Åsa no longer works at Nordregio. For contact or more information please contact nordregio@nordregio.org
Åsa manages several projects related to sustainable development, including Nordic cooperation for Agenda 2030 at the local level and Nordic Programme for Sustainable Living.
Academic qualifications
MSc in Political Science, Uppsala University, Sweden
Prior positions
Head of Communications at Nordregio. Responsible for the outreach part of Nordregio’s mission: to make sure we reach our stakeholders and present policy relevant research in user-friendly formats. In practice this entailed building a pro-active team that developed new formats for Nordregio’s website, digital channels, publications, webinars, and conferences for Nordic knowledge exchange. Another important part of the role was to maintain and build new relations with practitioners’ networks across the Nordics and contribute to their work.
Consultant focusing on women’s economic empowerment and local development in Jordan for the Embassy of Sweden in Amman, the Arab Women Enterprise Fund., and the Business and Professional Women’s Association, Amman.
Swedish Ministry for Enterprise, Energy and Communications, responsible for mainstreaming gender and integration perspectives in the development and implementation of the national policy for sustainable regional growth. Also coordinating the Nordic collaboration on regional policy.
The Government’s Commission on the Future of Sweden, project manager, analysing the outlook and challenges for Swedish municipalities and regions towards 2020 and 2050.
Swedish Ministry for the Environment, deputy project manager for an international conference on sustainable development (Stockholm+40) in the run up to the Rio+20 Summit.
Swedish Government Offices’ Information Department, Head of the editorial team of the government’s website, www.regeringen.se, also managing various communication projects.
The United Nations Population Fund, New York, coordinating UNFPA’s participation in the global Women Deliver Conference (promoting maternal health and empowerment of girls and women world wide).
Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Sweden, Desk Officer responsible for Sweden’s official relations with Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Nepal focusing on development cooperation, corruption, human rights, gender issues etc.
The Swedish Integration Agency, Project Coordinator of the flagship report “State of the Integration process in Sweden” (Rapport integration), including communications and launching activities.
Consulate General of Sweden, Los Angeles, responsible for promoting Sweden and Swedish technology, design, arts and films in California.
Related Research Projects
- Combatting long-term unemployment post-Covid – focusing on immigrants in the Nordic countries
- Nordic collaboration for integration of refugees and migrants
- Employers’ role and responsibility in the integration of refugees and migrants
- Nordic cooperation for Agenda 2030 implementation at the local level
Related Publications
- Policies and measures for speeding up labour market integration of refugees in the Nordic region: A knowledge overview
- Fler flyktingar fortare i arbete – Åtgärder för snabbare etablering på arbetsmarknaden
- From migrants to workers: Regional and local practices on integration of labour migrants and refugees in rural areas in the Nordic countries
- The missing multiplier
- What’s in a voluntary local review?
- Steering towards a sustainable future
- Nordregio Strategy 2021-2024
- Agenda 2030. How to reach the goals and measure success at the local level
- Combatting long-term unemployment among immigrants
- The Nordic Region and the 2030 Agenda: Governance and engagement (2021-2022)
- Youth as partners in the green transition
- Employers’ perspectives on hiring immigrants – Experiences from the Nordic countries
- The Nordic View on Sustainability – Learnings from the Local Level
- Climate, Youth and Gender: Inclusion strategies for Nordic youth movements
- Sustainable Living Hub
Related News
- Nordregio celebrates its 25th anniversary
- Nordic City Network seminar for stronger cooperation and project planning
- Nordregio Forum 2021 – some highlights!
- Segregation, Covid-19 and living conditions – myths meet research
- Submit abstracts now: Ruralities and Regions in Transition, Sweden
- 2-3 July: Meet Nordregio in Almedalen
- New report: From migrants to workers
- Nov 8-9: Strategy Forum of the EUSBSR
- Common working group meeting in Copenhagen on 10 May
- Seminar at Fores: How to reduce car emissions and grow the bioeconomy
- Nordic Council Session 2014
- Nordic Bioeconomy and Regional Innovation
- Nordregio presents insights on the future labour market in ÅSUB’s seminar
- Nordic municipalities are taking local SDG action
- New publication: Combatting long-term unemployment among immigrants
- Hard to get. Easy to choose. Supporting sustainable living with the help of the Nordic Swan Ecolabel
- Meet Nordregio in Almedalen 2023
- Decade of action: Localising the global goals in the Nordic countries and beyond
- The Nordic fashion paradox: We consume too much despite strong climate awareness
- With Black Friday around the corner, the Nordic Co-operation urges consumers to be mindful of their spending
- Young people in the Nordic countries demand changes for sustainability
- A new global benchmark for localising the 2030 Agenda
- Strategies for youth climate action in new report
- Sweden’s climate minister opens Nordic sustainability summit
- Young leaders practice slow fashion and push for action in Vilnius
- Nordic Summit highlights synergies for sustainable lifestyles
Related Events
- Join Nordregio at Urban Future & H22 sustainable cities expo in Helsingborg
- Webinar: Grasping the diversity among older adults – Active and healthy ageing in the Nordic region
- Steering towards a sustainable future
- Sustainable tourism post-Covid: 4th session of Nordregio Forum 3 February
- 17 February: Taking the 2030 Agenda to the local level!
- Nordregio Forum 2015: Nordic City Regions in a Global Environment
- Final seminar of the Nordic Demography Programme
- Nordic Bioeconomy and Regional Innovation
- Nordic workshop: Behaviour change for sustainable food consumption
- Nordregio at Ungdommens Folkemøde NORD
- From vision to action: Agenda 2030 in rural municipalities
- How can we achieve a fair green transition for all?
- Escaping Fast Fashion – How you can act for change
- Why should you (not) hire refugees and immigrants?
- Meet a local. A Nordic model of community sponsorship for refugees
- The Nordic View on Sustainability – lessons and practices
- Sustainable Living Summit: How you can act for change
- Where are the boys in climate action? How to break the bubbles and join forces
- Nordic VSR official launch: The Nordic View on Sustainability
- Ystad Summit: Hur kan nordiska städer ta ledningen i klimatomställningen?