96 Events
Ready for take-off? Unlocking the future of electric aviation in the Nordic Region
As the Nordic countries strive towards sustainable transport solutions, electric aviation presents a promising avenue for enhancing regional connectivity and accessibility. But what does it take to unlock the future of electric aviation and make use of electric aircraft to connect Nordic regions? Is electric aviation really ready for take-off? Our webinar on 4 December (13.00-14.30 CET) focused on the steps towards implementing electric aviation in the Nordic Region. Participant also got an overview of a brand new policy brief outlining actionable steps to turn electric aviation from vision to reality. Issues discussed included: Speakers: This webinar was part of the ‘Electric aviation and the effects on the Nordic regions’ project mapping out the steps towards implementing electric aviation and analysing both its benefits and challenges for local communities and regional development.
04 December 2024
- Publication launch
- Webinar
Who cares about men in care?
Why are there so few men in nursing, and what can be done to change this? Join us for an engaging webinar on 15 November at 10.00 CET where we will explore the persistent gender imbalance in nursing and examine what steps can be taken to address it. Currently, less than 15% of nursing graduates are men—a statistic shaped by societal perceptions and gender stereotypes. Despite efforts to promote equality, men face significant challenges when entering and advancing nursing careers. To change this, a cultural shift is needed at all levels of education, alongside more robust diversity plans in workplaces. This webinar draws on insights from the “Share the Care: Strategies to Increase Diversity in Nursing Education” report, funded by NIKK, and marks the launch of a new report examining gender dynamics in nursing across Finland, Norway, and Iceland. The project’s findings offer a comparative Nordic perspective on gender representation in nursing, recruitment strategies, and provide key recommendations for the future. Webinar programme & speakers 15 November, 10.00-11.30 CET, Zoom Opening Remarks and Introduction: Debora Pricila Birgier and Maija Kāle, Nordregio The Project “Share the Care“ Gender Equality in Care – Panel Discussion The Future of Men in Care and Health – Closing Statements
15 November 2024
- Publication launch
- Webinar
Regional economic effects of the green transition in the Nordic Region
How will the green transition reshape key sectors in the Nordic Region? What kind of regional impacts and challenges are there across the Nordics – and how should we address them? This webinar on 3 December (14.00-15.00 CET / Stockholm) focused on the regional impacts, economic opportunities and challenges related to green transition in key sectors in the Nordic countries. The webinar marked the launch a new report that takes stock of the regional economic effects of the green transition in the Nordic Region. The report provides insights into what the green transition means for key sectors in the Nordic countries. The questions addressed include: Webinar speakers and panelists: The online participants had a possibility to get an overview of the green transition’s regional impacts across the Nordics, participate in the discussion, and hear from experts from different Nordic countries about the challenges and opportunities to reduce greenhouse gases and on regional impacts the green transition on employment and economic output. This webinar was a part of our campaign This Fall is Green, which gathers four events with one common goal – to accelerate the green transition in the Nordic Region. Make sure to check out the outcomes and highlights from the other events in the series as well!
03 December 2024
- Publication launch
- Webinar
Nordic Toolbox for a Just Green Transition
The green transition is upon us. But is everyone on board? We all want to ensure that socially at-risk groups aren’t left behind in the transition – but what does that mean in reality? The path towards a just green transition in the Nordic Region can be tricky to navigate. That is why we have developed the “Nordic Toolbox for a Just Green Transition”, collecting four years of research. We invite you to attend the launch! The comprehensive and interactive toolbox offers practical research-based guidance for Nordic policymakers to navigate challenges, listen to those affected, and get inspired. Watch a recording of the webinar to get a collected overview of how policymakers can act to ensure that the green transition is just and fair, and how civil society and socially at-risk groups should be involved to make it a reality. Keynote speech: Åsa Persson, Chair, Swedish Climate Policy Council and Research Director and Deputy Director, SEI Live demo of the toolbox by: Nora Sánchez Gassen, Senior Research Fellow, NordregioLouise Ögland, Communications Advisor, Nordregio Comments by: Eggert Benedikt Guðmundsson, Leader of Sustainable Development in the Prime Minister’s Office, IcelandHeta-Elena Heiskanen, Senior Specialist in Ministry of the Environment in Finland and Secretary General for Climate Change PanelJohan Hall, Investigator for Climate, environment and energy issues, LO/The Swedish Trade Union ConfederationPetra Karjalainen, Co-Chair, The Finnish Agenda2030 Youth Group Moderator: Lisa Pelling, Arena think tank This event is a part of our campaign This Fall is Green, which gathers four events, with one common goal – to accelerate the green transition in the Nordic Region. Read more about This Fall is Green here.
