Linnea is a social scientist with a background in Political Science and International Relations. Her main research interests are governance processes and political change related to regional development, sustainability and EU policy.
Academic qualifications
MSc in International Relations – “Globalisation, Environment and Social Change”, Department of Economic History, Stockholm University, 2016-2018
BSc in Political Science, Department of Political Science, University of Gothenburg, 2013-2016
Understands Norwegian, Danish and Spanish
Prior positions
Project Assistant, Swedish Transport Administration, 2018
Intern, International department at the Swedish Parliament, 2017
Project Assistant and Intern, Tankesmedjan Global Utmaning, 2015
Peer reviewed publications
- Löfving, L., Kamuf, V., Heleniak, T., Weck, S., & Norlén, G. (2021). Can digitalization be a tool to overcome spatial injustice in sparsely populated regions? The cases of Digital Västerbotten (Sweden) and Smart Country Side (Germany). European Planning Studies, 30(5), 917–934.
- Moodie, J., Tapia, C., Löfving, L., Sánchez Gassen, N., and Cedergren, E.,. (2021). “Towards a Territorially Just Climate Transition—Assessing the Swedish EU Territorial Just Transition Plan Development Process” Sustainability 13, no. 13: 7505.
- Bourdin, S., Moodie, J., Gassen, N. S., Evers, D., Adobati, F., Amdaoud, M., Arcuri, G., Casti. E., Cottereau, V., Eva, M., Lőcsei, H., Laţu, C., Ibănescu, B., Jean-Pierre, F., Hermet, F., Levratto, N., Löfving, L., Coll-Martinez, E., Psycharis, Y., Salenius, V., & Remete, Z., (2023). COVID-19 as a systemic shock: curb or catalyst for proactive policies towards territorial cohesion? Regional Studies, 58(8), 1543–1556.
- Copus, A., Kahila, P., Dax, T., Kovács, K., Tagai, G., Weber, R., Grunfelder, J., Meredith, D., Ortega-Reig, M., Piras, S. Löfving, L., Moodie, J.R. Fritsch, M. & Ferrandis, A. (2021). European shrinking rural areas: Key messages for a refreshed long-term vision. TERRA: Revista de Desarrollo Local, (8), pp.280-309. DOI: 10.7203/terra.8.20366
External publications
- Löfving, L., Lundgren, A., (2022), Mälardalsrådets En Bättre Sits-samarbete, Utvärdering av processen 2018-2020, Mälardalsrådet Rapport EBS_220314.indd
- Teräs, J., Löfving, L., Huynh, D., Evaluation of the Academy for Smart specialisation, OECD report
- Weber, R., Grunfelder, J. Löfving, L., Moodie, J. (2020) ESCAPE: European Shrinking Rural Areas: ESPON ESCAPE Final Report. ESPON, Luxembourg.
Linnea Löfving‘s spatial story
The first thing I do when I come to a new place is to locate where the ocean is. Within the next hours or days, I always make sure to find a high point with an overview of the city. I think it brings me a sense of freedom knowing where I am and where I am going.
The places where I lived all had a special connection to the ocean, Gothenburg, Brighton, Barcelona and Stockholm. And I don’t think I could live in a place where the ocean is not present. The ocean is something that is living, moving and changing and in high contrast to the robust and constant streets and buildings.
After I started studying history and political science at University, travelling became intertwined with discovering new dimensions of a place. I wanted to learn why a country or city had developed in a certain way, why people act or vote in a certain way, why systems look different in different places. I think this is the basis for my interest in policy and why policy is created.
Related Research Projects
- Fulfilling the Transformative Potential of Nature-Based Solutions (Transform-IntegrateNBS)
- Democratising jUst Sustainability Transitions (DUST)
- RELOCAL (Resituating the local in cohesion and territorial development)
- Business Financing in the Arctic
- Improving Urban-Rural connectivity in non-metropolitan regions (URRUC)
- ESPON ESCAPE – European Shrinking Rural Areas Challenges, Actions and Perspectives for Territorial Governance
- Planning and designing the inclusive smart city
- Evaluation of Åland Rural Programme 2014-2020
- Sami Youth Involvement in Regional Development
- En bättre sits – evaluation
- ESPON Covid: Territorial impacts of Covid-19 and policy answers in European regions and cities
- Smart Specialisation Västerbotten
- Territorial Just Transition Plans for Gotland and Norrbotten
- The Sustainable Hub to Engage in Rural Policies with Actors (SHERPA)
- Nordic transport infrastructure planning – institutional barriers and opportunities for coordination (NORDINFRA)
- Evaluation of Åland “Entrepreneurship and Competence” Programme 2014-2020
- Electric aviation and the effects on the Nordic regions
- Collaborative Regional Leadership
Related Publications
- Sámi Youth Perspectives, Education and the Labour Market
- The right to access the city: Nordic urban planning from a disability perspective
- Ålands Utvärderarnas fördjupade årsrapport för 2019
- Sámi nuoraid perspektiivvat, skuvlejupmi ja bargomárkanat
- Kompetensbehov för Smart specialisering i Värmland
- Can we break the isolation? Experiences of digital tools in elderly care in three Swedish municipalities
- Cross-border transport infrastructure planning in the Nordic Region – An introduction
- Electric Aviation Outlook in the Nordics
- Facilitating cross-border transport infrastructure planning in the Nordic Region
- Ålands strukturfondsprogram 2014-2020: Utvärderarnas slutrapport 2022
- Collaborative Regional Leadership
Related News
- The Geography of Higher Education – Evaluation of the Academy for Smart Specialisation
- SHERPA project working towards sustainable multi-actor platforms
- Just Green Transition in the Nordics: analysis of three Swedish regions
- New article provides fresh insight into the issue of rural shrinking in Europe
- Can digitalization help overcome spatial injustice in sparsely populated regions?
- 15 March, Policy Conference on empowering the local level
- Webbseminarium – Återhämtning efter covid-19 på Åland: Kapital och Kompetensförsörjning
- How do Sámi youth experience their education and job opportunities?
- Webinar 9 June: Sami Youth – Access to education and labour markets
- Digital services bring equality to Västerbotten municipalities
- ‘Digital Västerbotten’, a rural success?
- Making Europe – and especially rural areas – climate neutral
- Which electric aviation routes would be most beneficial in the Nordics?
- Exploring the Nordic electric aviation horizon
- Nordic transport infrastructure: how to strengthen the cross-border planning?