Elin works as a Research Fellow at Nordregio and has a background in human geography and urban and regional planning. Her main research interests lie within spatial governance and rural and regional development – both with a land-based and marine outlook.
Academic Qualifications
MSc in Urban and Regional Planning, Department of Human Geography, Stockholm University (2017-2020)
BSc in Human Geography with Intelligence Analysis for Policy and Business, Department of Human Geography, Stockholm University (2013-2016)
Understands Danish, Norwegian and Spanish
Prior positions
Project coordinator – Gymnasieprojektet, Schyst resande (2016-2017)
Urban development guide – Stockholm Room, City of Stockholm (2018-2019)
Peer-reviewed articles:
Moodie, J.R., Kull, M., Cedergren, E., Giacometti, A., Morf, A., Qvist Eliasen, S., & Schröder, L. (2021) Transboundary marine spatial planning in the Baltic Sea Region: towards a territorial governance approach?. Maritime Studies (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40152-020-00211-0
Moodie, J., Tapia, C., Löfving, L., Gassen, N.S., Cedergren, E. (2021). Towards a Territorially Just Climate Transition—Assessing the Swedish EU Territorial Just Transition Plan Development Process. Sustainability 2021, 13, 7505. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13137505
Scientific and popular science reports:
Cedergren, E., Huynh, D., Kull, M., Moodie, J., Sigurjónsdóttir., H.R., & Wøien Meijer, M. (2021). Public service delivery in the Nordic Region: An exercise in collaborative governance. Nordregio Report 2021: 4. Available at: https://nordregio.org/publications/public-service-delivery-in-the-nordic-region-an-exercise-in-collaborative-governance/
Cedergren, E., Huynh, D., Kull, M., Moodie, J., Sigurjónsdóttir., H.R., & Wøien Meijer, M. (2021). Public service delivery in the Nordic Region: An exercise in collaborative governance. Policy Brief 2021: 2. Available at: https://nordregio.org/publications/public-service-delivery-in-the-nordic-region-an-exercise-in-collaborative-governance-2/
Tapia, C., Cedergren, E., Löfving, L., Moodie, J., & Sanchez-Gassen, N. (2021). Potential territorial impacts of the transition to a climate-neutral economy in Gotland, Norrbotten, and Västra Götaland. Support to the preparation of Territorial Just Transition Plans in Sweden (REFORM/SC2020/118).
Löfving, L., Lundgren, A., & Cedergren, E. (2021). Utvärdering av processen En Bättre Sits 2018-2020. Nordregio 2021.
Morf, A., Gee, K., Giacometti, A., Cedergren, E., Eliasen Qvist, S., Kull, M., Moodie, J.R. & Luhtala, H. 2020. Stakeholder Involvement in Baltic Sea Marine Spatial Planning – Towards Transformative Participation? Deliverable 2.5 in the BONUS BASMATI project.
Giacometti, A., Morf, A., Gee, K., Kull, M, Luhtala, H., Cedergren, E. (2020). Handbook: Process, Methods and Tools for Stakeholder Involvement in MSP. Nordregio, Stockholm. Available at: https://nordregio.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/BONUS-BASMATI-handbook-digital.pdf
Lundgren, A., Teräs, J., Morf, A., Cedergren, E. (2020) Delutvärdering Marint Gränsforum Skagerrak. Nordregio, Stockholm. Available at: http://norden.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:1429257/FULLTEXT01.pdf
Lundgren, A., Teräs, J., Löfving, L., Cedergren, E. (2020) Kompetensförsörjningsbehov inom områdena för Värmlands forsknings- och innovationsstrategi för smart specialisering. Slutrapport. April 2020. Nordregio, Stockholm. Available at: http://norden.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:1429254/FULLTEXT01.pdf
Eliasen SQ, Cedergren E, Morf A, Gee K. Lessons learned – Knowledge integration tools for MSP by BONUS BASMATI. BONUS BASMATI Deliverable 2.4, September 2020. Available: https://bonusbasmati.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/BONUS_BASMATI_Del_2_4_knowledge_integration_tools.pdf
Moodie, J., Huynh, D., Cedergren, E., (2020) Strengthening regional resilience through collaborative management: A case study on the fisheries co-management Northern Bohuslän. Nordregio, Stockholm. Available at: https://norden.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:1465522/FULLTEXT01.pdf
Morf, A., Gee, K., Giacometti, A., Cedergren, E., Eliasen, S., Kull, M., Moodie, J., & Luhtala, H. (2020). Stakeholder Involvement in Baltic Sea Marine Spatial Planning – Towards Transformative Participation? Deliverable 2.5 in the BONUS BASMATI project.
Morf, A., (ed) Cedergren, E., Gee, K., Kull, M., Eliasen, S. (2019): Lessons, Stories and Ideas on how to integrate Land Sea Interactions into MSP. Nordregio, Stockholm. Available at: http://www.panbalticscope.eu/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/LSI-report-Pan-Baltic-Scope.pdf
Cedergren, E., Kull, M., Moodie, J., Morf., A. (2019): Lessons Learned in Cross-border Maritime Spatial Planning – Experiences and insights from Pan Baltic Scope. Nordregio, Stockholm. Available at: http://www.panbalticscope.eu/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Lessons_learnt_FINAL.pdf
Related Research Projects
- Local ownership in transitions towards sustainable energy systems (ELO)
- BONUS BASMATI – Baltic Sea Maritime Spatial Planning for Sustainable Ecosystem Services
- Regional collaboration on service provision and social innovation
- PanBaltic SCOPE
- Study on taxation in support of green transition
- Sweden-Norway Cross-Border Mapping
- A Just Green Transition in rural areas: local benefits from value creation
- Service provision and access to services in Nordic rural areas – secure, trusted and for all ages
- Territorial Just Transition Plans for Gotland and Norrbotten
- Gen Z Agency: Mobilising young people to strengthen Nordic rural areas
- Food self-sufficiency in Nordic island societies: the current situation and the way forward
- Marint Gränsforum Skagerrak – external evaluation
- eMSP Project: Emerging ecosystem-based Maritime Spatial Planning topics in North and Baltic Seas Region
- Smart Adaptation to Rural Realities: Approaches and practices in Nordic municipalities and regions
Related Publications
- Kompetensbehov för Smart specialisering i Värmland
- Marint Gränsforum Skagerrak – delutvärdering
- BONUS BASMATI HANDBOOK: Process, Methods and Tools for Stakeholder Involvement in Maritime Spatial Planning
- Strengthening regional resilience through adaptive collaboration
- Policy brief – Public service delivery in the Nordic Region: An exercise in collaborative governance
- Just Green Transition – key concepts and implications in the Nordic Region
- Discussion paper: A “Just Green Transition” for Rural Areas in the Nordic Region: key concepts and implications
- Service provision and access to services in Nordic rural areas
- Selvforsyning af fødevarer i fem nordiske øsamfund
- Public service delivery in the Nordic Region: An exercise in collaborative governance
- What impact do climate change policies have on Nordic economies, industries, and households?
- From Fields to Futures: 40 action points for rural revitalisation
- Gen Z Agency: Mobilising young people to strengthen Nordic rural areas – What we did and how we did it
- Rooting for the Rural: Changing narratives and creating opportunities for Nordic rural youth
- Powering up Värmland with water
Related external pages
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