Interested in digital communication tools and techniques, Marija produces publications, story maps, subsites, and other communications material for various projects. She is responsible for Nordregio’s publications process, runs webinars, and is a communications person for the TANGO-W and the EDYNORA projects.
Academic Qualifications
- MA in Journalism at Vilnius University, Lithuania (Cum Laude)
- BA in Communication and Information at Klaipeda University, Lithuania
- Lithuanian
- English
- Swedish
Prior positions
- Communications coordinator at ‘Storyspot’ and ‘Diretto Employment Services’
- Trainee at the Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania to the Kingdom of Sweden
- Reporter and news editor at the National Television of Lithuania (LRT)
- Reporter and news editor at radio ‘Laisvoji banga’
- Journalist at business journal ‘BZN start’
- Reporter at television ‘Balticum’
Marija Zelenkauskė‘s spatial story
My path towards journalism and communication has started at school – Vilkija gymnasium – in a very small and beautiful town in the middle of my home country Lithuania. I was a very active and curious pupil interested in many subjects and activities happening at school as well as in my country and the world. As a member of the students’ board and a part of organisational teams of various events, I used to write short articles for internal use of the school as well as local newspapers. I then clearly understood the importance and power of the information spread and the way it was told. And this lit a spark in my heart for further interest in journalism and communication.
Journalism studies at Klaipeda and Vilnius universities in Lithuania and Erasmus exchange programme in Volda University College in Norway led me to various internships and jobs. I started my carrier as a journalist in a small local newspaper and radio, continuing in regional media and finally in Lithuanian National Radio and Television. Step by step, I learned new things and skills in journalism and started to gradually climb career ladders, which I was very happy about.
But suddenly, in the last year of MA, I was invited to apply for an international traineeship. And then, I remembered my old dream to live in a very beautiful city Stockholm even for a short period of my life. Then I understood that this was my chance. So, I completed my MA, left my job as a reporter at the National Television of Lithuania, and moved to Stockholm for a 6-months traineeship at the Embassy of Lithuania to Sweden. This was the very beginning of my Swedish life.
After this traineeship, I decided to stay in Stockholm and continue challenging myself with the new stage of my carrier – restarting it in communication instead of continuing in journalism. With quite a minimum experience in communication that I got while volunteering in various non-profit organisations, I felt like I needed to learn a lot. Three years have passed so quickly by learning Swedish, working as a communicator at small companies and events, when I suddenly found an open job position at Nordregio.
And here I am! A part of a great institution and a wonderful team! Here I gained an opportunity to develop my communications skills and learn about new tools, platforms, and international communication. Now I am working with communications of various projects, helping researchers to improve and develop their communications ideas, coordinating the development of Nordregio’s website and the implementation of the European Accessibility Directive in Nordregio’s communications channels, and creating content for websites as well as storymaps, layouts, working on Newsletters and Social Media.
I am sure this experience will be very valuable when getting back to Lithuania and continuing my carrier either in communication or journalism.
Related Research Projects
- ILLUQ – The impacts of permafrost thaw in the Arctic
- Education and young adults in Nordic rural areas (EDYNORA)
- Transformative capacity in energy, food, and water (TANGO-W)
- Evaluation of Indicators for the Social and Civic Integration of Migrants
- Integration through innovation: Digital inclusion of immigrant women in the Nordic countries
- BeUBio – targeting youth in the Baltic Sea Region for the SDG:s and Bioeconomy
- Carbon Neutral Islands
- Regional collaboration on service provision and social innovation
- Rural attractiveness in Norden
- Integrating climate into macroeconomic modelling (ICMM)
- SeMPER-Arctic – Sense Making, Place attachment and Extended networks as sources of Resilience in the Arctic
- Robust Regional Preparedness
- Share the Care: Strategies to Increase Diversity in Nursing Education
Related Publications
- No longer solid: how thawing permafrost affects people’s lives in the Arctic
- Juan Medina: From the grounds up – reaping the benefits of the coffee bean
- Liisa Aavik: Zero Waste influencer, blogger and coach
- Liisa Aavik – Zero Waste influencer, blogger and coach
- ‘Care to Smile’ – a sustainable high-school student company
- Sami Holmström: ‘Solar Foods’ for health and sustainable environment
- Amit & Monika: Digital tools and their potential in improving food systems
- Ingrid Vik Lysne: ‘Sewstainability’ – the rise of reuse and redesign
- The digital divide: infrastructure
- Digitalisation: A blessing or a curse for sustainable tourism?
- Digital transformation in the rural manufacturing sector
- The digital revolution in the bioeconomy
- The digital divide: Knowledge and skills
- ‘Care to Smile’ – a sustainable high-school student company
- Alvdal in Norway: Building on an entrepreneurial spirit
- Icelandic municipality Árborg: more jobs to attract people
- Avannaata municipality – a fishing-based society with tourism
- Bornholm: An island with growing potential
- Fljótsdalshérað: Local organisation wants to attract young people
- More attractive Hjørring in Denmark
- Inari in Finland – attractiveness and Arctic advantage
- Jomala in Åland: jobs, amenities and time
- Growing opportunities in Klaksvík
- Meet Lebesby – challenging but attractive place to live
- Närpes attracts migrants and green growth
- Life in Oskarshamn: good environment, services and cultural life
- Piteå in Sweden: Competitive and proud
- Vágur: Improving attractiveness through a change of image
- Bytes and Rights: Civil society’s role in digital inclusion
- Robust regional civil preparedness in the Nordic Region
- First aid kit to share the care: Recommendations to Increase Diversity in Nursing Education
- Simone Grind: Promoting a self-sustaining lifestyle through community support agriculture
- Nadine Sydow: ‘slugs-are-gone’ invention – an ecological ‘repellent’ for slugs and snails
Related external pages
- Green and Inclusive Rural Development in the Nordics (2021-2024)
- Green, Innovative and Resilient Nordic Regions (2021-2024)
- Green and Inclusive Urban Development in the Nordics (2021-2024)
- Rural Attractiveness Project Cases
- Public service delivery in the Nordic Region
- Young people leading the way to a sustainable economy
- Sense making, place attachment, and extended networks as sources of resilience in the Arctic
- Local ownership in transitions towards sustainable energy systems
- BioBaltic - Nordic-Baltic cooperation within bio-circular-economy
- Transformative capacity in energy, food and water
Related News
Related Events
- How can rural areas benefit from the green transition? Local energy, land-use, and value creation
- Urban Transformation Talks
- New perspectives on higher education in Nordic rural areas
- Launch: State of the Nordic Region 2024
- Who cares about men in care?
- Ready for take-off? Unlocking the future of electric aviation in the Nordic Region