56 News
From refugees to citizens
Nordregio hosts a conference on Nordic experiences of inclusion in the labour market It is a major challenge for the Nordic countries to make it easier for refugees and their family members to enter the labour market. What are the key elements for a successful integration according to research and what are the obstacles for integration and how can these be overcome? What do the refugees say themselves? The aim of this Nordic conference is to gather policy-makers, researchers and practitioners in the field to share good solutions. Strategies and policies will be illustrated by good practices regarding labour market integration. The program The day begins with an opening speech by Annica Dahl, State Secretary to the Minister for Employment and Integration. Anna Karlsdóttir, researcher at Nordregio, will then follow with a knowledge overview of how to speed up the labour market integration of refugees in the Nordic region. Other speakers: Mai-Britt Haugaard Jeppesen and Shazia Mughal from Bydelsmødre, a Danish organisation that managed to break the isolation and motivate immigrant women to become active in society. Mohammed Al Nussirie, a pediatrician who came to Sweden as a refugee just over two years ago and is now working as a doctor in Stockholm. Mika Pyykkö, project manager at the Finnish Innovation Fund, will explain how Finland uses Social Impact Bonds to bring more refugees in to the labour market. We will also hear about Greve in Denmark, Gloppen in Norway and Sunne in Sweden, three municipalities who have proved successful in getting refugees into the labour market. Moderator: Soledad Pinero Misa, who has a background as administrator at the Youth Democracy Commission, chairman of the Red Cross Refugee Center, director of Youth Against Racism and administrator at the Youth Democracy Commission. We hope the seminar will inspire and facilitate dissemination among…
2017 November
- Nordic Region
- Integration
- Labour market
- Migration
- Regional innovation
Registration to a study trip to Värmland is open!
On 28-29 November, Nordregio invites experts and stakeholders interested in regional development to visit Värmland Region and learn how it promotes smart specialization sectors, such as bioeconomy and digitalization, and creates an attractive regional brand. The study visit is a part of the BSR Stars S3 project. Värmland´s economy is largely focused on pulp and paper industry, information and communication technology, steel industry and engineering, and hospitality industry. Värmland is also famous for clustering and networking initiatives, with Paper Province cluster as an internationally known example. The BSR Stars S3 study tour in Karlstad, Värmland, will introduce the key actors of the Värmland Innovation System, and will open up opportunities for the participants for concrete cooperation with Värmland. The company cases that cover fields, such as bioeconomy/circular economy, and digitalization, will be also presented at the study tour. The call is open to all interested parties in the Baltic Sea Region. Attending the programme is free of charge, but accommodation and travelling expenses will be covered by the participants themselves. Karlstad is 2,5 hours by train from Stockholm. We have made a deal with the hotel “Elite Stadshotellet Karlstad” regarding your reservations. The discount code is “-GREG271117” (booking via email or phone) and lasts as long as there are rooms available. You can register to the event by emailing Tuulia Rinne (tuulia.rinne@nordregio.se). Please, mention if there are allergies or special diets to be aware of. The registration is open until 20 November 2017. The study trip is organized in collaboration with The Nordic Council of Ministers, the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth and Region Värmland. Find the final programme here.
2017 October
- Nordic Region
- Bioeconomy
- Regional innovation
Slussen: Urban spaces in our hearts – then and now
The “New Slussen”-project has been called one of Sweden’s most criticized projects and has engaged a great number of citizens in protests and public discussions about urban planning. In a series of seminars, different aspects of the project will be discussed with the contribution of amongst others Moa Tunström, senior research fellow at Nordregio. Stockholmia in collaboration with Nordregio and other partners have launched a series of seminars that aim to throw light on the controversial rebuilding of Slussen in Stockholm, to convey knowledge and provide space for reflection on complex social planning processes and to generate new knowledge and materials for further research. The seminars will gather service personnel, politicians, activists, “expert citizens”, journalists, consultants and researchers to discuss the following questions: What lessons can we draw? How does the interaction between citizens, politicians and management work? What is the role of the media? Who has the power over social planning? And are the conflicts around New Slussen the only ones of their kind? On 24 October, Moa Tunström, senior research fellow at Nordregio, will talk about normative underpinnings of urban planning visions and the constant search for “the good city”. More about Moa’s presentation: (in Swedish) Vi är alla på spaning efter den goda staden I planer och visioner för ny stadsutveckling kommer urbana normer och ideal till uttryck, liksom uppfattningar om vilka som är de viktigaste problemen att lösa med ny stadsutveckling. Staden behöver förtätas, bli levande, integrerad, grönare, eller attraktiv. Barriärer behöver överbryggas, eller förorten bli till stad. Idealbilder kopplade till staden och dess platser kommer naturligtvis till uttryck även på andra sätt – i samtal människor emellan eller i form av protester, insändare, skönlitterära berättelser eller nyhetsartiklar, forskning med mera. Vi är alla på spaning efter staden – den goda, och den onda. För det…
2017 October
- Nordic Region
- Urban planning
Nordregio joins the third European Rural Parliament
