61 News
State of the Nordic Region goes academic
The State of the Nordic Region 2018 report has now been chosen as part of the material used in the entrance exam for the business administration study in a number of Finnish universities. State of the Nordic Region is a flagship publication of the Nordic Council of Ministers produced by Nordregio every other year. The various versions of the 2018 edition have been downloaded around 13.000 times a little over a year after publication. With the addition of the main report to the syllabus used for the test that constitutes the entrance exam for the bachelor degree in business administration at 20 Finnish institutes of higher learning another 13.000 downloads might be expected. Work on State of the Nordic Region 2020 has commenced with expected publication in February 2020.
2019 April
- Nordic Region
- Finance
- Governance
- Nordic Region
- Finance
- Governance
Nordic Nightmare Before Christmas
Have we failed to integrate Christmas traditions? Risalamande, luumukiisseli, malt og appelsin, gløgg, julmust, Kalle Anka och hans vänner önskar God Jul, Home Alone and Nightmare before Christmasare dishes, drinks and movies are all part of the Christmas season traditions in the Nordic Region. Nordregio, with the help of Santa, has done a very thorough study across the Nordic Region on Christmas traditions and one observation is quite striking: the Nordic Christmas traditions are very country specific and not integrated at all! Indeed, zooming in at the regional level, there is not much variation within a country how people spend their Christmas. In Norway for instance, pepparkakor and Julmust seem to be quite popular in all the regions, but there are differences among the favourite movies: Home Alone is the most searched movie in seven regions, including the newest administrative region of Trøndelag. The eight other regions of Norway, as well as Gotland and Österbotten, prefer Kalle Anka to accompany pepparkakor and Julmust. In Finland, Christmas seems to be connected to glögi and either rice pudding or Christmas cake. However, the main difference with the other parts of the Nordic Region is the favourite movie: Christmas comedies and romantic movies in Finland do not seem to be as popular as dark fantasy Christmas movies such as Rare Exports or The Nightmare before Christmas. In Åland, Sweden and Denmark, the large majority of regions highlight a preference for Kalle Anka och hans vänner önskar God Jul along with snaps. The main difference is in the Christmas treat: risalamande in Denmark and pepparkakor in Sweden and Åland. Note that a number of administrative regions have a balanced Christmas profile, i.e. no specific dish, drink or movie is significantly above the Nordic average. It can be explained by a relatively significant mix of…
2018 December
- Nordic Region
- Integration
- Regional innovation
New e-health project looks at telemedical solutions
For people living in rural areas, access to basic healthcare can be a major challenge. On 20 November, a kick-off conference was held for a new Nordic project that aims to measure how accessibility to different forms of health care in sparsely populated regions may improve with digital solutions and how such solutions may contribute to regional development. Nordregio will participate in a three-year project initiated as part of the Swedish presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers 2018. Nordregio will contribute with studies on the effects that distance spanning technologies have on accessibility and regional growth as well as assist with support and ongoing evaluation. A kick-off conference was held in Storuman in Northern Sweden on 20-21 November. The kick-off included a visit to the Centre of Rural Medicine in Storuman, with a close look at two of the projects run there. One project deals with virtual community care rooms located in smaller rural towns. Here citizens can have consultations and basic health checks using telecommunication. Another project focuses on the development of a drone which could deliver medicine over long distances. Both projects are concerned with creating better and more accessible care and treatment for people living in remote, rural areas. The project involves a wide range of actors, including Nordregio’s sister organisations Nordic Welfare Center and Nordic Innovation
2018 November
- Nordic Region
- Regional innovation
- Rural development
Social Empowerment in rural areas
On 27-28 November, the final conference of the SEMPRE project “Make empowerment happen! Changing mindsets for better social services” will take place in Riga. For three years, the partners of the SEMPRE project have been working with different empowerment approaches in rural areas. The overall aim of the project is to identify ways in which social service providers can empower the users of their services – who often belong to marginalised groups – to take part in service innovation processes. Empowerment addresses three dimensions: the individual, organisational and societal one. All three dimensions are covered by the SEMPRE project and reflected in the project results which will be presented at the final conference. Nordregio’s Research Fellow Anna Berlina and Cartographer/GIS Analyst Gustaf Norlén will present a new “Empowerment Handbook” and a set of preliminary policy recommendations at the conference. Empowerment Handbook Nordregio’s role in the project has been to develop an “Empowerment Handbook” based on the collection of good practice examples from project partners and assist the partnership in the compilation and dissemination of recommendations targeted at social service providers and policymakers. This “Empowerment Handbook” is already available on the SEMPRE project’s website and will hopefully be used widely.
2018 November
- Baltic Sea Region
- Regional innovation
- Rural development
REVIVAL: exploring regional development in Georgia, Russia and Sweden
On 1-2 November, partners from Nordregio, the Leontief Centre and Kazbegi Local Action Group are gathering to kick-off the REVIVAL project in Kazbegi town, located near Mount Kazbek, one of the highest peaks in Georgia, rising over 5000 meters. This first meeting is a great opportunity to get to know each other, as well as to learn about regional development in Georgia, Russia and Sweden. Two main sessions of the kick-off meeting are based on the workshops organised by Nordregio. They will focus on two main concepts explored in the ESPON Bridges project, namely Transitional Labour Market and Residential Economy. The main expected outcomes of two workshops are to transfer knowledge of these two concepts, to identify areas for case studies that have geographic specificities (mountainous, insular, sparsely populated or coastal) in Georgia and Russia and to prepare a framework for the case study analyses. A study visit in Kazbegi organized by local partners will end the two-day meeting and provide a better perception of this mountainous locality to the Russian and Swedish partners. The REVIVAL project aims at exploring new approaches to study local and regional development in mountainous and sparsely populated areas.
2018 October
- Global
- Nordic Region
- Finance
- Labour market
- Migration
- Regional innovation
State of the Nordic Region presented in Brussels
Nordregio has been included as part of the official program at the European Week of Regions and Cities in Brussels, October 8-11. The event gathers key stakeholders from all walks of life within the regional sector in Europe, including key EU actors and fellow European research centers. State of the Nordic Region is a flagship publication of Nordregio and the last edition from February 2018 has now been downloaded nearly 11.000 times. The publication keeps attracting attention, most recently with two articles in Greenlandic media in August in connection with a presentation in Nuuk by Nordregio Academic Director Karen Refsgård. An event centered on State of the Nordic Region has now also been accepted as part of the official programme of the European Week of Regions and Cities in Brussels. Activities at European Week of Regions and Cities The event, entitled Fact-based macroregional co-operation for better decision making will present results from State of the Nordic Region showing key socioeconomic features of the Nordic countries to a key European audience. But more importantly, it will also address the issue of macroregional and cross-border co-operation as well as the value of this type of fact-based collaboration. It will take place on October 11, from 11.00-12.30 at the Square in central Brussels. There are already more than 50 persons signed up, but a few places remain. Sign up here. In addition, Nordregio Senior Research Fellow Jukka Teräs will deliver a key note speech at an event on October 9, held by the Brussels based network for Northern Sparsely Populated Areas in the Scottish House. And Nordregio Research Fellow Leneisja Jungsberg will participate in the annual high-level Master Class hosted by the EU Committee of Regions and the Regional Studies Association.
2018 October
- Cross-border
- Europe
- Green transition
- Regional innovation
- Urban planning