Nordregio joins Swedish “Local 2030 Hub” – plans for broader network

A group of 15 organisations in Sweden have joined together to form a “Local 2030 Hub” supporting the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs with a special focus on cities. Nordregio joins the group as part of our work with Agenda 2030

The 15 Swedish organisations are hosting a long-term programme for capacity building in inclusive urban development focusing on local implementation. As part of the UN-wide Local2030 initiative, a “Local 2030 Hub” has therefore been established in Sweden. This Local 2030 hub supports the implementation of the SDGs in cities by establishing an urban hub for capacity building. Inclusive and sustainable urban development is a powerful tool to achieve the other SDGs locally and will contribute to the overall implementation of the 2030 Agenda.

Sweden and the other four Nordic countries are considered to be among those in the best position to deliver on the 2030 Agenda and reach the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including the global Paris Agreement on climate change from COP21 and the New Urban Agenda (NUA). According to the UN, prerequisites for a successful urban development are a high level of decentralisation and local democracy as well as relevant financing at a local level. No other region in the world is characterised by such a far-reaching municipal self-government as the Nordic cities and municipalities. In addition, there are few other examples of local government which have such an extensive self-financing through income tax at a local level.

But if the Nordic governments, regions and municipalities are to achieve both global, national and local goals, and also be at the forefront globally, a common platform is needed that translates a common vision of sustainable urban development as well as policy and strategy into practice. There is a need for a platform that gathers knowledge, practical experience, good examples, methods and tools in one place and that has the capacity to share them among all multi-stakeholders both locally throughout the country and to build capacity globally.

The new platform is a great addition to this work in Sweden and Nordregio is planning on extending this in a broader Nordic context in the near future, if funding and the appropriate networks are formed.