On 18-21 October, European Rural Parliament partners gather in the Netherlands to discuss prominent issues for the rural communities, inspire others and get inspired. Nordregio’s Research Fellow Anna Berlina will share insights on social innovation, empowerment and local food initiatives during the workshops. European Rural Parliament is a long-term campaign to express the voice of rural people in Europe; and to promote self-help and action by the rural people, in partnership with civil society and governments. This year, the participants will share the experiences of dealing with rural issues, re-confirm the European Rural Manifesto and agree the Venhorst Declaration. Among other activities, a series of workshops will be carried out where the knowledge from several Nordregio projects will be shared: During the workshop “Tackling poverty and exclusion in rural areas” good practice examples of combating social exclusion in rural areas through ‘social empowerment’ and ‘social innovation’ based on the Interreg SEMPRE project and Social Innovation in local development in the Nordic countries and Scotland project. In the workshop “Sustaining rural services and infrastructure”, Anna Berlina will share the information about the Interreg MAMBA project and discuss how the innovative rural mobility solutions are implemented in the European rural areas. You can also join plenary sessions through the live-streaming! This will be available at the following times: Thursday October 19 – 9.00 – 10.30 CET Friday October 20 – 8.45 – 13.00 CET Saturday October 21 – 9.00 – 15.00 CET Click on the following link to open the live streaming: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzhiOXPCQbv2wm2fO6zn5ow/live The European Rural Parliament gathers partners every two years from all parts of Europe. The third European Rural Parliament is hosted in Venhorst, the Netherlands. Find more information about the European Rural Parliament here.
2017 October
- Europe
- Regional innovation
- Rural development
Social Green contributes to the Policy Learning Platform
On 17-18 October, Nordregio Researcher Ryan Weber joins INTERREG Europe’s Policy Learning Event on Energy and Resource Efficiency, where he will present good practices from the Social Green Project led by Nordregio. Social Green aims to develop regional and local policies and actions plans in six EU countries, helping them to retrofit social housing to improve their energy and resource performance. Energy efficiency in social housing not only decreases GHG emissions and contributes towards a lower carbon economy, but it also improves the socio-economic conditions by reducing fuel poverty in EU cities and towns. One such example is the KredEx scheme deployed in Estonia, which shows how innovative policy and funding tools can increase the energy efficiency of social housing without increasing the costs to residents. The Social Green project aims to promote the greening of the social housing sector through mutual learning and development of improved regional policies. The partnership includes 8 partners from 6 countries (Portugal, Spain, Croatia, Estonia, Sweden, Romania), with capacity to influence the policy instruments related to greening the social housing sector. A two-day conference is organized by INTERREG Europe as a part of the policy learning platform on energy and resource efficiency which gather researchers and policy-makers to discuss the needs of cities and regions.
2017 October
- Nordic Region
- Governance
- Green transition
- Regional innovation
Managing social impact – new guide to making the most of human capital in local communities
The REGINA project addresses the social issues as well as the challenges posed in terms of economic and environmental sustainability when developing local resource based economies. At the recent REGINA partner meeting in Greenland a new guide on how to handle social impacts of major changes in local communities was presented. One of the three main toolboxes to come out of the REGINA project is a so called SIMP (Social Impact Management Plan), that looks at the social effects in remote communities involved in major change processes. The guide outlines potential challenges and presents advice on how to handle them. The SIMP guide was launched at the REGINA partner meeting in Kujalleq municipality in Greenland in the beginning of September. One aim of the guide is to continuously monitor social change to soften the blow from large scale industries operating in the local area. But it also looks at the positive side of the coin and explores the human potential in local communities. The guide provides guidance to work with citizen participation and public involvement to manage social impacts of large scale resource based industries extracting natural resources. It looks specifically at a mining project and is developed in cooperation with Sodankylä municipality in Finland, but the results are applicable within other sectors and in other local projects too. People matter – We talk a lot about natural resources when discussing development. But maybe we should focus a bit more on human capital and “people potential”. We should not just look at the challenges, but also at the quality of life in remote communities, said one of the writers of the guide, University Lecturer Leena Suopajärvi from the University of Lapland in connection with the partner meeting in Greenland. The REGINA project has adapted the concept of Smart Specialisation Strategies…
2017 October
- Nordic Region
- Green transition
- Regional innovation
The Nordic story on Sustainable Cities
Nordregio is working on a White Paper for the Nordic Prime Minister’s initiative on Nordic Sustainable Cities – a paper that will be presented at the Nordic Edge Expo in Stavanger on 26 September. Nordic Sustainable Cities is a continuation of the Nordic Built Cities programme, which, just as well as the new initiative, was managed by Nordic Innovation. Nordregio has been given the task of writing a White Paper and the first draft is now available online. The Nordic Edge Expo gathers practitioners, industries and more under the theme of “Smart Hapiness” for three days of seminars, panels, exhibitions and workshops. Nordic Innovation will run a half-day conference on 26 September under the theme When Smart Meets Human – The Nordic Model in Urban Development. Nordregio Director Kjell Nilsson and Senior Research Fellow Luciane Aguiar Borges who is leading the work with the White Paper will both be present at this event. The draft of the White Paper can be found here. White Paper pdf.
