Not Just a Green Transition (NJUST) – Examining the path towards a socially just green transition in the Nordic Region

Not Just a Green Transition – Examining the path towards a socially just green transition in the Nordic Region (short name: NJUST) contributes to a just transition towards a climate neutral Nordic Region. The researchers explore perceptions among those experiencing the change first-hand and focus on how to best support the Nordic people and especially potentially vulnerable groups, primarily unemployed and those at risk of unemployment as well as older adults, children and persons with disabilities.

Towards a strong knowledge base and policy relevance
The starting point will be to create a knowledge base where a literature review, policy review and analyses of spatial and socio-economic effects of green transition policies will be conducted. The project will send out surveys and perform sentiment analyses to explore how people experience the ongoing green transition on an individual level. Based on the knowledge base, a policy proposal toolbox will be created and disseminated to the relevant policymakers across the Nordic countries and self-governing regions. The toolbox shall contain policies and measures to reduce the potentially negative spatial and social impacts of the green transition. All publications will be openly available on Nordregio’s website.

A big collaboration effort: focus groups and dialogue meetings to validate the results
The project interacts with labour market representatives, unions and civil society actors, invites vulnerable group representatives to join focus groups and dialogue meetings and reaches out to citizens via surveys. Nordic and national policymakers are the main target group for the project results and special communication efforts will be channelled to these groups. NJUST invites all stakeholders annually to join an open event to share and build knowledge. The first event takes place in August 2022 and more information will be available here during the spring.

The NJUST project works closely and reports to several Committees of Senior of Officials under the Nordic Council of Ministers. The project has also a reference group The Nordic Expert Group for Sustainable Development and a knowledgeable steering group to support and guide the knowledge building, policy development and support communication throughout the project life span.

Not Just a Green Transition – Examining the path towards a socially just green transition in the Nordic Region is a cross-sectoral project initiated and financed by the Nordic Council of Ministers. Nordregio is responsible for implementing the project, while it is led by a steering group composed of appointed representatives from the committees of senior officials connected to the Nordic Ministerial Councils. The Nordic Welfare Center (NVC) is a partner in the project and will also contribute with special knowledge on vulnerable groups.

NJUST project has disseminated knowledge and results through out the project:

2022: Leave no one behind – Policies to support a just green transition in the Nordics.

2023: Policy proposals for a just green transition

5 Nov 2024: A Nordic just green transition
Launch of Policy toolbox and policy recommendations

Project leader:
Anna Lundgren, Nordregio

Steering group:

MR-SAM (chair) Eggert Benedikt Guðmundsson, Prime Minister’s Office, Iceland

MR-Social (vice chair) Vacant

MR-Regional Heta-Elina Heiskanen, Ministry of the Environment, Finland

MR-Labour Tryggvi Haraldsson, Ministry of Social Affairs, Iceland

MR-Education (observer) Tove Lyngra, Ministry of Education and Reserach, Norway

MR-Environment and Climate (observer) Maija Häggblom, Government of Åland, Åland

Nordic Council of Ministers secretariat (observer) Hanna Bökmark, Nordic Council of Ministers,

Nordregio (observer) Rolf Elmér, Nordregio

Project manager Anna Lundgren, Nordregio

