As a leading Nordic research institute within the broad research fields, Nordregio is being often mentioned in various media channels. Nordregio’s studies raise questions to many relevant Nordic, European, and worldwide topics, and researchers provide answers and become great talkers in professional discussions.

On this page, you will find articles in which Nordregio was mentioned and its researchers were interviewed.

Contacts for Journalists

Head of Communications and Outreach: Åsa Ström Hildestrand
Rural development: Pipsa Salolammi, Senior Communications Advisor
Urban development: Johanna Feuk Westhoff, Senior Communications Adviser
Innovative regions: Vaida Ražaitytė, Communications Advisor

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Economy in Green Transition
Nordic Sustainable Economy podcast #3, 2021-06-30

Climate and biodiversity crisis echos now globally from various realms of life, the culprit is the type and size of economy we have. It does not fit into the boundaries of this ecosystem on the planet Earth. Yet, the same economy that is now devastating the planet, is itself depending on this ecosystem. Even if we know what is wrong, are we ready to fix that?

This podcast reflects what a green and resilient economy would look like and how to achieve that. How can we reconcile economy with its resource base – natural ecosystem? Is bioeconomy and circular economy a real cure? We dive into this with the help of Jyrki Katainen, Director of SITRA and former prime minister of Finland and Taavi Rõivas, now entrepreneur and former prime minister of Estonia.

Host of the show: Åsa Ström Hildestrand, Head of Communications and Outreach at Nordregio

Nordic cooperation – a must-have or nice-to-have?
Nordic Labour Journal, 2021-06-25

The pandemic has led to increased polarization between the Nordic countries and trust between Nordic citizens has fallen. This is particularly true for those living far apart. In border regions, where people know each other, it has been less damaged.

As the Coronavirus hit the world, Nordic borders were shut for the first time since 1954. Suddenly free movement in what is known as the world’s most integrated region disappeared and worst hit were the border regions. All the countries chose different paths to stop the virus and from one day to the next the much valued Nordic cooperation seemed to disappear.

Related Researchers: Mari Wøien Meijer, Alberto Giacometti, Research Fellows at Nordregio

Can China boost its birth rate by adopting the Nordic position? Scandinavian baby-making secrets may need a change in mindset
This week in Asia, 2021-06-12

With China’s recent announcement of a three-child policy to increase its fertility rate, some Chinese analysts and social commentators have cited the relative success of Nordic countries in raising birth rates. But while efforts by Scandinavian states in boosting fertility have occasionally been successful, the number of births in these countries has declined in recent years, highlighting the difficulties of sustaining population growth in many advanced economies.

Related Researchers: Anna Karlsdóttir, Timothy Heleniak, Nora Sánchez Gassen, Senior Research Fellows at Nordregio.

Sametinget: Renägarna i fortsatt majoritet
Samtiden, 2021-05-26

Det blev inget maktskifte i Sametinget. Renägarnas dominans utmanades av Jakt- och fiskesamerna, som gick starkt framåt på uppfattningen att värna den samiska identiteten. Men sittande majoritet består. Samerna i Sverige gick till val förra söndagen. Nu har också poströsterna räknats och ett slutgiltigt valresultat presenterats. Valdeltagandet ökade från 58 till 67 procent.

Ny rapport: Brist på information ligger inte bakom smittspridningen av covid-19 i utsatta områden
Åbo Underrättelser, 2021-05-11

Brist på information är inte den huvudsakliga orsaken till den höga smittspridningen i utsatta områden under coronapandemin. Det framgår av en ny rapport som Nordiska ministerrådet och Nordregio har publicerat.

Rapport: Informationsbrist inte bakom höga coronasiffror i invandrartäta områden – problemet strukturellt
Östnyland & Hufvudstadsbladet, 2021-05-11

En färsk rapport visar att de höga coronasiffrorna i invandrartäta områden i nordiska storstäder är ett strukturellt problem, som inte i huvudsak beror på brist på information. Invånarna har tillgång till information om rekommendationer och vill följa dem, men har i många fall inte möjligheten att göra det.

Related Researcher: Hjördís Rut Sigurjónsdóttir, Research Fellow at Nordregio

Will English become the new Nordic language of cooperation?
Nordic Labour Journal, 2021-04-29

Which language should the Nordic region choose for its future cooperation? The common Scandinavian which is spoken by three-quarters of the Nordic population? Or do we take the consequences of an ever decreasing understanding of languages and turn to English? Is the Nordic identity at all built on a common language?

English is the natural choice for young Nordic citizens in a globalised world, according to a new report from the Nordic Council of Ministers – “Does the Nordic language community exist?” In Nordic cooperation, one of the three closely related languages Swedish, Norwegian or Danish, are used both in official work and with citizens organisations. 

