The Nordic Region has a long history and tradition of cross-border, interregional and intermunicipal collaborative governance. Nordregio’s innovative approach to governance research contributes to increasing knowledge of the main drivers, challenges and enablers of Nordic cooperation.

We possess extensive in-house knowledge and expertise in relation to a range of key governance concepts – territorial governance, collaborative governance and multi-level governance. Our main role in several projects is to observe, monitor and evaluate governance processes. The lessons learned from this research provide policymakers and practitioners with practical information regarding best practices on future collaborative efforts across different levels of governance and policy areas. For example, our research has explored and developed the key dimensions of the concepts of territorial governance and collaborative governance in the fields: regional development, maritime spatial planning, research and innovation, rural policy and Nordic public service delivery.

We also work closely with public authorities and stakeholders in developing territorial place-based governance structures and assisting in the preparation of regional smart specialization strategies. In the 2021-2024 period, Nordregio will continue to research innovative governance mechanisms, tools and instruments that promote ‘active subsidiarity’ and integrate local knowledge and expertise into Nordic policymaking processes. One of the main strengths of Nordregio’s multidisciplinary team is that we can apply the governance concept from different research backgrounds and perspectives. This diversity allows room for adaptation, flexibility and openness when meeting the requirements of funding bodies and project partners that define the governance concept differently.