05 November 2024
- Publication launch
- Webinar
Launch: State of the Nordic Region 2024
The 20th edition of the State of the Nordic Region is out! We shared the report highlights in an online launch on 19 June. A recording is available below. The speakers included: State of the Nordic Region 2024 takes stock of the latest socio-economic trends and developments in demography, labour market and economy in the Nordic countries, regions, municipalities, and cities. We have also included a brand new and revised Regional Potential Index that sheds light on the development potential and performance of regions across the Nordics and helps identify the regions with the strongest growth potential. The report is a source of comparative knowledge and insights. It offers a rich Nordic panorama through a collection of maps, data, figures and analyses that highlight both broader, common trends, as well as local and regional differences. The report is a treasure trove of information for the anyone and everyone interested in learning about the Nordics or getting inspired by the Nordic model, or drawing insights from the diversity of Nordic regions and areas. State of the Nordic Region is a biannual report published and produced by Nordregio. State of the Nordic Region 2024 marks the 20th edition of the report. Building on a rich knowledge base, extensive data sets, statistics, maps and analyses, it takes a closer look the latest trends and developments in the Nordic Region from three perspectives: Demography, Labour Market and Economy. The report gives a unique look behind the scenes of the world’s most integrated region, comprised of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden, along with Greenland, the Faroe Islands and Åland.
19 June 2024
- Publication launch
- Webinar
Fiscal Policy in Uncertain Times: Nordic Economic Policy Review 2024
Welcome to the launch event of the new report “Fiscal Policy in Uncertain Times”. The Global Financial Crisis, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the Russian invasion of Ukraine have had vastly negative effects on economies and increased the risk of political instability in all corners of the world. One consequence has been a renewed interest in the efficiency of conventional macroeconomic policies, fiscal policy in particular. This edition of the Nordic Economic Policy Review, provides a rich perspective on fiscal stabilisation in Nordic countries, highlighting different challenges in managing national economies during uncertain times. The event is organised together with the Danish Ministry of Finance. Watch the live stream on YouTube 14:00-16:30 (CET) below: Programme 7 June: 13.30-14.00: Arrival and coffee 14.00-14.15: Opening remarks 14.15-14.25: Introduction to report 14.25-15.30: Fiscal Stabilisers in Denmark and Sweden 15.30-´15.45: Coffee break– 15 mins. 15.45-16.30: Panel Debate: Fiscal policy during uncertain times – What are the challenges facing stabilisation policy in the future? Moderator: Sune Bjørnvig, Communications Advisor and Partner, FRIDAY & Partner Panelists: The event takes place on 7 June at 14:00-16:30 CET at the Danish Finance Ministry in Copenhagen, Denmark, and online. The event is open to all stakeholders and is free of charge. Please note that registration is mandatory. Register before 4 June!
07 June 2024
- Publication launch
Launch event: Economic Policy beyond the Pandemic in the Nordic countries
Welcome to the launch event of the new report “Economic Policy beyond the Pandemic in the Nordic countries”. The focus will be on evaluating the effectiveness of current fiscal and monetary policies, understanding the challenges facing labour markets, and discussing strategic approaches to economic resilience and recovery. This event aims to facilitate a comprehensive dialogue on the necessary policy adjustments and innovations required to navigate the post-pandemic economic environment effectively. The event is organised together with and hosted by the Swedish Ministry of Finance. Programme: 08.30-09.00: Registration and sandwiches 09.00-09.10: Introduction 09.10-09.40: Nordic fiscal and monetary policy regimes – Are they up to the challenges? 09.40-09.55: Coffee break– 15 mins. 09.55-10.25: Nordic labour markets – What are the key challenges and how should we address them? 10.25-10.55: Panel Debate: Economic policy in times of overlapping crises – What has worked and what should be improved? 10.55-11.00: Concluding remarks Registration: Please note that registration is mandatory. Registration closes April 12th! A link to the stream will be sent to everyone before the event.
