34 News
Nordic Talks: The rural way
When Covid-19 hit countries with lockdowns and foreign travel restrictions, rural areas suddenly got overwhelmed with visitors who overpowered the infrastructure. On the other side, people got more open-minded about rural living, more aware of the potential mental and physical health benefits, as well as more sustainable lifestyles. All these changes and benefits were discussed in the newest Nordic Talks podcast hosted by Nordregio, CoDel and the University of Limerick. Senior Research Fellow at Nordregio and head of the Nordic Thematic Group on Green Inclusive Rural Regional Development Anna Karlsdóttir, together with other researchers from Scotland and Ireland, shared her insights on how rural communities in the Nordics and around the world turned the Covid-19 crisis into an opportunity. According to Karlsdóttir, rural and remote areas have received much more interest as touristic places which could be both advantages and disadvantages for the locals. “Sustainable tourism development needs to balance between being a good place to live for inhabitants and a good place to visit. It is hard to connect sustainable well-balanced community development with the well-being of the inhabitants along with the tourism development,” says the researcher. Speakers also discussed how we can develop thriving, but still sustainable rural areas over the coming decades. This Nordic Talks event was organized by the University of Limerick in Ireland, Nordregio in Sweden, and CoDel in the United Kingdom.
2022 March
- Nordic Region
- Rural development
- Tourism
Nordregio at the Nordic Symposium on Tourism and Hospitality Research
Nordregio Research Fellows Anna Karlsdóttir and Ágúst Bogason will participate in the 29th Nordic Symposium on Tourism and Hospitality Research. Called “Shaping mobile futures: Challenges and possibilities in precarious times’ this year’s conference focuses on finding ways out of the vicious circle of irresponsible production and consumption while also moving towards a more sustainable future for tourism. Finding tools and methods needed to manage this tourism in an ever-changing world is another main aim of the event. The Nordregio Research Fellows will facilitate and lead several sessions, Anna Karlsdóttir being in charge of the ‘The importance of slow food and what it means for gastro tourism and slow travels’ session. Ágúst Bogason will present Nordregio’s and CRT’s research on Sustainable Tourism Planning at a session named “Methods measuring sustainability effects of tourism development for benefit of local communities and rural areas”. “Few sectors have been impacted more by the ongoing pandemic than the tourism sector. International travel almost came to a full stop and the entire chain in the tourism sector has been affected. A few rural places have experienced their best seasons yet because of increased domestic travel during the pandemic, while the traditionally more visited destinations and regions have been hard hit. As the world is slowly opening up again, the question remains how tourism will develop in the coming years?” says Ágúst Bogason. According to the researcher, many people feel the longing to travel freely again, and all tourism-related businesses eagerly await the arrival of visitors. But going ‘back to normal’ is not an option from a climate perspective. There are, therefore, many challenges as well as opportunities for the tourism sector of tomorrow. And research on the subject must play a pivotal role for the tourism sector to develop more sustainably. During the conference, Nordregio’s partners at CRT (Centre for Regional…
2021 September
- Nordic Region
- Covid-19
- Finance
- Governance
- Tourism
Nordregio is hiring: Head of GIS Department
Nordregio is inviting applications for a senior position as Head of GIS Department. Working at Nordregio means an opportunity to become part of a truly international research environment with a focus on sustainable regional development in the Nordic region and beyond. It offers significant career development potential in terms of enhancing your competences through applied and policy relevant research, achieving an international network of contacts, as well as getting extensive experience in team and project management. You will also get rich opportunities to collaborate with regional and municipal stakeholders in the Nordic countries. Nordregio is currently seeking a new Head of GIS Department with: Expertise in GIS, geo-data, quantitative analysis, and applied research in the field of regional development. Experience in leading a team and managing projects as well as a successful track record in grant applications. Knowledge in geographies and socio-economic trends in the Nordic Region and beyond. A drive for working in teams and in an international applied research environment. Eagerness to present and disseminate results to different stakeholder groups, both orally and in written format. Competences and qualifications As Head of GIS Department, you both lead and manage the GIS-team by planning and organising tasks and activities, communicate with each team member and contribute to their development. You are also a project manager with responsibilities to attract, initiate and lead externally funded research and innovation projects. The geographic scope of your field of interest includes a European and international perspective and expert knowledge in at least one of the Nordic countries. We appreciate abilities in external networking and in communication with stakeholders. Internally we appreciate analytical and creative skills, complemented by abilities to both cooperate and work on your own. For this position, you have at least 6 years of relevant work experience and an extensive network…
2021 February
- Arctic
- Baltic Sea Region
- Cross-border
- Europe
- Global
- Nordic Region
- Arctic issues
- Bioeconomy
- Covid-19
- Digitalisation
- Finance
- Gender equality
- Governance
- Green transition
- Integration
- Labour market
- Maritime spatial planning
- Migration
- Regional innovation
- Rural development
- Sustainable development
- Tourism
- Urban planning
18th February, 30min workshop with the Nordic Service Mapper
Join the Nordic Service Mapper workshop which will guide you on how to measure distances to different types of services, including grocery stores, pharmacies, libraries and schools, across the Nordic Region. Nordregio will host an English workshop on the 18th February for anyone who is interested. Sign up for a 30min digital demo here: https://www.lyyti.in/Nordic_Service_Mapper_workshop_7425 Visit Nordic Service Mapper First premiere was at the Swedish Reglab Pleis event 11 February: 11 February kl 13.15 ar Reglab Pleis, Lär pass 10: Nytt kartverktyg ger koll på serviceI samband med REGLAB [pleɪs] passar Nordregio på att lansera ett nytt online-baserat kartverktyg. Var med och testa funktionerna och diskutera hur din region jämför sig med andra. Med hjälp av verktyget blir det tydligt vilka delar av regionen som kan behöva nya lösningar för att förbättra tillgången till service – från apotek och bibliotek till skolor och mataffärer. Kanske är det närmare att åka till grannregionen eller över gränsen? Vi ser fram emot en interaktiv session där du kan ge oss värdefull feedback. Lärpasset har plats för max 100 deltagare. Först till kvarn gäller.Kartograf Oskar Penje och Mats Stjernberg, seniorforskare, Nordregio 11 February kl 14.00 at Reglab Pleis, lär pass 15: Turismens vägskälTurismen har påverkats starkt av Corona-pandemin men på olika sätt. Minskad turism har gett möjlighet till återhämtning i överexploaterade områden medan andra har behövt ändra strategi för att locka nya målgrupper. Hur ser vägvalen ut för framtiden? Kan vi öka turismen och samtidigt värna natur och klimat? Är nyckeln att uppmuntra turister att bete sig mer ansvarstagande? I en ny rapport visar Nordregio hur regional planering kan bidra till långsiktigt hållbar turism som ger intäkter lokalt utan att skada eller överutnyttja de lokala resurser den bygger på. Vi presenterar också nya metoder för att mäta ekonomiska effekter av turismen i BRP och…
2021 February
- Nordic Region
- Covid-19
- Rural development
- Sustainable development
- Tourism