2017 September
- Nordic Region
- Regional innovation
- Sustainable development
- Urban planning
Slussen: International perspectives on urban planning
The “New Slussen”-project has been called one of Sweden’s most criticized projects and has engaged a great number of citizens in protests and public discussions about urban planning. In a series of seminars, different aspects of the project will be discussed with the contribution of amongst others Moa Tunström, senior research fellow at Nordregio. Stockholmia in collaboration with Nordregio and other partners launch a series of seminars which aims to understand the controversial rebuilding of Slussen in Stockholm, to convey knowledge and provide space for reflection on complex social planning processes and to generate new knowledge and materials for further research. The seminars will gather service personnel, politicians, activists, “expert citizens”, journalists, consultants and researchers to discuss the following questions: What lessons can we draw? How does the interaction between citizens, politicians and management work? What is the role of the media? Who has the power over social planning? And are the conflicts around New Slussen the only one of their kind? On October 24th, Moa Tunström, senior research fellow at Nordregio, will talk about normative underpinnings of urban planning visions and the constant search for “the good city”. More about Moa’s presentation: (in Swedish) Vi är alla på spaning efter den goda staden I planer och visioner för ny stadsutveckling kommer urbana normer och ideal till uttryck, liksom uppfattningar om vilka som är de viktigaste problemen att lösa med ny stadsutveckling. Staden behöver förtätas, bli levande, integrerad, grönare, eller attraktiv. Barriärer behöver överbryggas, eller förorten bli till stad. Idealbilder kopplade till staden och dess platser kommer naturligtvis till uttryck även på andra sätt – i samtal människor emellan eller i form av protester, insändare, skönlitterära berättelser eller nyhetsartiklar, forskning med mera. Vi är alla på spaning efter staden – den goda, och den onda. För det finns naturligtvis problembilder…
2017 September
- Nordic Region
- Regional innovation
- Urban planning
Nordregio contributes to “Arctic indicators and scenarios workshop”
Two Senior Research Fellows Timothy Heleniak and Anna Karlsdóttir from Nordregio will share insights and results from former and ongoing Arctic research. The aim of the workshop is to gather international experts for the discussion on how to manage sustainable development planning in the Arctic region in the context of multiple pressures. Demands for sustainable development at a time of rapid environmental and social change in the Arctic have increased the need for tools that can help decision makers assess capacities for navigating uncertainty. The specific focus will be on identifying the needs for further method development to make such tools useful in local and national decision-making processes related to extractive industries and for overall assessments related to the Sustainable Development Goals in the Arctic. The workshop will address two key questions: How could scenario methods help inform the development of relevant indicators for sustainability in the context on the long-term impacts of extractive industries on Arctic communities? How can different indicators or indicator domains be integrated into tools that can be used in social and environmental impact assessments and policy? Timothy Heleniak will present a paper titled “Polar peoples in the future” about the future size and composition of the Arctic population and Anna Karlsdóttir will share the experience of developing policy recommendations on basis of foresight workshops during the work of Nordic Arctic Working Group 2013-2016. The workshop is co-organized by the Nordforsk-funded project Resource Extraction and Sustainable Arctic Communities and Mistra Arctic Sustainable Development and New Governance with supplemental funding from the Swedish Research Council Formas. The workshop will take place at Stockholm Environment Institute, Stockholm, on 7-8 September.
2017 September
- Arctic
- Arctic issues
- Governance
- Sustainable development