16 April 2024
- Publication launch
Nordic urban-rural typology reveals population changes
We are proud to present the Nordic urban-rural typology and a new report with it! This new grid-based Nordic urban-rural typology offers a versatile tool for enhancing spatial planning, policy development and research. Join us as we present how to use it to understand territorial differences, settlement, and population development patterns across the urban-rural continuum. Improved results and analysis on Nordic level The typology uses 1×1 km grid data to categorise territories in the Nordic countries, by urban and rural characteristics. It identifies seven types of areas: ranging from densely populated urban centres, to sparsely populated rural areas. By using this typology as an analytical framework, we have studied demographic trends across the Nordic region and conducted localised analysis, presented in the report that will be launched during the event. Thanks to the statistical data – available on a very detailed level – the urban-rural typology serves as an analytical tool, giving you the possibility to compare population trends and settlement patterns between different types of areas and countries, offering a more detailed spatial analysis than ever. On 19 March, we invite you to a webinar where we will go into depth on why and how we developed this grid-based Nordic territorial typology and then used this typology to conduct comparative analysis across the Nordic countries. The webinar will cover: Possibilities for policy and research Nordic typology shows that many municipalities are at the same time both urban, intermediate, and rural, and in many cases these different categories seem to be undergoing quite different types of development. The typology itself does not communicate any trends, but offers a framework for informed decision-making in spatial planning and policy formulation across the Nordic Region. Analysis enabled by this tool are crucial for crafting effective policies and strategies, especially in adapting to trends such…
19 March 2024
- Publication launch
- Webinar
Launch: Policy tools for sustainable and healthy eating
Welcome to join us for the launch of the new report “Policy tools for sustainable and healthy eating” that will provide guidance and recommendations for policy interventions to enable dietary shifts. The event will host a discussion with thought leaders and experts on what policies are needed to create enabling food environments for better diets. The event will also connect Nordic cases with international experiences. Current consumption patterns in the Nordic region are not aligned with national dietary guidelines or health and sustainability targets. There is a need to shift diets for a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle. This is a global challenge and a necessity for the health of ourselves and the planet. As part of the Nordic Vision project Healthy and Sustainable Food Systems, the Nordic Council of Ministers has cooperated with Nordregio to deliver a research project about the Nordic food environments and behavior change. The research project complements the release of the Nordic Nutrition Recommendations 2023 (NNR2023) and provides policymakers with proposals and suggestions for policies and interventions that are implementable in the Nordic countries to guide dietary shifts. Speakers More speakers will be announced soon. Sign up here! (Registration is mandatory) The event is open to all stakeholders and is free of charge. Welcome!
14 March 2024
- Publication launch
Why should you (not) hire refugees and immigrants?
The Nordic countries are facing labour shortages across various sectors. Still many refugees and immigrants experience difficulties in establishing themselves on the labour market. Why are we in this paradoxical situation? At this webinar, the researchers present the findings of a new report on Employers’ perspectives and experiences from hiring immigrants across the Nordic countries.
