Dr John Moodie is a political scientist specializing in European Union (EU) governance and policymaking in the fields of regional policy, research and innovation policy, and maritime policy.
His academic research has primarily analysed the role of expertise in EU policymaking and the implications of rapid scientific and technological change for democratic processes and legitimacy. More recently, he has focused on the concept of territorial governance and how to effectively engage the sub-national level in EU policymaking processes. This research has examined “place-based” policymaking instruments, such as smart specialization, designed to enhance the role of local and regional stakeholders in policy formulation and bring the EU closer to its citizens. John has 10 years of experience working as an EU policy and funding adviser, working closely with public and private stakeholders in the development of regional smart specialization and cross-border collaboration strategies. He has also conducted a large number of ex-post EU evaluations measuring the territorial impact of EU transnational and cross-border programmes on regional economic growth and sustainability.
Academic Qualifications
- PhD in Political Science from the University of Newcastle upon Tyne (2006-2011)
- MA in Politics (Research) from the University of Newcastle upon Tyne (2004-2005)
- BA Joint Honours in History and Politics from the University of Nottingham (2001-2004)
Previous Positions
- Post-Doctoral Researcher on the EPISTO project at the Arena Centre for European Union Studies (University of Oslo)
- Post-Doctoral Researcher on the Valgen project at the University of Saskatoon
- Consultant at NJM European, Economic and Management Consultants Ltd
- Policy Adviser at the North East England Regional Office in Brussels
Moodie, J., Tapia, C., Löfving, L., Sánchez Gassen, N., & Cedergren, E. (2021). Towards a Territorially Just Climate Transition—Assessing the Swedish EU Territorial Just Transition Plan Development Process. Sustainability, 13(13), 7505.
Copus, A., Kahila, P., Dax, T., Kovács, K., Tagai, G., Weber, R., Grunfelder, J., Meredith, D., Ortega-Reig, M., Piras, S. Löfving, L., Moodie, J.R. Fritsch, M. & Ferrandis, A. (2021). European shrinking rural areas: Key messages for a refreshed long-term vision. TERRA: Revista de Desarrollo Local, (8), pp.280-309.
Moodie, J., Sielker, F., & Goldsborough, D. (2021). Territorial cohesion and the sea: experiences from European maritime spatial planning. In EU Cohesion Policy and Spatial Governance. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Moodie, J. R., Wøien Meijer, M., Salenius, V., & Kull, M. (2021). Territorial governance and Smart Specialisation: empowering the sub-national level in EU regional policy. Territory, Politics, Governance, 1-21.
Moodie, J.R., Kull, M. Cedergren, E. Giacometti, Eliasen, S.Q, A. Morf, and A. Schrøder, L (2021), Transboundary Marine Spatial Planning in the Baltic Sea Region. Towards a Territorial Governance Approach, Maritime Studies.
Moodie, J.R., M. Kull, A. Morf, L. Schrøder, and A. Giacometti. (2019), Challenges and enablers for transboundary integration in MSP: 1350 Practical experiences from the Baltic SCOPE project. Ocean & Coastal Management.
Morf, A. Moodie, J.R. Gee, K, Giacometti, A. Kull, K. Piwowarczyk, J. Schiele, K Zaucha, J, Kellecioglu, I. Luttmann, I. and Strand, H. (2019), Towards sustainability of marine governance: Challenges and enablers for stakeholder integration in transboundary marine spatial planning in the Baltic Sea. Ocean & Coastal Management.
Kull, M., Moodie, J. R., Thomas, H. L., Mendez-Roldan, S., Giacometti, A., Morf, A., & Isaksson, I. (2019). International good practices for facilitating transboundary collaboration in Marine Spatial Planning. Marine Policy.
Moodie, J.R. (2017) ‘Reassessing the Monnet Method: Deliberative or Technocratic?, in Góra, Magdalena, Cathrine Holst, and Marta Warat, eds. Expertisation and Democracy in Europe. Routledge, 2017.
Moodie, J.R. Kull, M. Giacometti, A. & Morf, A. (2017), Overcoming fragmented transboundary MSP governance and weak stakeholder engagement in the implementation of the EUSBSR, in Eds Making the Most of Macro-Regions, (Interact ebook: Brussels).
Moodie, J. R. (2015) ‘Resistant to Change? The European Commission and Expert Group Reform’, in West European Politics.
