Sara Melander

Communications Officer

Graduate from Lund University with a BA in Media and Communication Science including a year of Political Science studies. I strive to create clear and compelling communication that engages, educates or simply attracts the eye. At Nordregio, I’m pleased to connect my interests in sustainable development and creative expression, stimulating my value-driven side by supporting the organisation with communication efforts and research activites.


  • Bachelor of Arts, Media & Communication, Lund University, 2020-2023
    • Political Science, Lund University, 60hp
  • Creative Writing, Malmö University, 2019

Previous positions

  • PR & Communications Intern, Worldfavor, 2023


  • Swedish – native
  • English – fluent
  • German – basic

Sara Melander‘s spatial story

As a small-town kid growing up in the outskirts of Alingsås, I early envisioned an urban lifestyle for myself. It’s a common story really. With Gothenburg less than an hour away, parents commuting for work, relatives and family friends in the city, there was just no way I’d settle for a life without the buzz. People and culture right at my doorstep. Services open and available at all times.

Young Sara would be pleased to find her 27-year-old self within walking distance to a rich selection of cafes, bars, restaurants, supermarkets, museums, the movies, theatre… After a detour via Australia, Germany and Skåne for adventure and studies, Stockholm attracted me for the very reason I once glanced at Gothenburg. Still, when asked to visualise “my happy place” the other week, neither of the locations I’ve chosen for myself came to mind. Instead, I pictured the fields, barns and livestock of my childhood summers spent at my grandma’s cabin in the remote and rural village of Österåsen. The day-long drive (x2), for two weeks away from all my friends back home. No running water. Nothing but the smell of cows and finding ways to fill the void of boredom. I saw the calves run toward my sister and I as we routinely went to feed them flowers before dinner, a backdrop of purple mountains and pink clouds.

At 27, I’ve arrived at a deep appreciation for the stillness in my childhood. I feel privileged to experience both and to have a place of retreat – mentally if not physically – when urban life gets intense. I’m thankful for feeling at home in multiple spaces, for the space I’m currently in and for all the places I have yet to (re)discover. For the ability to choose and change direction.