15 February 2024
- Publication launch
- Webinar
Beyond the City Limits: Possibilities and uncertainties of remote work
The pandemic posed a shift in work culture and normalised remote work. With the freedom to turn down the urban office setting, workers are presented opportunities for compatible career and lifestyle choices in rural and small-town settings. As we navigate this work-life balance renaissance, questions arise: The shift to remote work has impacted our perception of place and mobility, introducing new needs and challenges. By uncovering how this has changed the work-life balance, planners can use this trend to plan for communities that not only attract but also retain residents. As this is a moving target, we understand that there may be more questions than answers, so we invite you, as Nordic planners and policymakers, to engage with us in dialogue – to not only observe the change, but to use its opportunities. Between 10 – 11 CET on 20 February, we presented case studies of Nordic smaller towns and rural areas and their approach to remote work opportunities. Possibilities and uncertainties in working life trends, demographic development and planning was discussed. Webinar agenda:
20 February 2024
- Publication launch
- Webinar
Arctic Frontiers: Gender Equality in the Blue Economy
For most of the Nordic countries, fisheries and aquaculture are important economic sectors. Their labour markets are however male-dominated, and strongly gender-segregated. Project Salmon & Equality, led by Nordregio, gathers knowledge and statistics on gender equality in fisheries and aquaculture across the Nordic countries. At Arctic Frontiers in Tromsö, we will launch the research report on the topic, and have invited renowned speakers to discuss the issue. Join us on Tuesday 30 January 2024! The aim of the event is to raise increased awareness of the need for gender balance in the business and to share knowledge of effective measures. The event will be centered around Arctic Frontier’s overall theme “Action and Reaction,” and will bring together representatives from politics, industry, and research to engage in a dialogue on gender equality within the fishery and aquaculture sector. Secretary General of the Nordic Council of Ministers Karen Ellemann will open the event, followed by expert talks and panel discussions. Welcome to join our side event at the Arctic Frontiers conference in Tromsö, or join the livestream by signing up to the form below! Researcher and project manager Anna Karlsdóttir will present key findings as well as new policy recommendations covering statistics, harassment, innovation uptake, gender, and governance within the sector. Presentations by: Anna Karlsdottir Associate Professor, Nordregio and University of Iceland Key note speaker: Susanne Mortensen FisherMortensen is a fisher and author of the opinion piece that set in motion the fishing industry’s #Metoo movement, spurring a public debate about harassment and equality. Moderator: Gøril Johansen Chief Executive Officer Pro Tromsø Panelists: Sandra Márjá West, member of Sámi Parliament Ms. Karen Ellemann Secretary General, Nordic Council of Ministers Malgorzata Smieszek-Rice Researcher, The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø (UiT) Gunnar Davídsson Head of Resource Management Department, Troms County Council Administration Edgar Henriksen…
30 January 2024
- Conferences
- Publication launch
EU versus National Climate Policies in the Nordics
In 2021, the EU decided to set more ambitious targets for the abatement of greenhouse gas emissions, including a 55% reduction in carbon emissions by 2030 and achieving climate neutrality by 2050. This issue of Nordic Economic Policy Review explores the implications of this new Fit for 55 package for the Nordic countries.
08 May 2023
- Publication launch
COVID-19 effects on the economy in the Nordics – Nordic Economic Policy Review 2022
The Nordic countries weathered the COVID-19 pandemic relatively well compared to most other high-income countries, both in terms of public health and economic repercussions. Infection and excess mortality rates were comparatively low in the Nordic Region, except in Sweden, where they relied more on recommendations and guidelines than mandatory measures to contain the spread of the virus. The fall in GDP was also comparatively small and short-lived in all of the countries except Iceland, where tourism plays a more prominent role in the economy. This issue of the Nordic Economic Policy Review surveys the economic repercussions of the pandemic and the health and economic policies introduced to minimise its impact in the Nordic countries. Although national policies were broadly similar, they also differed in many respects. Given that some enjoyed greater success than others, comparing different policies and their effects may yield valuable lessons for the future. We welcome you to the launch of the 2022 issue of Nordic Economic Policy Review on 8 June at the Nordic Culture Point in Helsinki. Here you will hear three of the authors present their articles as well as an expert panel. PROGRAMME 09.00 – 09.55 Coffee 10.00 – 10.05 Minister of Family Affairs and Social Services, Mr Aki Lindén 10.05 – 10.10 Harry Flam, professor emeritus and editor 10.10 – 10.25 Torben Andersen, University of Aarhus 10.25 – 10.40 Lars Hultkrantz, School of Business, Örebro University 10.40 – 10.55 Kristiina Huttunen, Aalto University School of Business Questions after each presentation 11.00 – 11.30 Panel: Joakim Sonnegård, Swedish Corona commission; Seppo Honkapohja, Aalto University School of Business; and Heli Koski, ETLA Moderator: Oskar Nordström Skans, professor and co-editor 11.30 – 12.00 Light lunch Where: Nordic Culture Point, Kaisaniemenkatu 9, Helsinki When: 8 June 2022, 10.00 – 11.30 EEST / 9.00 – 10.30 CEST The event will be live-streamed…