Holst, C. & Moodie, J. R. (2015) ‘Cynical or Deliberative? An Analysis of the European Commission’s Public Communication on Its Use of Expertise in Policy-Making’, in Politics and Governance.
John Moodie‘s spatial story
Born in Nottingham in 1983, but brought up in the North East of England in the historic town of Newcastle. I was a keen student of History, Politics and the English Language at High School, which developed into a deeper passion for History and Politics during my undergraduate days at Nottingham University. During this time, my interest in the European Union began to grow, so my Masters and PhD studies focused on the historical evolution of the EU, as I wanted to develop my understanding of the key institutions and policymaking process. At post-doc level, I focused on research and innovation policy and the role of expertise in EU policymaking, examining the way the Commission consults with key stakeholders in the formulation and implementation of policy.
This background knowledge of EU governance and policymaking forms an essential foundation for the job at Nordregio, where I have focused on EU Marine Spatial Planning and Regional Innovation Policy. I look forward to developing a deeper understanding of the interrelationship between the Nordic Region and the EU over the coming four years.
Related Research Projects
- GreenFORCE
- Towards coherence and cross-border solutions in Maritime Spatial Planning (Baltic SCOPE)
- PanBaltic SCOPE
- BONUS BASMATI – Baltic Sea Maritime Spatial Planning for Sustainable Ecosystem Services
- BSR Stars S3 – Smart specialization in bio-, circular and digital economy in the Baltic Sea Region
- ESPON Financial Instruments
- HIGHER – Better Policy Instruments for High Innovation Projects in the European Regions
- Territorial Impact Assessment for Cross-border Cooperation
- Territorial Evidence support for European Territorial Cooperation Programmes
- ESPON ESCAPE – European Shrinking Rural Areas Challenges, Actions and Perspectives for Territorial Governance
- Regional collaboration on service provision and social innovation
- Sweden-Norway Cross-Border Mapping
- Territorial Just Transition Plans for Gotland and Norrbotten
- ESPON Covid: Territorial impacts of Covid-19 and policy answers in European regions and cities
- Collaborative Regional Leadership
- eMSP Project: Emerging ecosystem-based Maritime Spatial Planning topics in North and Baltic Seas Region
Related Publications
- Inclusive Digitalization in the Baltic Sea Region: An Instrument for Growth and Development in Declining Rural Areas?
- Nordregio News 3 2017
- Building Effective Transnational Partnerships: The Case of Smart Lighting
- Industrial Symbiosis in the Baltic Sea Region: Current Practices and Guidelines for New Initiatives
- Strengthening regional resilience through adaptive collaboration
- Nordregio Strategy 2021-2024
- Policy brief – Public service delivery in the Nordic Region: An exercise in collaborative governance
- Public service delivery in the Nordic Region: An exercise in collaborative governance
- Smart Specialisation in the Baltic Sea Region
- Developing and Managing Innovation Ecosystems in the Circular Economy
- Collaborative Regional Leadership
- Reaping the Benefits of Nordic Collaboration in Regional Development
- Proactively engaging citizens in European Union Cohesion Policy
Related News
- New article: The economic and social impact of Covid-19
- Territorial impacts of Covid-19 and policy answers in European regions and cities
- Stronger institutions lead to higher Nordic trust
- Citizen engagement in policy formulation – New article from Nordregio researchers
- Why territory matters for implementing active subsidiarity in EU regional policy
- Just Green Transition in the Nordics: analysis of three Swedish regions
- New article provides fresh insight into the issue of rural shrinking in Europe
- Nordregio contributes to a new book on the future of EU Cohesion Policy
- Is territorial governance needed in smart specialisation and maritime planning?
- Results from Pan Baltic Scope: towards coherent maritime spatial plans
- 11 Steps to Implement Industrial Symbiosis
- Pioneering work for sustainable use and development of the Baltic Sea – The Baltic SCOPE project presents its results
- January 25-26: Final Baltic SCOPE meetings
- Nov 8-9: Strategy Forum of the EUSBSR
- Baltic SCOPE partners meet in Copenhagen
Related Events
- Opening Conference of the eMSP NBSR project
- BONUS BASMATI: The final seminar
- BSR Stars S3 Final Seminar: “Specializing in bio- and circular economy in the Baltic Sea Region”
- Conflicts and Synergies in Maritime Spatial Planning
- Pan Baltic SCOPE Opening Conference
- Future-proofing the Nordics – what is resilient leadership?