41 News
Unaccompanied minors to the Nordic Region
In 2016, the Nordic Centre for Welfare and Social Issues started a project on compiling information and analysing the current situation in the Nordic Region with regards to the receiving unaccompanied minors. The project is still in its initial stage but already some interesting maps have been created by Nordregio. These can be found on the Nordregio project website: Unaccompanied minors to the Nordic Region.
2016 December
- Nordic Region
- Migration
30 Nov in Brussels: Investments and Business Opportunities in the Arctic
Nordregio’s Senior Researcher Anna Karlsdottir presents: Investments and Business Opportunities in the Arctic region (16:45 – 17:45, session 6) at the “Strengthening Sustainable Communities” organised by AFS. More information can be found here.
2016 November
- Arctic
- Arctic issues
- Regional innovation
- Sustainable development
Call for Papers for NoRSA conference: Regions in transition
NoRSA (Nordic Section of Regional Studies Association) will host a conference: Regions in Transition 9-10 March 2017 in Karlstad, Sweden. Call for papers in open until January 2. More information can be found here.
2016 November
- Nordic Region
- Regional innovation
Implementing Smart Specialisation in Sparsely Populated Areas
The Working Paper “Implementing Smart Specialisation in Sparsely Populated Areas” discusses the most significant elements of Smart Specialisation in Sparsely Populated Areas. It includes both theoretical overview and analysis of the introduction and implementation of the Smart Specialisation concept in selected European case study regions. The European Commission’s science and knowledge service Joint Research Centre (JRC) has published a Working Paper on Research and Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialisation in Sparsely Populated Areas. The Working Paper has been written by Jukka Teräs (Nordregio), Alexander Dubois (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences), Jens Sörvik (European Commission, JRC-IPTS, Seville) , and Martina Pertoldi (European Commission, JRC-IPTS, Seville). The Working Paper states that Sparsely Populated Areas should not be seen as regions lagging behind by definition but as regions with specific characteristics including challenges and opportunities. The analysis of the case study regions demonstrates that Sparsely Populated Areas have been able to create innovative environments and that there is a mindset and willingness to utilize the possibilities provided by Smart Specialisation processes. Sparsely Populated Areas need, however, to strengthen their competitiveness with extra-regional knowledge and networking pipelines. The specific characteristics and features of Sparsely Populated Areas, often with abundant natural resources but with limited human capital and lack of agglomeration economies, need to be carefully studied. The regional actors need not only to be heard but also to be invited to an inclusive Smart Specialisation process. Link to the Working Paper: https://ec.europa.eu/jrc/en/publication/eur-scientific-and-technical-research-reports/implementing-smart-specialisation-sparsely-populated-areas How to cite the Working Paper: “Teräs J., Dubois A., Sörvik J. and Pertoldi M. (2015). Implementing Smart Specialisation in Sparsely Populated Areas. European Commission. Joint Research Centre. S3 Working Paper 10/2015.”
2016 October
- Nordic Region
- Governance
- Regional innovation
- Rural development
The importance of Social Innovation (SI) is growing in the public sector
19-20 October SIMPACT project meeting highlights Social Innovation (SI) in the public sector and 25-26 October Nordregio hosts two sessions at the biggest Nordic SI event: Malmö Social Innovation Summit. Social Innovation Summit 25-26 October Nordregio participates Social Innovation Summit in Malmö. Nordregio hosts Creativity, community spirit & social innovation in rural Norden at Social Innovation Summit on the 26th and gives a presentation on the 25th. EU Rural development expert Petri Rinne from Finland will join us and tell more about local development tools and financing possibilities and challenges in the rural areas. Nordregio will also organize a lunch meeting with Nordic SIX. Read more about SIX network and join! http://www.socialinnovationexchange.org/home Read about the workshop (pdf) Creativity community spirit social innovation in rural Norden at Social Innovation Summit (2) Read more about Malmö Summit: http://sisummit.se/ Nordregio has recently published an online database on Social innovation in the Nordic countries and Scotland 8see the modules on the right and visit the site! SIMPACT project meeting 19-20 October On 19th-20th October, SIMPACT’s Social Innovation and Public Sector Innovation Symposium will explore the conditions under which the state either enables or constrains effective social innovation, and how it can transcend the boundaries between different actors. We will examine how social innovation is closely linked to public sector innovation, particularly in relation to new modes of policy production and implementation. We will identify the new forms of organisation within the state that enable such innovation by challenging functional demarcations and role definitions.This highly interactive Symposium will facilitate exchanges of knowledge and experience between researchers, policy practitioners and social innovation strategists. Exemplary cases of groundbreaking policy practice and partnerships will be explored, and participants will be invited to help define ‘what works’ in designing a future social innovation policy framework for Europe. Read more about…
