44 News
Green growth and spatial planning in the Nordic city regions
Nordic cooperation on green growth is important if we are to improve common infrastructure for coping with shared economic and climate challenges, and we are to move research and innovation forward in order to create a more environmentally friendly Nordic region. Nordregio Working Paper 2014:5 A new working paper has been compiled by a team of Nordregio researchers and aims to provide planners, relevant stakeholders and policy-makers with a useful reference document on the potential interactions between spatial planning and green growth in Nordic city regions. More specifically, the intention of this study is to reveal and provide a better understanding of the key concepts inherent to the spatial planning of green growth in a city regional context from a Nordic perspective.
2014 December
- Nordic Region
- Green transition
- Regional innovation
- Urban planning
The Territorial Dimension of Poverty and Social Exclusion in Europe (TIPSE)
Seminar and workshop, 25 November 2014, Stockholm, Sweden The purpose with the workshop is to discuss the main conceptual, methodological and empirical findings from TiPSE and their relevance from a European and Nordic perspective. The ESPON TiPSE project has tackled the issue of poverty and processes of social exclusion in Europe. The project has contributed to improve the evidence base for policy to promote inclusive growth. The ESPON TiPSE has been aiming at supporting policy, both by enhancing the evidence base and by identifying existing good practice. Poverty and social exclusion are essentially relative concepts, arguably meaningful only within a specified geographical context. This underlines the central importance of observation, measurement, and careful data analysis as an essential preparation for intervention. The main outcomes of the project have been the generation of a regional database and associated maps, of poverty and social exclusion indicators, as well as mapping of macro and micro-scale patterns of poverty and social exclusion across the ESPON space. Furthermore, the project has derived recommendations for the monitoring of territorial trends in poverty and processes of exclusion. Register by email to veronique.larsson@nordregio.se by 17 November. State your name, organisation, and email address. The seminar is free of charge, but the number of participants is limited. The language of the seminar will be English. Download a draft of the workshop programme
2014 October
- Europe
- Nordic Region
- Governance
Nordic Council Session 2014
Meet Nordregio at the 66th Nordic Council Session in Stockholm. We will be present 28-29 October 2014. How can Nordic co-operation in education, integration and the labour market be lifted to the next level? The summit for parliamentarians and the prime ministers that opens the Session of the Nordic Council in Stockholm, 28-30 October, will go right to the core of the Nordic model. Read more about the Session of the Nordic Council in Stockholm
2014 October
- Nordic Region
- Governance
- Integration
- Labour market
Reflections from the Social Innovation workshop
Social innovation as a concept has gained importance in the European policy discourse. Social innovation is about the development and implementation of new ideas (products, services and models) to meet social needs and create new social relationships or collaborations, i.e. using a more participatory approach. The aim is usually to make better use of public and human resources while preventing social exclusion. To explore the concept further and its implications for the Nordic Countries, The Nordic Council of Minister’s Working Group on Demography and Welfare together with Nordregio arranged a workshop entitled Social Innovation: new Nordic approaches for solving demographic and welfare challenges. Presentations from the workshop Anna-Karin Berglund: How do we tackle demographic and welfare challenges? Björn Hasselgren: Regional cooperation in the Öresund region Ingrid Johnsen & Liisa Perjo: Social innovation in sight Malin Lindberg: How to fill the notion of social innovation with empirical content? Mikko Martikainen: How to support social innovation insights from the Finnish perspective Jeremy Millard: What is social innovation and how can it address social need and societal challenges? Hans Westlund: Social Innovation, Entrepreneurial Governance and Social Capital: Keys to Rural Development? Martin Wikström: Sociala innovationer – Ett internationellt perspektiv
2014 October
- Europe
- Governance
- Regional innovation
- Rural development
Structures, Processes, Policies
Alexandre Dubois, Senior Research Fellow at Nordregio, was one of the keynote speakers at the 19th Nordic Demographic Symposium. The conference took place in Aalborg this year September 18 – 20, and was hosted by the Danish Demographic Society. The theme of the conference was “Regional Development with a focus on Rural Areas”. Alexandre’s presentation focused on the specific challenges and opportunities of sparsely populated areas in the Nordic countries. Download the presentation. Read more about the Nordic Demographic Symposium