08 June 2022
- Publication launch
State of the Nordic Region 2022
Join the launch events on 23 March, the Nordic Day! Our report State of the Nordic Region 2022 has its point of departure in the Covid-19 pandemic and examines how it has affected demography, labour market and economy in the Nordic countries, cities, and regions. Nordregio and the Nordic Council of Ministers welcome you to join five launch events live or digitally as we tour the Nordics on 23 March – The Nordic Day. Researchers, politicians, experts, and more will join us throughout the day with interesting presentations and discussions: What can we learn from the crisis, and what’s needed now to create the most integrated and sustainable region in the world by 2030? The recordings from events are available here: From crisis to opportunity Closed borders and cross-border labour COVID-19 and the Nordic labour market The pandemic and digitalization Life and death in the Nordic Region Find more information about each event below: OSLO: From crisis to opportunity – Nordic co-operation during and after the COVID-19 pandemic: What now? The COVID-19 crisis was a major challenge for Nordic cooperation. All the Nordic countries adopted an inward-looking, state-centric approach, rather than a collective and coordinated transnational response to the crisis. So where do we go from here? While the pandemic exposed some weaknesses and vulnerabilities in Nordic cooperation, it also serves as a reminder of its advantages. Speakers: Anne Beathe Tvinnereim, Norwegian Minister for Nordic Cooperation, Gustaf Norlén, editor and author, Nordregio, and Rasmus Jungersen Emborg, President of the Nordic Youth Council, Helge Orten, Nordic Council, Vice-Chair of the Norwegian delegation, and Hilde Sandvik (Moderator). When: 9:00–9:45 am (CET). Breakfast is served from 8.30 Where: Litteraturhuset, Oslo More information about the event STOCKHOLM: Closed borders and cross-border labour – How do they co-exist? 458,000 citizens – 1.7% of the Nordic…
23 March 2022
- Publication launch
Housing Policies in the Nordics – Nordic Economic Policy Review 2021
Join us on 5 May for the digital launch event of NEPR 2021. This issue of Nordic Economic Policy Review is devoted to Nordic housing markets and housing policies. Nordic housing markets face more or less the same problems and challenges, but the way policies and regulations deal with them differs in many respects. A comparison of policies, regulations and results across countries yields valuable lessons for policymakers. The work has been led and edited by Professor emeritus Harry Flam and Professor emeritus Peter Englund. Find the publication here Watch the recording Programme Welcome, Krista Mikkonen, Finnish Minister of the Environment and Climate Change Article presentations: Introduction, Professor Harry Flam Cost and productivity in housing construction, Mats Bergman, Södertörn University; and Sten Nyberg, Stockholm University, Sweden Social housing: affordability and integration, Essi Eerola, VATT Institute for Economic Research, Finland Efficiency and equity: taxation of housing, Niku Määttänen, University of Helsinki, Finland Panellists: Kristina Háfoss, Secretary-General at the Nordic Council and former Minister of Finance, Faroe Islands, Curt Liliegreen, Project Director at the Knowledge Centre for Housing Economics/Realdania, Denmark, and Una Jónsdóttir, Economist at Landsbankinn, Iceland. Moderated by Senior Research Advisor Ryan Weber, Nordregio The event will take place on Zoom between 13.00 – 15.00 CEST, and you can register through the link below. REGISTER
05 May 2021
- Publication launch
Free movement in the Nordics: A true story of jobs, commuting – and dark numbers
For the first time ever, cross-border statistics for all Nordic countries has been produced, shedding new light on mobility across borders in the Nordic countries. How far are we from being the most integrated region in the world, one of the main goals of Nordic Cooperation? And how much do we know about the movements of people within the Nordic Region? Nordic Council of Ministers invites you to a discussion about current mobility patterns and statistics cooperation in the Nordics. Nordregio’s new Director, Rolf Elmér will join the program in the panel on the need for better cross-border statistics in the Nordics. Among the speakers, you will also find Paula Mikkola, Nordkalottrådet and Elsie Hellström, Svinesundskomitéen, sharing reflections on Nordic mobility in cross-border regions. Paula and Elsie have been active members of the Nordic Thematic Groups for Rural Development and Innovative and Resilient Regions that Nordregio has been coordinating for the past four years.
