and regional action plans.
25 - 27 October 2016
- Lunch seminars
- Project meetings
Baltic Scope Partner Meeting
“The Future – planning for results and recommendations” As the second phase of the project has come to an end it is time for all partners to meet and discuss the outcomes, lessons learned and plan for the next steps ahead. For more information visit our research page.
02 - 03 March 2016
- Project meetings
REGINA kick-off
REGINA’s first partner meeting will take place in a sparsely populated area where most of the local economy is related to tourism activities, where Sami culture and reindeer herding is prevalent and where plans for mineral exploration and extraction are being discussed. This will be an excellent opportunity to get to know all other partners and formally kick-off our activities! The purpose of this meeting is to meet and get to know each other, and to introduce the activities that we will collaborate on over the coming two and a half years. We will focus on learning about the project from an overall perspective, as well as the immediate activities taking place over the next six months. In particular, each local partner will initiate their local smart specialization strategies and the research partners will develop specific tools that will comprise them. The official programme can be downloaded here Press invitation (Swedish) For more information regarding the kick-off please contact Katti Lundström. For project related matters please contact Ryan Weber. For communications matters please contact Johanna Feuk.
19 - 21 January 2016
- Project meetings
The Territorial Dimension of Poverty and Social Exclusion in Europe (TIPSE)
Seminar and workshop, 25 November 2014, Stockholm, Sweden The purpose with the workshop is to discuss the main conceptual, methodological and empirical findings from TiPSE and their relevance from a European and Nordic perspective. Maps: Hungarian Academy of Sciences The ESPON TiPSE project has tackled the issue of poverty and processes of social exclusion in Europe. The project has contributed to improve the evidence base for policy to promote inclusive growth. The ESPON TiPSE has been aiming at supporting policy, both by enhancing the evidence base and by identifying existing good practice. Poverty and social exclusion are essentially relative concepts, arguably meaningful only within a specified geographical context. This underlines the central importance of observation, measurement, and careful data analysis as an essential preparation for intervention. The main outcomes of the project have been the generation of a regional database and associated maps, of poverty and social exclusion indicators, as well as mapping of macro and micro-scale patterns of poverty and social exclusion across the ESPON space. Furthermore, the project has derived recommendations for the monitoring of territorial trends in poverty and processes of exclusion. Register by email to Veronique Larsson by 17 November. State your name, organisation, and email address. The seminar is free of charge, but the number of participants is limited. The language of the seminar will be English. Download a draft of the workshop programme
08 October 2014
- Project meetings
- Seminars
Social Innovation
Finding new approaches for tackling long-standing demographic and welfare challenges in the Nordic countries. 16 September 2014, Nordregio The Nordic countries and regions are facing severe demographic changes such as stagnation or reduction of the share of working age population, out-migration and significant increase in the share of population over the age of 65. In the framework of the Nordic Council of Minister’s Working Group on Demography and Welfare, the workshop Social Innovation: new Nordic approaches for solving demographic and welfare challenges explores the potential for social innovation to identify and implement new ways for addressing durably this demographic shift and mitigates its impact on local communities and for which better integration of responses developed at local, regional and national authorities in the Nordic countries. The concept of social innovation has been around in the academic discourse for a while now, but it has gain momentum recently to its emergence in the European policy discourse. It is about the development and implementation of new ideas (products, services and models) to meet social needs and create new social relationships or collaborations, i.e. using a more participatory approach. The objectives of the workshop are: To sharpen the understanding of how recent research on social innovation can provide possible tracks for developing new tools to support local initiatives in mitigating the impacts of the demographic shift To bring together policy-makers and practitioners from different institutional levels and open a platform for exchange of experience on applying the social innovation approach in meeting demographic challenges; To inspire new collaborative governance approaches for securing the provision of services in all parts of the Nordic countries. Nordregio invites regional and local practitioners and policymakers as well as researchers in regional studies to share their views and contribute to identifying the potential added-value of social innovation in…
16 September 2004
- Project meetings