Thomas Jensen

Head of GIS

Thomas is no longer employed by Nordregio, for contact or further information, please contact

An urban planner with a focus on data collection, data analysis, and data visualisation using GIS maps. High interest in sustainable development both as a professional and private person.  

Academic Qualifications
MSc Urban Planning, Aalborg University, 1995 
MTM (Master of Technology Planning), Aalborg University, 2003 

Danish (native) 
English (fluent) 
Norwegian and Swedish (medium level) 

Prior positions
Urban planner at Sven Allan Jensen, 1995-2007 (1998-2000 as part-time) 
Project manager at Danish Centre for Urban Ecology, 1998-2000 (part-time) 
Senior Consultant at COWI, 2007-2021 

Coronakrisens betydning for kommunernes befolkningsudvikling, Geoforum june 2021

Thomas Jensen‘s spatial story

I have been living in Jutland, Denmark for the first 50 years of my life – the first 19 in Aarhus (childhood and high school) and afterwards in Aalborg (university and working career). 

I have always enjoyed traveling and have been a frequent visitor to both Australia and southern Europe.  But with an increasing focus on my personal environmental footprint, I have chosen not to travel by air since 2017. Instead, I try to focus on the potential adventures and exotic places that can be found in the local areas. 

In 2021, I (and my better half Tina) decided to try something new, so we moved from Aalborg (for some known as the ‘Paris of the North’) to Stockholm (one of the cities considered to be the ‘Venice of the North’) and are looking forward to new adventures in the Swedish capital. 