2014 October
- Nordic Region
- Regional innovation
- Rural development
Promoting the relational turn in rural development
Nordregio’s Senior Research Fellow Alexandre Dubois has co-authored, in collaboration with Dimitris Skuras from the University of Patras, Greece, a chapter in the book Territorial Cohesion in Rural Europe. The Relational Turn in Rural Development, published this summer. The book, edited by Andrew K. Copus and Philomena de Lima, provides a state-of-the-art overview of recent research on the topic of Rural Development and Territorial Cohesion. It reflects on how the economies, social characteristics, ways of life and global relationships of rural areas of Europe have changed in recent years. This reveals a need to refresh the concepts we use to understand, measure and describe rural communities and their development potential. In their contribution, Alexandre and Dimitris argue that the shift to the New Rural Economy may necessitate new forms of policy initiatives than the traditional ones in Rural Development Policy. This in order to support local actors in transforming the rural economic space from an inward-looking, nature-based and mono-industrial society to one based on relations across sectors and across geographical contexts.
2014 October
- Europe
- Governance
- Rural development
Kjell Nilsson appointed Affiliated Professor
Nordregio’s Director Kjell Nilsson has been appointed Affiliated Professor in Planning and Management of the Urban Green Infrastructure at the Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management, Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen. Congratulations Kjell! What does this entail for you and Nordregio? “- In my position as Director of Nordregio I think it is good to have a formal affiliation with an academic environment. Hopefully, it will result in a closer cooperation, for example joint PhD projects, common applications for EU projects and dissemination of research results, where University of Copenhagen has excellent channels for reaching Danish practitioners. I in my turn will bring a Nordic perspective to the university, as well as the extensive knowledge on regional development that is Nordregio’s token.” Kjell will hold an inaugural lecture on 20 October at 2 pm. Read more here (in Danish)
2014 September
- Nordic Region
- Green transition
- Urban planning
Towards Better Territorial Governance in Europe
A guide for practitioners, policy and decision makers based on contributions from the ESPON TANGO Project Europe is still in recovery from a deep financial crisis and is struggling with unemployment and social exclusion. At the same time, it must switch to a low carbon economy and adapt to climate changes that are already underway. Responding to these daunting tasks requires effective and urgent policy initiatives and actions at European, national, regional and local levels as well as across different policy sectors. This is well recognised in Europe 2020, the EU growth strategy for the coming decade and aimed at making the EU a smart, sustainable and inclusive economy. A guide based on contributions from the ESPON TANGO Project has been published, aimed at practitioners, policy and decision makers. The guide highlights key elements for improving territorial governance in Europe. Read more and download Towards Better Territorial Governance in Europe. For questions, contact the ESPON Coordination Unit at info@espon.eu
2014 September
- Europe
- Nordic Region
- Governance
- Green transition
- Sustainable development
The Impact of the Local Government Institutional Framework on the Distribution of Intergovern-mental Grants: Greek Republic as a Case Study
New refereed article in European Journal of Spatial Development by Konstantinos J. Hazakis & Panagiotis G. Ioannidis. The article analyses grant allocation from central governments to municipalities in Greece during the period 2003-2010. A quantitative analysis is based on two simple models that include normative socioeconomic and institutional factors. Data of 970 municipalities and 50 prefectures of Greece over the period 2003-2010 clearly show that institutional variables such as years of general elections and prefect’s experience exert more influence on grant allocation than normative variables such as GDP per capita. A substantial transfer of competences from central to local government could significantly ameliorate local tax revenues. Keywords: intergovernmental grants, decentralization, local government expenditure, regional government, regional economic policy. Read and download The Impact of the Local Government Institutional Framework on the Distribution of Intergovern-mental Grants: Greek Republic as a Case Study
2014 August
- Europe
- Nordic Region
- Governance