25 February 2021
- Conferences
- Publication launch
- Webinar
Book launch: Green Visions: Greenspace Planning and Design for Nordic Cities
On the 26th of January, we launched the book Green Visions: Greenspace Planning and Design in Nordic Cities. Selected authors and acclaimed landscape architects from around the Nordic Region came together to critically discuss the role of planning and design of public greenspace, both for today and for the future of Nordic sustainable cities. The launch was recorded and is available through the link below. Watch the launch Nordic cities are renowned for promoting accessibility to greenspace, both in terms of preserving natural landscapes as well as establishing green public space within highly developed areas. At the same time, multiple pressures threaten our access to urban green and recreative spaces. Increasing liberal planning approaches are further commodifying land, and even lasting good practices are under development pressure. Ethnic and economic segregation has also led to significant intra-urban spatial disparities in terms of access to high-quality green and recreation space. Green Visions explores and evaluates the historical pathways, contemporary development, and future outlook for planning, design, and policy-making of green and recreational cities in the Nordic Region. Landscape architects, planners, policymakers, and active citizens will learn from practitioners who share decades of knowledge regarding the aesthetics, functionality, and significance of urban greenspaces throughout Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden. Readers within the Nordic Region and abroad will find an in-depth exploration of urban greenspace that will inspire and incite curiosity over the future of urban greenspaces. As cities navigate contemporary urban challenges and prepare for uncertain futures with regards to climate change, urban densification, and social inequities, the insights from the book act as review and vision for sustainable urban planning and design. The book is published by renown publisher Arvinus + Orfeus. Programme: Presentations by Karsten Jørgensen, Thorbjörn Andersson, Stig L. Andersson and Ranja Hautamäki. Panel discussion with Monica von…
26 January 2021
- Publication launch
- Webinar
21 October: Health & Well-being in the Nordic Region
Health & Well-being in the Nordic Region: The potential of digital solutions Discover the presentations from the event: Special Issue on Health, Well-being and Digitalisation – main results Anna Lundgren and Linda Randall, researchers, Nordregio VOPD – main results, including highlights from the case studies and the accessibility study Anna Lundgren, Senior Research Fellow, Nordregio Louise Ormstrup Vestergård, researcher, Nordregio Shinan Wang, Cartographer/GIS specialist, Nordregio Are the Nordic people equally healthy and happy? How are digital solutions improving health and well-being? And how can digital solutions in health care and social care contribute to regional development? Join the webinar launch 21 October of two Nordic reports analyzing and discussing health and well-being, and how the quality and accessibility to health care and social care services can be improved by using digital solutions – now and in the future. Henrik Moberg (SV), Ministry of Social Affairs, Sweden together with Nordregio’s researchers, national and regional experts in the field of health care and digitalization, Sari Palojoki, Specialist, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health (FI), Peter Berggren, area manager for local healthcare in Southern Lapland (SV) and Anne Kristin Kleiven, development director from the region Sogn og Fjordane (NO) will share their insights and you are welcome to participate in the discussion. SIGN UP: https://www.lyyti.in/WellbeingLaunch Although the results of these studies show that the Nordic countries are performing well on many indicators related to health and wellbeing in an international comparison, there are persistent gaps between regions, socio-economic groups and gender. Digitalisation has the potential to overcome some of these gaps by improving accessibility to welfare services and thus wellbeing. Increasing access to fast Internet broadband and to bridge digital divides, are important issues for Nordic governments to address. Otherwise, we run a risk of cementing persisting inequalities in the Nordic countries. The two reports, State of the Nordic Region 2020…
21 October 2020
- Publication launch
Financial Regulation and Microeconomic Stability in the Nordics
Launch of the Nordic Economic Policy Review 2020 The next issue examines how robust the financial sector in the Nordics is today. How well designed are the financial regulations that have been imposed after the global financial crisis in 2008–09 and the subsequent euro crisis? Will the new bail-in rules work in a systemic crisis, or do we risk further costly bail-outs by governments? How does monetary policy influence household debt? Have macroprudential tools been well-calibrated? Answers to these questions are crucial for judging the risks that the current corona crisis might also trigger a new financial crisis. The new issue will be presented at a webinar on the 16th of June at 10.30 (CEST). Please register no later than 16.00 (CEST) on the 15th in order to receive a link to the webinar. REGISTRATION: https://www.lyyti.in/nepr2020 10.30 Introduction by Lars Calmfors, Research Institute of Industrial Economics, Stockholm University and chief editor of the Nordic Economic Policy Review 10.40 How stable is the Nordic financial sector? Jesper Rangvid, Copenhagen Business School 10.55 Bail-in: EU rules and their applicability in the Nordic context. Vesa Vihriälä, University of Helsinki 11.10 Monetary policy and household debt. Gisle James Natvik, Norwegian Business School 11.25-12.15 Panel discussion: Will the corona crisis also trigger a financial crisis? Karolina Ekholm (professor of economics, Stockholm University), Lars Heikensten (CEO, the Nobel Foundation), Kerstin Hessius (CEO, Third Swedish National Pension Fund) and Jesper Rangvid (professor of finance, Copenhagen Business School). Moderator: Peter Englund (professor emeritus, Stockholm School of Economics and Uppsala University).