2016 October
- Europe
- Nordic Region
- Regional innovation
- Rural development
10 Nov: Labour Market Integration in the Nordic Countries: What can we learn from each other?
Welcome to the NEPR seminar in Oslo November 10 on Labour Market Integration in the Nordic Countries. Since the mid-eighties the Nordic countries have received a high influx of refugees relative to the population size. Currently these countries receive large numbers of refugees, notably from the Middle East. This year’s Nordic Economic Policy Review seminar on Labour Market Integration of Refugees provides an arena for discussion of this and related issues. Existing studies exploiting the rich administrative registers in the Nordic countries have shown that the speed of labour market assimilation of immigrants from non-Western countries in the Nordic welfare states is slow. However, few studies distinguish between refugees and non-refugee immigrants from Non-Western countries. The aim of this seminar is to fill this gap in the literature and to bring together researchers investigating labour market integration of refugees and policy makers and organisations in the Nordic countries. The seven papers presented at the conference will cover three topics: Labour market integration of refugees Educational attainment of refugee children Fiscal effects of immigration This year’s seminar will include a panel debate where questions that have been asked during the day will be discussed with the audience, professionals, editors and authors of the articles. Our aim is to create a platform for an open and interesting debate.The seminar takes place on November 10 starting at 9.30 at Regjeringskvartalet in Oslo and is free of charge. Organisers are the Norwegian Ministry of Finance, the Nordic Council of Ministers and Nordregio. Register by email to: johanna.feuk@nordregio.se no later than October 31, the number of seats are limited. More information can be found on www.norden.org/NEPR The programme and official invitation can be downloaded here.
2016 October
- Nordic Region
- Finance
- Governance
- Integration
- Labour market
- Migration
Dansk Byplanmøde 2016
Cities change and global challenges might require local solutions. The Byplanmøde in Malmö on October 6 and 7 will discuss these questions and more. What can Danish cities learn from Malmö and other Swedish cities? How did Malmö go from being an industrial city to a successful and modern science oriented city? These are only some of the issues that will be discussed during the two day meeting and sessions. Nordregio Research Fellow Lisbeth Greve Harbo and Senior Research Fellow Timothy Heleniak will hold one of the sessions during the Byplanmøde on “Life in the small cities”. The session will look at small cities and what opportunities they have ahead of them. What are the prognosis? What demographic and migration challenges do they face? These and more relevant questions will be discussed and real cases will be the starting point for the discussions. For more information please visit the website.
2016 October
- Nordic Region
- Migration
- Urban planning
New project promotes empowerment in social service provision in rural areas of the Baltic Sea Region
A kick-off conference of the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Project SEMPRE– Social Empowerment in Rural Areas will take place in Berlin on 29 September. The project investigates the changing role of public and private social service providers, and explores end-user involvement in service development as one possible path for securing social welfare in rural areas of the Baltic Sea Region. The conference will focus on the future of social service delivery in the Baltic Sea Region. Nordregio will present first ideas of the Empowerment Handbook that will be among the outcomes of the project. More information about the project can be found on our project website as well as here (pdf).
2016 September
- Baltic Sea Region
- Governance
- Rural development