16 June 2020
- Publication launch
Integrating immigrants into the Nordic labour markets – Launch event for Nordic Council of Ministers report
Migration to the Nordic region increased strongly during the refugee crisis in 2015. On a per-capita basis, Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden have taken in more asylum seekers than most other European countries. In the coming years, these refugees and subsequent newcomers have to be integrated into the Nordic labour markets, if asylum is granted. This will be an extremely challenging process. All Nordic countries are characterised by significant employment gaps between natives and foreign born, with particularly large gaps existing in Denmark, Finland and Sweden. Refugees in particular are more dependent on welfare support and less likely to be employed than natives. In recent years, an increasing number of studies have analysed measures to promote employment among migrants. Nonetheless, a systematic review of how different policies influence employment rates of refugees and other migrant groups in the Nordic countries has not been available previously. A new report produced by Nordregio for the Nordic Council of Ministers now gives an overview of existing measures to integrate immigrants into the Nordic labour market including policy recommendations and outlines of best practice. The report will be presented at a launch event at the Ministry of Finance in Oslo on 29 May. Venue: Ministry of Finance, Auditorium R5, Akersgata 59, 0032 Oslo (Norway) The event is free of charge but registration is mandatory. WATCH LIVE DOWNLOAD THE REPORT DOWNLOAD POLICY BRIEFS PROGRAMME 29 MAY 8:30 – 9:00 Arrival and Coffee 9:00 – 9:10 Welcome, Siv Jensen (Minister of Finance, Norway) 9:10 – 9:20 Immigration and integration in the Nordic Region – recent trends, Nora Sánchez Gassen (Nordregio) 9:20 – 9:35 Integrating immigrants into the Nordic labour markets – summary of the project, Lars Calmfors (Stockholm University and Research Institute of Industrial Economics) 9:35 – 10:30 Presentations of chapters from the report Education efforts and…
29 May 2019
- Publication launch
Book launch “Maritime Spatial Planning – Past, Present and Future”
Countries across the globe are designing and implementing spatial plans in the sea at high speed. The book “Maritime Spatial Planning – Past, Present and Future” is the first comprehensive overview of maritime spatial planning (MSP). Among other authors, Nordregio researchers are sharing insights on public participation in MSP. The authors of the volume have managed to weave together different interdisciplinary strands of research, such as geography, urban planning, political science, natural science, sociology and education. Emerging from experiences in this changing and challenging endeavour, the authors have identified some key questions: How can maritime spatial planning deal with a complex and dynamic environment such as the sea? How can MSP be embedded in multiple levels of governance across regional and national borders – and how far does the environment benefit from this new approach? How involve those affected – even across borders if the institutional systems are still under development? Besides analysis and discussion, also possible solutions are explored. The book “Maritime Spatial Planning – Past, Present and Future” is co-edited by Jacek Zaucha (Maritime Institute in Gdansk) and Kira Gee (HZG Geesthacht). Nordregio Senior Researchers Andrea Morf and Michael Kull together with Kira Gee (HZG Geesthacht) and Joanna Piwowarczyk (Maritime Institute in Gdansk) have contributed to one of the chapters “Towards a Ladder of Marine/Maritime Spatial Planning Participation” that is based on the need to assess and compare participation processes across cases and countries and foster learning to develop public participation in MSP. The chapter shares theoretical reflections and results derived from the BaltSpace and the Baltic SCOPE projects. It presents an analytical framework to characterise participation in MSP, including a participation ladder emphasising power sharing, roles, functions and learning. This innovative and in many ways pioneering volume should be relevant for both students and scholars of MSP,…
07 March 2019
- Publication launch
Launch of Nordic Economic Policy Review 2019: Climate Policies in the Nordics
The 2019 edition of the Nordic Economic Policy Review will be launched on 14 May, 2019, in Copenhagen. This year’s edition, titled “Climate Policies in the Nordics”, looks into the into climate change from a Nordic perspective. Are we doing enough? Can small countries like the Nordic ones affect global climate policy? The publication consists of five articles signed by experts from Norway, Denmark and Sweden, and three of them will be presented during the launch, followed by a panel discussion with Ida Auken (DK), Karolina Skog (SE) and Peter Birch Sørensen (DK). The review is edited by professor emeritus Lars Calmfors and professor John Hassler with contributions from among others Peter Birch Sørensen and Katinka Holtsmark. The launch is free of charge, but registration is mandatory. Download the publication here PROGRAMME 9.00 Welcome 9.10 Introduction by Lars Calmfors, Research Institute of Industrial Economics and Stockholm University 9.20 Presentation by Naghmeh Nasiritousi, Stockholm University: International Climate Policy in the Post-Paris Era 9.40 Presentation by Mads Greaker, OsloMet and Statistics Norway: Global Impact of National Climate Policy in the Nordic Countries 10.00 Presentation by Katinka Holtsmark, University of Oslo: Supply-Side Climate Policy in Norway 10.30 Panel with Ida Auken, Karolina Skog and Peter Birch Sørensen The launch will be moderated by professor John Hassler, Stockholm University and University of Gothenburg
14 May 2019
- Publication launch
GENERATION 2030: Global Goals for Local Priorities
Which Nordic municipalities are “first movers” in working with the Sustainable Development Goals and implementing the 2030 Agenda? What challenges and success factors have they met? What are the next steps for implementing the 2030 Agenda at the local level? Nordregio and The Nordic Council of Ministers are pleased to invite you to discuss these questions at a launch event of the report “Global goals for local priorities: The 2030 Agenda at local level”. The event will take place on Monday the 5th of November 2018 at 13:00 – 15:00 in Nordens Hus, Copenhagen. The report describes the work of 27 municipalities from all around the Nordics and shares ideas on how to get started, build on own strengths and contribute to the Global Goals by focusing on local priorities. Representatives from Nordic municipalities will share their experiences and will together with authorities from the national and regional levels, discuss next steps for implementing the 2030 Agenda at the local level.
05 November 2018
- Publication launch
Immigration and integration in the Nordic Region – get the facts straight
Statistics about migration have become both politically and economically prominent and sensitive. As a follow-up to the publication of State of the Nordic Region 2018, a special edition on immigration and integration of newcomers in the Nordic countries was published on “Nordic Day”, March 23.
23 March 2018
- Publication launch
Launch of State of the Nordic Region 2018
On February 8, the new edition of State of the Nordic Region will be launched in Stockholm by Margot Wallström, Swedish Foreign Minister and Minister for Nordic Co-operation and Dagfinn Høybråten, Secretary General of the Nordic Council of Ministers. Nordregio has been publishing State of the Nordic Region and its predecessors since the 1980s. The latest edition is by far the most ambitious, giving a comprehensive overview of key socioeconomic areas in the Nordic Region. It is published by the Nordic Council of Ministers with Nordregio as the main editor and will thus reach a much wider audience than previous editions. By mapping and documenting information about the state of the Nordic region(s), Nordregio empowers local, regional and national authorities in the Nordic countries to make informed decisions. Solid documentation of development trends is a necessary starting point for developing good policy. At the same time, the State of the Nordic Region 2018 is also a treasure trove of information for the Nordic population at large, as well as a must read for international actors who want to learn about the Nordics and maybe even get inspired by the Nordic model, however differently it may be played out in the various regions and areas. The publication is centred around a number of custom made maps and other visual presentations, highlighting one of the specialties of Nordregio and making the most of our Geographical Information Services (GIS) expertise. The launch will take place in Stockholm on February 8, followed by a roll-out in all the other Nordic countries as well as events in the Baltics and possibly also Brussels and elsewhere.
08 February 2018
- Publication launch